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[Merge] lp:~ycheng-twn/apport/bug-1841157 into lp:apport


Yuan-Chen Cheng has proposed merging lp:~ycheng-twn/apport/bug-1841157 into lp:apport.

Requested reviews:
  Apport upstream developers (apport-hackers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1841157 in Apport: "have /usr/bin/oem-getlogs in apport to collect all in one logs"

For more details, see:

add bin/oem-getlogs to collect all-in-one HWE log that will be very helpful for interacting with OEM vendor.
Your team Apport upstream developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ycheng-twn/apport/bug-1841157 into lp:apport.
=== added file 'bin/oem-getlogs'
--- bin/oem-getlogs	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ bin/oem-getlogs	2019-10-08 08:31:41 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+from apport.hookutils import *
+from glob import glob
+from io import BytesIO
+import zipfile
+from problem_report import CompressedValue
+import os, tempfile
+import time
+opt_debug = False
+# Apport helper routines
+def debug(text):
+    if opt_debug:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" %(text))
+def attach_command_output(report, command_list, key):
+    debug(" %s" %(' '.join(command_list)))
+    log = command_output(command_list)
+    if not log or log[:5] == "Error":
+        return
+    report[key] = log
+def attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, pathglob, key, data_filter=None, type="b"):
+    """Use zip file here because tarfile module in linux can't
+       properly handle file size 0 with contaent in /sys directory like
+       edid file. zipfile modulorks fine here. So we use it.
+       type:
+            a: for ascii type o    # TODO get case_id from argv, and put that into report filenameata
+            b: for binary type of data
+       """
+    if data_filter is None:
+        data_filter = lambda x: x
+    filelist = []
+    for pg in pathglob:
+        for file in glob(pg):
+            filelist.append(file)
+    zipf = BytesIO()
+    zipobj = zipfile.ZipFile(zipf, mode='w')
+    for f in filelist:
+        if opt_debug:
+            print(key, f)
+        if not os.path.isfile(f):
+            continue
+        if type == "a":
+            with open(f) as f_fd:
+                data = f_fd.read()
+                zipobj.writestr(f, data_filter(data))
+        else:
+            zipobj.write(f)
+    zipobj.close()
+    cvalue = CompressedValue()
+    cvalue.set_value(zipf.getbuffer())
+    report[key + ".zip"] = cvalue
+def attach_nvidia_debug_logs(report, keep_locale=False):
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    if not keep_locale:
+        env['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'C'
+    nv_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    nv_debug_file =  'nvidia-bug-report'
+    nv_debug_fullfile = os.path.join(nv_tempdir, nv_debug_file)
+    nv_debug_cmd = ['nvidia-bug-report.sh', '--output-file', nv_debug_fullfile]
+    try:
+        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
+            subprocess.run(nv_debug_cmd, env=env, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
+            nv_debug_fullfile_gz = nv_debug_fullfile + ".gz"
+            attach_file_if_exists(report, nv_debug_fullfile_gz, 'nvidia-bug-report.gz')
+            os.unlink(nv_debug_fullfile_gz)
+    except OSError as e:
+        err = 'Error: ' + str(e)
+    os.rmdir(nv_tempdir)
+def dot():
+    print(".", end="", flush=True)
+def build_packages():
+    # related packages
+    packages = ['apt', 'grub2']
+    # display
+    packages.append('xorg')
+    packages.append('gnome-shell')
+    # audio
+    packages.append('alsa-base')
+    # hotkey and hotplugs
+    packages.append('udev')
+    # networking issues
+    packages.append('network-manager')
+    return packages
+def helper_url_credential_filter(string_with_urls):
+    return re.sub("://\w+?:\w+?@", "://USER:SECRET@", string_with_urls)
+def add_info(report):
+    # Check if the DCD file is exist in the installer.
+    attach_command_output(report, ['ubuntu-report', 'show'], 'UbuntuReport'); dot()
+    attach_file_if_exists(report, '/etc/buildstamp', 'BuildStamp'); dot()
+    # Basic hardare information
+    attach_hardware(report); dot()
+    attach_alsa(report); dot()
+    attach_wifi(report); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['lspci', '-x'], 'lspci-xx'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['lshw', '-json'], 'lshw.json'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['dmidecode'], 'dmidecode'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['acpidump'], 'acpidump'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report,
+        ['fwupdmgr', 'get-devices', '--show-all-devices', '--no-unreported-check'],
+        'fwupdmgr_get-devices'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['boltctl', 'list'], 'boltctl-list'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['mokutil', '--sb-state'], 'mokutil---sb-state'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['tlp-stat'], 'tlp-stat'); dot()
+    # More audio related
+    attach_command_output(report, ['pactl', 'list'], 'pactl-list'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['aplay', '-l'], 'aplay-l'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['aplay', '-L'], 'aplay-L'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['arecord', '-l'], 'arecord-l'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['arecord', '-L'], 'arecord-L'); dot()
+    attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, ['/usr/share/alsa/ucm/*/*'], "ALSA-UCM"); dot()
+    # FIXME: should be included in xorg in the future
+    attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, ['/sys/devices/*/*/drm/card?/*/edid'], "EDID"); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['glxinfo'], 'glxinfo'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['xrandr'], 'xrandr'); dot()
+    attach_command_output(report, ['xinput'], 'xinput'); dot()
+    # nvidia-bug-reports.sh
+    attach_nvidia_debug_logs(report); dot()
+    # FIXME: shold be inclued in thermald in the future
+    attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, [
+        "/etc/thermald/*",
+        "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/*",
+        "/sys/class/thermal/*"
+        ], "THERMALD"); dot()
+    # all kernel and system messages
+    attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, ["/var/log/*", "/var/log/*/*"], "VAR_LOG"); dot()
+    # apt configs
+    attach_pathglob_as_zip(report, [
+        "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*",
+        "/etc/apt/sources.list",
+        "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list",
+        "/etc/apt/preferences.d/*"], "APT_CONFIGS",
+        type="a", data_filter=helper_url_credential_filter); dot()
+    # TODO: debug information for suspend or hibernate
+    # packages installed.
+    attach_command_output(report, ['dpkg', '-l'], 'dpkg-l'); dot()
+    # FIXME: shold be inclued in bluez in the future
+    attach_command_output(report, ['hciconfig'], 'hciconfig'); dot()
+    # FIXME: should be included in dkms in the future
+    attach_command_output(report, ['dkms', 'status'], 'dkms_status'); dot()
+    # enable when the feature to include data from package hooks exists.
+    # packages = build_packages()
+    # attach_related_packages(report, packages)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from argparse import ArgumentParser
+    import gzip
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog="oem-getlogs",
+        usage="Useage: sudo oem-getlogs [-c CASE_ID]",
+        description="Get Hardware Enablement related logs")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--case-id", help="optional CASE_ID", dest="cid", default="")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # check if we got root permission
+    if os.geteuid() != 0:
+        print("Error: you need to run this program as root")
+        parser.print_help()
+        os._exit(-1)
+    print("Start to collect logs: ", end="", flush=True)
+    # create report
+    report = apport.Report()
+    add_info(report)
+    # generate filename
+    hostname = os.uname()[1]
+    now = time.localtime()
+    date_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z", now)
+    filename_lst = ["oemlogs", hostname]
+    if (len(args.cid) > 0):
+        filename_lst.append(args.cid)
+    filename_lst.append(date_time + ".apport.gz")
+    filename = "-".join(filename_lst)
+    with gzip.open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+        report.write(f)
+    print("\nSave log to", filename)

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