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[Merge] lp:~buo-ren-lin/audio-recorder/audio-recorder into lp:audio-recorder


林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) has proposed merging lp:~buo-ren-lin/audio-recorder/audio-recorder into lp:audio-recorder.

Requested reviews:
  Audio-recorder (audio-recorder)

For more details, see:
Your team Audio-recorder is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~buo-ren-lin/audio-recorder/audio-recorder into lp:audio-recorder.
=== added file '.bzrignore'
--- .bzrignore	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .bzrignore	2019-03-09 09:33:46 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Ignore rules for Bazaar
+# Usage: bzr help ignore
+# Snap packaging specific rules

=== added file '.editorconfig'
--- .editorconfig	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .editorconfig	2019-03-09 09:33:46 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Configuration for EditorConfig <https://EditorConfig.org>
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true

=== added directory 'snap'
=== added directory 'snap/local'
=== added directory 'snap/local/patches'
=== added file 'snap/local/patches/postprocess-desktop-entries.sed'
--- snap/local/patches/postprocess-desktop-entries.sed	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ snap/local/patches/postprocess-desktop-entries.sed	2019-03-09 09:33:46 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This sed script processes desktop entries of the snapped
+# application.
+# Documentation:
+# * GNU Sed Manual
+#   https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual
+#     * `sed` script overview - `sed` scripts
+#     * `sed` commands summary - `sed` scripts
+#     * The `s` Command - `sed` scripts
+#     * Overview of basic regular expression syntax - Regular
+#       Expressions: selecting text
+#     * Back-references and Subexpressions - Regular Expressions:
+#       selecting text
+## Append '(Snappy Edition)' to the application name to make it
+## distinguishable with the other same application using different
+## software distribution technologies
+## FIXME: The appended string is not localizable, the proper way to
+##        implement this is to probably use a new X-Snappy-Name keys
+##        with localestring format to let the translators fill in
+##        additional localized string and use these values to replace
+##        the Name keys here.
+s/^\(Name\(\[.\+\]\)\?=.*\)$/\1 (Snappy Edition)/g
+## Fix-up application icon lookup

=== added file 'snap/snapcraft.yaml'
--- snap/snapcraft.yaml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ snap/snapcraft.yaml	2019-03-09 09:33:46 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+name: audio-recorder
+summary: A free audio-recorder for Linux
+description: |
+    This amazing program allows you to record your favourite music or audio to a file.
+    It can record audio from your system's soundcard, microphones, browsers, webcams & more.
+    Put simply; if it plays out of your loudspeakers you can record it.
+    It has an advanced timer that can:
+    * Start, stop or pause recording at a given clock time.
+    * Start, stop or pause after a time period.
+    * Stop when the recorded file size exceeds a limit.
+    * Start recording on voice or sound (user can set the audio threshold and delay).
+    * Stop or pause recording on "silence" (user can set the audio threshold and delay).
+    The recording can be atomatically controlled by:
+    * RhytmBox audio player.
+    * Banshee audio player.
+    * Amarok, VLC, Audacious and other MPRIS2 compatible players.
+    * Skype. It can automatically record all your Skype calls without any user interaction.
+    This program supports several audio (output) formats such as OGG audio, Flac, MP3 and WAV.
+    User can also control the recorder from command line with --command <arg> option.
+    See audio-recorder --help for more information.
+    Connect the snap to the `removable-media` slot to allow saving recordings to /media and /mnt:
+        sudo snap connect audio-recorder:removable-media
+icon: icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audio-recorder.svg
+adopt-info: audio-recorder
+grade: stable
+confinement: strict
+    # graphical resources access
+    desktop:
+    desktop-legacy:
+    x11:
+    unity7:
+    # storage access
+    home:
+    removable-media:
+    # audio access
+    pulseaudio:
+    # FIXME: Yet to be evaluated
+    gsettings:
+    mpris:
+    # FIXME: Required by v4l2 plugin of Gstreamer, should be dropped.
+    hardware-observe:
+    # dbus access
+    #dbus-service:
+    # FIXME: Doesn't appear to work
+    #dbus-service:
+        #interface: dbus
+        #name: org.gnome.API.AudioRecorderInterface
+        #bus: session
+    # Patches to fix other parts
+    patches:
+        source: snap/local/patches
+        source-type: local
+        plugin: dump
+        organize:
+            '*': patches/
+        stage:
+        - patches/*
+        prime:
+        - -*
+    desktop-gtk3:
+    audio-recorder:
+        after:
+        - patches
+        source: lp:audio-recorder
+        override-pull: |
+            set -eu
+            bzr checkout \
+                --lightweight \
+                lp:audio-recorder \
+                .
+            upstream_version="$(
+                grep AC_INIT configure.ac \
+                    | cut --delimiter=',' --field=2 \
+                    | sed --regexp-extended 's/.*\[(.*)\].*$/\1/'
+            )"
+            upstream_dirtiness=''
+            if \
+                test \
+                "$(
+                    bzr version-info \
+                        --custom \
+                        --template={clean}
+                )" \
+                -eq \
+                0; then
+                upstream_dirtiness=-dirty
+            fi
+            upstream_revision="$(
+                bzr version-info \
+                    --custom \
+                    --template={revno}
+            )"
+            cd ../../..
+            snapcraftctl set-version "${upstream_version}+rev${upstream_revision}${upstream_dirtiness}"
+        plugin: autotools
+        configflags:
+        - --datarootdir=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/share
+        build-packages:
+        - gcc
+        - intltool
+        - libappindicator3-dev
+        - libc6-dev
+        - libglib2.0-dev
+        - libgstreamer1.0-dev
+        - libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
+        - libgtk-3-dev
+        - pkg-config
+        stage-packages:
+        - gstreamer1.0-libav
+        - gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
+        - gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
+        - gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
+        - gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
+        - libappindicator3-1
+        - libglib2.0-0
+        - libgstreamer1.0-0
+        - libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0
+        - libgtk-3-0
+        # From automigration
+        - libdb5.3
+        - libgl1-mesa-glx
+        - libglu1-mesa
+        - libgpm2
+        - libxcb-glx0
+        - libxxf86vm1
+        organize:
+            snap/audio-recorder/current/: /
+        filesets:
+            app-resources:
+            - share/audio-recorder/*
+            cleanup-debris-from-organizing:
+            - -snap/*
+            executables:
+            - bin/*
+            desktop-entries:
+            - share/applications/*
+            files-from-staging-packages:
+            - usr/*
+            glib-schemas:
+            - share/glib-2.0/schemas/*
+            icons:
+            - share/icons/*
+            localization:
+            - share/locale/*
+            manpages:
+            - share/man/*
+            pixmaps:
+            - share/pixmaps/*
+        stage:
+        - $cleanup-debris-from-organizing
+        override-stage: |
+            set -eu
+            snapcraftctl stage
+            sed \
+                --file "${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}"/patches/postprocess-desktop-entries.sed \
+                --in-place \
+                "${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}"/share/applications/*.desktop
+    audio-recorder:
+        command: >
+            desktop-launch
+            audio-recorder
+        desktop: share/applications/audio-recorder.desktop

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