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Re: zim as site creator - crazy idea


 Very crazy indeed
That would work if you were using "Tools > Start Web Server", something
simple in python. But this is more for local network environment.
For a site export, it would be a big change because now you would have 2
different components. Static HTML files, and now also server code files. It
would be harder to publish/host and configure.

What people I see people doing is not storing the comments themselves, and
just embed a url of a service in their websites that generates a comment
section like https://disqus.com/.


By embedding a small JavaScript in each page, you can store people comments
on a GitHub repository issues.

> <script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js";        repo="[ENTER REPO HERE]"        issue-term="url"        theme="github-light"        crossorigin="anonymous"        async></script>
Others that you can host yourself or use their services

On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 at 15:37, John R. Marks, IV <jrm4@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Interesting stuff on "zim as a site generator" Broadly, I get what people
> are saying about the "intent" of jekyll, but as a bit of an old-timer, I'm
> inclined to go with what I like, especially having seen many intended
> projects underperform "unintended" ones -- Wordpress may be the perfect
> example of that, probably one of the best CMS' that did not start out as
> one.
> Anyway, to my crazy idea:  I'm the creator of the eight-five-zero remix
> html template and I'm about to try to create a comment system compatible
> with and created in zim as a template, in php, designed for
> ultra-simplicity. As in:
> Flat file, no sql, single page with comments stored in an "adjacent" text
> file and "included" or otherwise parsed by php into the page. Similar to
> (and perhaps based on) the below project.
> https://github.com/rosslagerwall/simplecommentsystem
> Only additional thing I can see doing is a simple captcha as well.
> Interested in thoughts (especially if anyone has tried or thought of
> anything like this  --mostly within the bounds of what I've described, I've
> considered MANY more complex alternatives but I want to see if this can be
> done simply, within zim.
> John


Guilherme Lino
