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[Merge] lp:~ted/dbusmenu/good-defaults-are-well-good into lp:dbusmenu


Ted Gould has proposed merging lp:~ted/dbusmenu/good-defaults-are-well-good into lp:dbusmenu.

Requested reviews:
  DBus Menu Team (dbusmenu-team)

For more details, see:

This changes dbusmenu so that it actually tracks the default values for the standard fields.  It will then avoid sending default values over the bus to save data.  This merge seems really large because of the test data that had to change.  The test-glib-json-01.json file as gone from 135KB to 92KB by removing the default values.
Your team ayatana-commits is subscribed to branch lp:dbusmenu.
=== modified file '.bzrignore'
--- .bzrignore	2011-01-27 19:54:18 +0000
+++ .bzrignore	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -227,3 +227,4 @@

=== modified file 'libdbusmenu-glib/Makefile.am'
--- libdbusmenu-glib/Makefile.am	2011-02-16 17:00:55 +0000
+++ libdbusmenu-glib/Makefile.am	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 libdbusmenu_glib_la_SOURCES = \
 	dbus-menu-clean.xml.h \
 	dbus-menu-clean.xml.c \
+	defaults.h \
+	defaults.c \
 	menuitem.h \
 	menuitem.c \
 	menuitem-marshal.h \

