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Re: Problème (bug?) sur enregistrement des branches communautaires sur Apps


On 08/27/2013 03:28 PM, Joël Grand-Guillaume wrote:
The new series of the bank-statement-reconcile are now
bank-statement-reconcile-7.0 and bank-statement-reconcile-6.1 to be compatible
with apps.openerp.com <http://apps.openerp.com>. I've registred them both.

Still a trouble with lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-6.1 => it
already exists a branch called "lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-61"
that doesn't belong to OCA => Can you delete it so I can validate the new one ?

I've just re-assigned all the "banking-addons" to the OpenERP Community Reviewers addons, so you can sort your own mess, including deleting the repositories you don't need anymore. ;-)

As you probably noticed, Apps doesn't prevent duplicate registrations if you're using a different bzr alias (series vs specific branch), but the duplicate branches won't be activated because they will only contain duplicate modules. Just force a scan of the repositories after solving the duplication problems and you'll update the Apps index in real-time.

There is still one inconsistency, though. Stefan registered the "lp:banking-addons/banking-addons-7.0" repository under his own account yesterday, while all the others are now under the umbrella of the OpenERP Community Reviewers account.
@Stefan: if you want I can reassign it, it's your call.



On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Olivier Dony <odo@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:odo@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 08/26/2013 05:05 PM, Joėl Grand-Guillaume wrote:

        I face a problem registering the second project owned in the banking
        addons as
        it doesn't fit the new standard of apps.openerp.com
        <http://apps.openerp.com> <http://apps.openerp.com>

        The branch are the following:

        serie bank-statement-reconcile-70
        serie bank-statement-reconcile-61

        The project already have a 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 series with the original
        project from
        Therp. What solution do you suggest here ?

        For what I know, we can:

           a) Move the bank-statement-reconcile to another project => I'm not
        this one as we tend to merge both

           b) Make apps.openerp.com <http://apps.openerp.com>
        <http://apps.openerp.com> support another serie than

        the name of the OpenERP Version

    OpenERP Apps already supports repository URLs with series or branch names
    that are not exactly identical to the OpenERP series. It only looks for the
    series name in the last component of the URL. We'll update the error
    message with an example to make it clearer.

    So the following URLs would be valid for the 7.0 series in Apps:


    You could either rename the series or the branch (whichever seems less
    invasive to the users), and register the corresponding URL. Note that it
    will break the bzr :parent reference for anyone who's used the old name, so
    you may want to simply create a new series and mark the old one as
    deprecated (hiding it from the main UI but keeping it around for



*Joël Grand-Guillaume*
Division Manager
Business Solutions

+41 21 619 10 28
www.camptocamp.com <http://www.camptocamp.com/>

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