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Re: [Ayatana] buttons in file browser

On 02/11/2011 12:43, anthropornis wrote:
> In Nautilus Elementary I had 3 buttons to switch views (icon, list, compact). It
> was on the same row as the location (text or breadcrumb) and was not cluttered
> for me at all.

Strange. In my Nautilus Elementary, the buttons were on the status bar beside
the zoom slider. But yes, I agree it wasn't cluttered. It looked pretty nice

> [...]
> But what you suggest is actually interesting -- a customizable tool bar, just
> like in LibreOffice, Firefox, and other mainstream applications. Oh my, I could
> potentially have 20 different buttons I could add to my own toolbar, or just
> select a subset of, e.g., 3 of those, to put on my personalized tool bar. That
> almost sounds .... like something that has been around for years.

That was pretty obvious without having you mention it, but thanks anyway.

> I understand that you do not see a problem with the current "solution." That is
> typically how problems begin, one user thinks his way should be the way for
> everyone, and just excuse this penchant by throwing out that old bromide "oh,
> you can't please everyone". That is true, but it's one thing to actually try,
> and another to just say "do it my way". This is why I don't consistently follow
> this mailing list, because there is no shortage of that type of thinking present
> here. Other users? What other users?

If I had it my way without considering other users, I would have a show hidden
files/folders checkbox somewhere visible on the UI, not hidden in the menu. Try
thinking about the greatest common denominator here, why don't you?

> The thing is, if people other than yourself have things they can toggle on/off,
> or re-arrange, at will, it does not even have to affect you, or your own views
> on clutter. We can ~all~ be closer to happy that way. User interface precedents
> do exist in this area. I never understand why that is so offensive to some people.

Yay, but the UX team wasn't so happy with that, last I checked. *cough*
notify-osd *cough* (not that I dislike its default behaviour, by the way)

> [...]
> PS for the time being I am using GPRename instead of Purrr, but thanks for the
> suggestion (that reply didn't make it to the list).


Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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