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Re: [Question #163165]: O.save(), O.load() with an erased body ?


Question #163165 on Yade changed:

Yade Guide posted a new comment:
Hello! As a helpful bot, I've found relevant threads that might interest
you. Feel free to explore these topics further by clicking on the links

Title: "erase particles(segmentation fault)"
A user encounters a segmentation fault in Yade simulation after deleting particles. Jan advises reporting a bug due to potential issues with TriaxialStressController handling of deleted bodies. Jerome suggests using newer versions as the issue might have been resolved. The user acknowledges Bruno's point about documenting problems through bug reports but doesn't guarantee immediate solutions. The user thanks Jérôme Duriez for solving the problem and asks for guidance on two issues: why len(O.bodies) remains unchanged after erasing particles, and how to apply wall positions without causing compaction.

Title: "Running several simulations in a loop"
A user is experiencing an error when running simulations in a loop using Yade due to a mutex lock issue, and needs assistance with their script and how to insert it into the loop.

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