=== added file 'libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.c'
--- libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.c	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.c	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+A library to communicate a menu object set accross DBus and
+track updates and maintain consistency.
+Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
+    Ted Gould <ted@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
+under the terms of either or both of the following licenses:
+1) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, as published by the 
+Free Software Foundation; and/or
+2) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as published by 
+the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of 
+PURPOSE.  See the applicable version of the GNU Lesser General Public 
+License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of both the GNU Lesser General Public 
+License version 3 and version 2.1 along with this program.  If not, see 
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include "defaults.h"
+#include "menuitem.h"
+#include "client.h"
+struct _DbusmenuDefaultsPrivate {
+	GHashTable * types;
+typedef struct _DefaultEntry DefaultEntry;
+struct _DefaultEntry {
+	GVariantType * type;
+	GVariant * value;
+static void dbusmenu_defaults_class_init (DbusmenuDefaultsClass *klass);
+static void dbusmenu_defaults_init       (DbusmenuDefaults *self);
+static void dbusmenu_defaults_dispose    (GObject *object);
+static void dbusmenu_defaults_finalize   (GObject *object);
+static DefaultEntry * entry_create (const GVariantType * type, GVariant * variant);
+static void entry_destroy (gpointer entry);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (DbusmenuDefaults, dbusmenu_defaults, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+dbusmenu_defaults_class_init (DbusmenuDefaultsClass *klass)
+	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+	g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (DbusmenuDefaultsPrivate));
+	object_class->dispose = dbusmenu_defaults_dispose;
+	object_class->finalize = dbusmenu_defaults_finalize;
+	return;
+static void
+dbusmenu_defaults_init (DbusmenuDefaults *self)
+	self->priv = DBUSMENU_DEFAULTS_GET_PRIVATE(self); 
+	self->priv->types = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)g_hash_table_destroy);
+	/* Standard defaults */
+	dbusmenu_defaults_default_set(self,   DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPES_DEFAULT,    DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE,        G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN,   g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE)); 
+	dbusmenu_defaults_default_set(self,   DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPES_DEFAULT,    DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_ENABLED,        G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN,   g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE)); 
+	dbusmenu_defaults_default_set(self,   DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPES_DEFAULT,    DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL,          G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING,    g_variant_new_string(_("Label Empty"))); 
+	/* Separator defaults */
+	dbusmenu_defaults_default_set(self,   DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPES_SEPARATOR,  DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE,        G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN,   g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE)); 
+	return;
+static void
+dbusmenu_defaults_dispose (GObject *object)
+	DbusmenuDefaults * self = DBUSMENU_DEFAULTS(object);
+	if (self->priv->types != NULL) {
+		g_hash_table_destroy(self->priv->types);
+		self->priv->types = NULL;
+	}
+	G_OBJECT_CLASS (dbusmenu_defaults_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+	return;
+static void
+dbusmenu_defaults_finalize (GObject *object)
+	G_OBJECT_CLASS (dbusmenu_defaults_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+	return;
+/* Create a new entry based on the info provided */
+static DefaultEntry *
+entry_create (const GVariantType * type, GVariant * variant)
+	DefaultEntry * defentry = g_new0(DefaultEntry, 1);
+	if (type != NULL) {
+		defentry->type = g_variant_type_copy(type);
+	}
+	if (variant != NULL) {
+		defentry->value = variant;
+		g_variant_ref_sink(variant);
+	}
+	return defentry;
+/* Destroy an entry */
+static void
+entry_destroy (gpointer entry)
+	DefaultEntry * defentry = (DefaultEntry *)entry;
+	if (defentry->type != NULL) {
+		g_variant_type_free(defentry->type);
+		defentry->type = NULL;
+	}
+	if (defentry->value != NULL) {
+		g_variant_unref(defentry->value);
+		defentry->value = NULL;
+	}
+	g_free(defentry);
+	return;
+static DbusmenuDefaults * default_defaults = NULL;
+ * dbusmenu_defaults_ref_default:
+ *
+ * Get a reference to the default instance.  If it doesn't exist this
+ * function will create it.
+ *
+ * Return value: (transfer full): A reference to the defaults
+ */
+DbusmenuDefaults *
+dbusmenu_defaults_ref_default (void)
+	if (default_defaults == NULL) {
+		default_defaults = DBUSMENU_DEFAULTS(g_object_new(DBUSMENU_TYPE_DEFAULTS, NULL));
+		g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(default_defaults), (gpointer *)&default_defaults);
+	} else {
+		g_object_ref(default_defaults);
+	}
+	return default_defaults;
+ * dbusmenu_defaults_default_set:
+ * @defaults: The #DbusmenuDefaults object to add to
+ * @type: (allow-none): The #DbusmenuMenuitem type for this default if #NULL will default to #DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPE_DEFAULT
+ * @property: Property name for the default
+ * @prop_type: (allow-none): Type of the property for runtime checking.  To disable checking set to #NULL.
+ * @value: (allow-none): Default value for @property.  #NULL if by default it is unset, but you want type checking from @prop_type.
+ *
+ * Sets up an entry in the defaults database for a given @property
+ * and menuitem type @type.  @prop_type and @value can both be #NULL
+ * but both of them can not.
+ */
+dbusmenu_defaults_default_set (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults, const gchar * type, const gchar * property, const GVariantType * prop_type, GVariant * value)
+	g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_DEFAULTS(defaults));
+	g_return_if_fail(property != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail(prop_type != NULL || value != NULL);
+	if (type == NULL) {
+	}
+	GHashTable * prop_table = (GHashTable *)g_hash_table_lookup(defaults->priv->types, type);
+	/* We've never had a default for this type, so we need
+	   to create a table for it. */
+	if (prop_table == NULL) {
+		prop_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, entry_destroy);
+		g_hash_table_insert(prop_table, g_strdup(property), entry_create(prop_type, value));
+		g_hash_table_insert(defaults->priv->types, g_strdup(type), prop_table);
+	} else {
+		g_hash_table_replace(prop_table, g_strdup(property), entry_create(prop_type, value));
+	}
+	return;
+ * dbusmenu_defaults_default_get:
+ * @defaults: The default database to use
+ * @type: (allow-none): The #DbusmenuMenuitem type for this default if #NULL will default to #DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPE_DEFAULT
+ * @property: Property name to lookup
+ *
+ * Gets an entry in the database for a give @property and @type.
+ *
+ * Return value: (transfer none): Returns a variant that does not
+ * have it's ref count increased.  If you want to keep it, you should
+ * do that.
+ */
+GVariant *
+dbusmenu_defaults_default_get (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults, const gchar * type, const gchar * property)
+	g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_DEFAULTS(defaults), NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(property != NULL, NULL);
+	if (type == NULL) {
+	}
+	GHashTable * prop_table = (GHashTable *)g_hash_table_lookup(defaults->priv->types, type);
+	if (prop_table == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	DefaultEntry * entry = (DefaultEntry *)g_hash_table_lookup(prop_table, property);
+	if (entry == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return entry->value;
+ * dbusmenu_defaults_default_get_type:
+ * @defaults: The default database to use
+ * @type: (allow-none): The #DbusmenuMenuitem type for this default if #NULL will default to #DBUSMENU_CLIENT_TYPE_DEFAULT
+ * @property: Property name to lookup
+ *
+ * Gets the type for an entry in the database for a give @property and @type.
+ *
+ * Return value: (transfer none): Returns a type for the given
+ * @property value.
+ */
+GVariantType *
+dbusmenu_defaults_default_get_type (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults, const gchar * type, const gchar * property)
+	g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_DEFAULTS(defaults), NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(property != NULL, NULL);
+	if (type == NULL) {
+	}
+	GHashTable * prop_table = (GHashTable *)g_hash_table_lookup(defaults->priv->types, type);
+	if (prop_table == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	DefaultEntry * entry = (DefaultEntry *)g_hash_table_lookup(prop_table, property);
+	if (entry == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return entry->type;

