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Re: [Ayatana] Reducing Resistance to Change

On 29/04/10 06:35, Jeremy Nickurak wrote:
> On point 2: People lost the ability to manage fine-grained
> information, or in some cases, information at all. "Time to charge
> battery" is still missing, as are many of the other things people
> brought up in that bug.

Is it not available if you dig into the detail? It should be, if you
click on the battery in the menu, possible to find this information.

The real question is: what information should we force every user of the
system to have to absorb? Less is more, and yet everyone will have their
idea of what piece is the most valuable to the most people. The
specification describes the things that we believe are the most
important for the most people. Those pieces are not revealed as
tooltips, but they are more easily accessible.

> On point 1: Looking at the tooltip bug in particular. The argument was
> made that "menus don't have tooltips". But the *main* ubuntu menus,
> for Applications, Places, and System, *all* have tooltips. As far as I
> know, this was never addressed.

That's easily addressed, thanks for the reminder ;-)


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