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Re: [Question #657119]: package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré


Question #657119 on Ubuntu changed:

    Status: Needs information => Open

pierre Fourest gave more information on the question:

Thank you for your interest.

Here are the returns of the following commands:

uname -a 
Linux pierreSAMSUNG 4.10.0-33-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 11 10:55:28 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 

lsb_release -crid 
Distributor ID: Ubuntu 
Description: Ubuntu 17.04 
Release: 17.04 
Codename: zesty 

apt-cache policy amavisd-new-postfix 
Installé : 1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1 
Candidat : 1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1 
Table de version : 
*** 1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1 500 
500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe amd64 Packages 
500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe i386 Packages 
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 

sudo dpkg --audit 
Les paquets suivants ont été dépaquetés mais ne sont pas configurés. Ils 
doivent être configurés en utilisant dpkg --configure ou l'option configure 
du menu de dselect pour pouvoir fonctionner : 
amavisd-new-postfix part of Ubuntu mail stack provided by Ubuntu server team 

Les paquets suivants sont à demi configurés, probablement à cause de 
problèmes survenus lors de la première configuration. Il faudrait réessayer 
de les configurer en utilisant dpkg --configure <paquet> ou l'option 
configure du menu de dselect : 
amavisd-new Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters 

sudo dpkg --configure -a 
Paramétrage de amavisd-new (1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1) ... 
● amavis.service - LSB: Starts amavisd-new mailfilter 
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/amavis; generated; vendor preset: enabled) 
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-08-31 10:15:13 CEST; 27ms ago 
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) 
Process: 4121 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/amavis start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) 

août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: The value of variable $myhostname is "pierreSAMSUNG", but should have been 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: a fully qualified domain name; perhaps uname(3) did not provide such. 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: You must explicitly assign a FQDN of this host to variable $myhostname 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: in /etc/amavis/conf.d/05-node_id, or fix what uname(3) provides as a host's 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: network name! 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG amavis[4121]: (failed). 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG systemd[1]: amavis.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Starts amavisd-new mailfilter. 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG systemd[1]: amavis.service: Unit entered failed state. 
août 31 10:15:13 pierreSAMSUNG systemd[1]: amavis.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. 

Than you for your help,


----- Mail original -----

De: "Manfred Hampl" <question657119@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
À: "prr frst" <prr.frst@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Envoyé: Mercredi 30 Août 2017 10:13:29 
Objet: Re: [Question #657119]: package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.10.1-4ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré 

Your question #657119 on Ubuntu changed: 

Status: Open => Needs information

Manfred Hampl requested more information: 
For diagnostic reasons please provide the output of the following 

uname -a 
lsb_release -crid 
apt-cache policy amavisd-new-postfix 
sudo dpkg --audit 
sudo dpkg --configure -a 

(I am sorry that I cannot provide instructions in French language.)

To answer this request for more information, you can either reply to 
this email or enter your reply at the following page: 

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