=== added file 'libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.h'
--- libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ libdbusmenu-glib/defaults.h	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+A library to communicate a menu object set accross DBus and
+track updates and maintain consistency.
+Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
+    Ted Gould <ted@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
+under the terms of either or both of the following licenses:
+1) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, as published by the 
+Free Software Foundation; and/or
+2) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as published by 
+the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of 
+PURPOSE.  See the applicable version of the GNU Lesser General Public 
+License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of both the GNU Lesser General Public 
+License version 3 and version 2.1 along with this program.  If not, see 
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#define DBUSMENU_TYPE_DEFAULTS            (dbusmenu_defaults_get_type ())
+#define DBUSMENU_DEFAULTS(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), DBUSMENU_TYPE_DEFAULTS, DbusmenuDefaults))
+typedef struct _DbusmenuDefaults        DbusmenuDefaults;
+typedef struct _DbusmenuDefaultsClass   DbusmenuDefaultsClass;
+typedef struct _DbusmenuDefaultsPrivate DbusmenuDefaultsPrivate;
+ * DbusmenuDefaultsClass:
+ *
+ * All of the signals and functions for #DbusmenuDefaults
+ */
+struct _DbusmenuDefaultsClass {
+	GObjectClass parent_class;
+ * DbusmenuDefaults:
+ *
+ * A singleton to hold all of the defaults for the menuitems
+ * so they can use those easily.
+ */
+struct _DbusmenuDefaults {
+	GObject parent;
+	/*< Private >*/
+	DbusmenuDefaultsPrivate * priv;
+GType                 dbusmenu_defaults_get_type             (void);
+DbusmenuDefaults *    dbusmenu_defaults_ref_default          (void);
+void                  dbusmenu_defaults_default_set          (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults,
+                                                              const gchar * type,
+                                                              const gchar * property,
+                                                              const GVariantType * prop_type,
+                                                              GVariant * value);
+GVariant *            dbusmenu_defaults_default_get          (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults,
+                                                              const gchar * type,
+                                                              const gchar * property);
+GVariantType *        dbusmenu_defaults_default_get_type     (DbusmenuDefaults * defaults,
+                                                              const gchar * type,
+                                                              const gchar * property);

