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Re: [Ayatana] Making menus easier to find

2011/8/29 Jeremy Bicha <jbicha@xxxxxxxxxx>
On 29 August 2011 03:06, Stefanos A. <stapostol@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2011/8/29 Stefanos A. <stapostol@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Some food for thought on restored window menus.

Your prototype looks similar to what GNOME Shell is doing. When
clicked, an appmenu is revealed which is fairly similar to Unity
quicklists (not the Unity appmenu). However, I don't know if any apps
have bothered to use it.

I'm not so sure. My proposal would use the global-menu functionality to derive the correct menu items. Applications wouldn't have to do change any code - any application working with global-menu would automatically work with this.