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Re: [Ayatana] File transfer dialog behaviour

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 17:04, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To avoid that kind of confusion, a progress window -- a window that
embodies a task the computer is completing, and closes itself when done
- -- should not have a close button in its title bar at all.

thank you. ditch the title bar, like Policykit does, is my suggestion.
The failure to systematically distinguish progress windows, dialogs, and
other window types is a long-standing design flaw in Gnome.

Yah,.. Many of these problems will automatically vanish with the advent of CSD
In 2008 I wrote a specification for Nautilus's progress window.

you did that in '08 already?
the item's name shouldn't be in the title? why is that?