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Re: lp:~renatonlima/account-payment/account-payment-extension-7.0 into lp:account-payment/7.0


Review: Needs Information installation and working test

Hi, Renato, thank you very much for your work to follow coding guidelines and PEP8 refactoring.

I have tested the module and it seems to work correctly, but due to massive changes and some variable renaming, it's very hard to know if there is any bug. Have you tried intensively this module in any installation?

Another thing that call my attention is that you are using this import:

from openerp.osv import fields, orm

instead the usual:

from osv import fields, orm

It works the same thing, but I'm curious why are you using it and if it isn't better to use the standard one.

As you said, I see that there are some things that are not refactored, like wizard folder. If you still have strength to work :), maybe it's better to include in the same MP all the changes, don't you think? I can give you a hand also.

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