=== modified file 'libdbusmenu-glib/menuitem.c'
--- libdbusmenu-glib/menuitem.c	2011-02-21 12:12:33 +0000
+++ libdbusmenu-glib/menuitem.c	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include "menuitem.h"
 #include "menuitem-marshal.h"
 #include "menuitem-private.h"
+#include "defaults.h"
 #define LABEL(x)  dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(x), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL)
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
 	GHashTable * properties;
 	gboolean root;
 	gboolean realized;
+	DbusmenuDefaults * defaults;
 /* Signals */
@@ -312,6 +314,8 @@
 	priv->root = FALSE;
 	priv->realized = FALSE;
+	priv->defaults = dbusmenu_defaults_ref_default();
@@ -328,6 +332,11 @@
 	priv->children = NULL;
+	if (priv->defaults != NULL) {
+		g_object_unref(priv->defaults);
+		priv->defaults = NULL;
+	}
 	G_OBJECT_CLASS (dbusmenu_menuitem_parent_class)->dispose (object);
@@ -425,6 +434,19 @@
+/* A helper function to get the type of the menuitem, this might
+   be a candidate for optimization in the future. */
+static const gchar *
+menuitem_get_type (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi)
+	DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi);
+	GVariant * currentval = (GVariant *)g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_TYPE);
+	if (currentval != NULL) {
+		return g_variant_get_string(currentval, NULL);
+	}
+	return NULL;
 /* Public interface */
@@ -1004,17 +1026,49 @@
 	DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi);
+	const gchar * type = menuitem_get_type(mi);
+	/* Check the expected type to see if we want to have a warning */
+	GVariantType * default_type = dbusmenu_defaults_default_get_type(priv->defaults, type, property);
+	if (default_type != NULL) {
+		/* If we have an expected type we should check to see if
+		   the value we've been given is of the same type and generate
+		   a warning if it isn't */
+		if (!g_variant_is_of_type(value, default_type)) {
+			g_warning("Setting menuitem property '%s' with value of type '%s' when expecting '%s'", property, g_variant_get_type_string(value), g_variant_type_peek_string(default_type));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Check the defaults database to see if we have a default
+	   for this property. */
+	GVariant * default_value = dbusmenu_defaults_default_get(priv->defaults, type, property);
+	if (default_value != NULL) {
+		/* Now see if we're setting this to the same value as the
+		   default.  If we are then we just want to swallow this variant
+		   and make the function behave like we're clearing it. */
+		if (g_variant_equal(default_value, value)) {
+			g_variant_ref_sink(value);
+			g_variant_unref(value);
+			value = NULL;
+		}
+	}
 	gboolean replaced = FALSE;
 	gpointer currentval = g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property);
 	if (value != NULL) {
+		/* NOTE: We're only marking this as replaced if this is true
+		   but we're actually replacing it no matter.  This is so that
+		   the variant passed in sticks around which the caller may
+		   expect.  They shouldn't, but it's low cost to remove bugs. */
+		if (currentval == NULL || !g_variant_equal((GVariant*)currentval, value)) {
+			replaced = TRUE;
+		}
 		gchar * lprop = g_strdup(property);
-		if (currentval == NULL || !g_variant_equal((GVariant*)currentval, value)) {
-			g_hash_table_replace(priv->properties, lprop, value);
-			replaced = TRUE;
-		}
+		g_hash_table_replace(priv->properties, lprop, value);
 	} else {
 		if (currentval != NULL) {
 			g_hash_table_remove(priv->properties, property);
@@ -1027,7 +1081,15 @@
 	   table.  But the fact that there was a value is
 	   the imporant part. */
 	if (currentval == NULL || replaced) {
-		g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[PROPERTY_CHANGED], 0, property, value, TRUE);
+		GVariant * signalval = value;
+		if (signalval == NULL) {
+			/* Might also be NULL, but if it is we're definitely
+			   clearing this thing. */
+			signalval = default_value;
+		}
+		g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[PROPERTY_CHANGED], 0, property, signalval, TRUE);
 	return TRUE;
@@ -1074,7 +1136,13 @@
 	DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi);
-	return (GVariant *)g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property);
+	GVariant * currentval = (GVariant *)g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property);
+	if (currentval == NULL) {
+		currentval = dbusmenu_defaults_default_get(priv->defaults, menuitem_get_type(mi), property);
+	}
+	return currentval;
@@ -1503,10 +1571,23 @@
 /* Checks to see if the value of this property is unique or just the
    default value. */
-/* TODO: Implement this */
 dbusmenu_menuitem_property_is_default (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property)
-	/* No defaults system yet */
+	g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE);
+	DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi);
+	GVariant * currentval = (GVariant *)g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property);
+	if (currentval != NULL) {
+		/* If we're storing it locally, then it shouldn't be a default */
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	currentval = dbusmenu_defaults_default_get(priv->defaults, menuitem_get_type(mi), property);
+	if (currentval != NULL) {
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	g_warn_if_reached();
 	return FALSE;

