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App Review Status


Hello everybody,

Jono talked to David and me and asked if we could help the ARB somewhat.

As a result of a long delay of getting the tools in place and everybody
being busy in their other roles, it seems there's a big problem with

To assess the situation, I had a look at [1] and found the following:

|   bug  | in queue | longest time (in d) |    who    |
|        | (in d)   | between comments    |           |
| 644066 |   429    |   224               |   ARB     |
| 691347 |   342    |   285               |   ARB     |
| 730196 |   263    |   206               |   ARB     |
| 758020 |   227    |   168               |   ARB     |
| 763937 |   221    |   164               |   ARB     |
| 861471 |    57    |    55               |   ARB     |
| 861480 |    57    |    43               |   ARB     |
| 861540 |    57    |    57               |   ARB     |
| 866067 |    51    |    51               |   ARB     |
| 866086 |    51    |    51               |   ARB     |
| 867660 |    51    |    51               |   ARB     |
| 877023 |    37    |    37               |   ARB     |
| 877029 |    37    |    37               |   ARB     |
| 877047 |    37    |    27               | submitter |
| 877057 |    37    |    37               |   ARB     |
| 881489 |    30    |    30               |   ARB     |
| 881515 |    30    |    26               | submitter |
| 881515 |    30    |    30               |   ARB     |
|   18   |   ∅ 113  |  ∅ 87               |  89% ARB  |

This is quite unscientific, but I just counted how long the bug had been
sitting there already and what the longest time between a request for
comment and a sufficient reply was. Also does this not take into account
how many bugs have been closed already.

Still it would be good to get the numbers down. I'll start a separate
conversation with the myapps team to find out if we can build in some of
these statistics.

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bugs

Most of the requests above require the initial review, others require
some action to get the package in. What do you feel would help you? Are
the bug statuses / bug tags you use sufficient? Would it help for ARB
members to have a dedicated ARB day in the week where they spend some
time on the queue? Would you like to invite others to help review the
packages? There's many options and it'd be great to get more apps in and
more app developers happy. :-)

Have a great day,

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