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Re: [Ayatana] Papercut or not? Bug #495403 in One Hundred Paper Cuts: “Do not raise windows or dialogs without user input”

Hey Conscious

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 15:39, Conscious User <conscioususer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
That's the main reason I dislike the current behavior of the update
manager window. :)

I personally think a better approach would be something like the
morphing things suggested in the notification guidelines: in
front, without focus and translucid. Wherever you were typing,
you can keep typing.



I believe a smart DE needs manners. You do not interrupt the operator while he identifies himself as "busy".

on the focus stealing issue i mentioned earlier.. there's a workaround i found, and i think it should be default in any ubuntu installation.

windows shouldn't be raised on click.
If i can click on a windows content, it is obviously already not covered by another window, so no need for window raising is implied by my behaviour. Why does the WM still raise then?