=== modified file 'tests/test-gtk-label.json'
--- tests/test-gtk-label.json	2010-03-18 05:09:14 +0000
+++ tests/test-gtk-label.json	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 		 "label": "value27"},
 	 	{"id": 28, "type": "standard",
 		 "label": "value28"},
-	 	{"id": 29, "type": "standard", "visible": "false",
+	 	{"id": 29, "type": "standard", "visible": false,
 		 "label": "value29"}
@@ -54,45 +54,45 @@
 	 "submenu": [
 	 	{"id": 40,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "true",
+		 "enabled": true,
 		 "label": "value40"},
 	 	{"id": 41,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "false",
+		 "enabled": false,
 		 "label": "value41"},
 	 	{"id": 42,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "true",
+		 "enabled": true,
 		 "label": "value42"},
 	 	{"id": 43,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "false",
+		 "enabled": false,
 		 "label": "value43"},
 	 	{"id": 44,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "true",
+		 "enabled": true,
 		 "label": "value44"},
 	 	{"id": 45,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "false",
+		 "enabled": false,
 		 "label": "value45"},
 	 	{"id": 46,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "true",
+		 "enabled": true,
 		 "label": "value46"},
 	 	{"id": 47,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "false",
+		 "enabled": false,
 		 "label": "value47"},
 	 	{"id": 48,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "enabled": "true",
+		 "enabled": true,
 		 "label": "value48"},
 	 	{"id": 49,
 		 "type": "standard",
-		 "visible": "false",
-		 "enabled": "false",
-		 "label": "value49"}
+		 "visible": false,
+		 "enabled": false,
+		 "label": "value49 - hidden"}
 	{"id": 3, "type": "standard",

=== modified file 'tests/test-json-01.json'
--- tests/test-json-01.json	2010-12-01 21:48:08 +0000
+++ tests/test-json-01.json	2011-02-22 04:06:19 +0000
@@ -5,30 +5,22 @@
         "id": 5,
         "children-display": 'submenu',
-        "enabled": true,
         "label": 'File',
-        "visible": true,
         "submenu": [
               "id": 6,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Quit',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 'q']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 'q']]
               "id": 7,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Close all',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 'Shift', 'w']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 'Shift', 'w']]
               "id": 8,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Close',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 'w']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 'w']]
               "id": 9,
@@ -36,22 +28,16 @@
               "id": 10,
-              "enabled": true,
-              "label": 'Send by Email...',
-              "visible": true
+              "label": 'Send by Email...'
               "id": 11,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Print...',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 'p']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 'p']]
               "id": 12,
-              "enabled": true,
-              "label": 'Page Setup',
-              "visible": true
+              "label": 'Page Setup'
               "id": 13,
@@ -59,35 +45,25 @@
               "id": 14,
-              "enabled": true,
-              "label": 'Revert',
-              "visible": true
+              "label": 'Revert'
               "id": 15,
-              "enabled": true,
-              "label": 'Save as Template...',
-              "visible": true
+              "label": 'Save as Template...'
               "id": 16,
-              "enabled": true,
-              "label": 'Save a Copy...',
-              "visible": true
+              "label": 'Save a Copy...'
               "id": 17,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Save As...',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 'Shift', 's']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 'Shift', 's']]
               "id": 18,
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Save',
-              "shortcut": [['Control', 's']],
-              "visible": true
+              "shortcut": [['Control', 's']]
               "id": 19,
@@ -96,15 +72,11 @@
               "id": 20,
               "children-display": 'submenu',
-              "enabled": true,
               "label": 'Open Recent',
-              "visible": true,
               "submenu": [
                     "id": 21,
-                    "enabled": true,
-                    "label": 'Document History',
-                    "visible": true
+                    "label": 'Document History'
                     "id": 22,
@@ -112,168 +84,118 @@
                     "id": 23,
-                    "enabled": true,
                     "label": 'giggity.jpg',
-                    "shortcut": [['Control', '2']],
-                    "visible": true
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Follow ups