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Re: Saving to memory slots freezes Yade


> I get this error when I run a file using the FileGenerator:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/booncw/yade/YADEbA/lib/yade-bA/py/yade/__init__.py in generateSlot(self)
>     120                         print 'BUG: Saving to memory slots
> freezes Yade (cause unknown). Cross fingers.'
>     121                 #print 'Will save to ',filename
> --> 122                 self.generator.generate(filename)
>     123                 if self.generatorAutoCheck:
>     124                         O.load(filename)
> RuntimeError: unregistered class
> And when I run a script using python, I get this error:
> Welcome to Yade bzr2440
> TCP python prompt on localhost:9000, auth cookie `sduayc'
> XMLRPC info provider on http://localhost:21000
> Running script mindlin_test.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/booncw/yade/YADEbA/bin/yade-bA", line 127, in runScript
>     execfile(script,globals())
>   File "mindlin_test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     O.saveTmp('Mindlin')
> RuntimeError: unregistered class

> Please help me. Anyone who has a clue. Haha.
Did you insert the RAM module into the floppy drive? I will have to see
your computer.

The first error indicates that you checked the "memory slot" thing on
the Generate tab, but how did you do it if it is disabled on purpose, so
that this bug (?) is not triggered?! For the second one, what is in the
mindlin_test.py file?

To check your machine at distance, you must install openssh-server on
it, then connect to your lab machine with

ssh -R9999:localhost:22 chiab@engs-*****.eng.ox.ac.uk 

and keep the connection open. Then you will be able to ssh to your
machine with "ssh -p9999 localhost" from the lab and we will see what is

Cheers, v.

Follow ups
