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Re: Poor state of support.


El día Tuesday, January 03, 2017 a las 07:43:26PM +0000, Gareth France escribió:

> So, can somebody PLEASE give us a clear indication, will there be an OTA 
> 15? When is that likely to happen?
> Failing this can someone please remind me once again how I reflash my 
> phone? (BQ E4.5)

Try to follow this (and the docs to which it is pointing):


Before thinking in OTA15, you should flash your device to a known good
state. Have you mounted it to write?

Why do you think, that OTA15 was canceled. 


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
No to the €! Out of this imperialistic EU! Out of the imperialistic NATO war alliance!
¡No al €! ¡Fuera de esta UE imperialista! ¡Fuera de esta OTAN imperialista!
N€IN zum €! Raus aus dieser imperialistischen EU! Raus aus dieser imperialistischen NATO!

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