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Keyboard shortcut for "migrated" checkbox


Hi there,

when clicking checkboxes they cycle through unchecked [], ok [*], nok [x], and migrated [>]. There’s keyboard shortcut F12 for toggling “ok” in pageview.py lines 6122-6129. There’s keyboard shortcut Shift+F12 for toggling “nok” in pageview.py lines 6131-6138.  There is code for toggling migrated from line 6140-6147 but without a keyboard shortcut.

May I suggest to change line 6140
                @action(_('Toggle Checkbox \'>\''), verb_icon=STOCK_MIGRATED_BOX, menuhints='edit') # T: Menu item

and introduce a keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift+f12 for toggling migrated
                @action(_('Toggle Checkbox \'>\''), '<primary><shift>F12', verb_icon=STOCK_MIGRATED_BOX, menuhints='edit') # T: Menu item


I’m not very familiar with the github fork and pull request routing. So please excuse this way of contribution.

Sincerely, Mayk.