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lp:~camptocamp-reviewer/banking-addons/fix-type-and-account-in-bk-st-line into lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-70


Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp has proposed merging lp:~camptocamp-reviewer/banking-addons/fix-type-and-account-in-bk-st-line into lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-70.

Commit message:
As we saw that we have a difference in bank statement line type and account finding using manual entry and importation/completion method, we make this refactor implementing a method to determine the type following this rule:
 - If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be customer and receivable
 - If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be supplier and payable
 - If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount :
    If amount is positif the type and account will be customer and receivable,
    If amount is negativ, the type and account will be supplier and payable

Requested reviews:
  Nicolas Bessi - Camptocamp (nbessi-c2c)

For more details, see:

As we saw that we have a difference in bank statement line type and account finding using manual entry and importation/completion method, we make this refactor implementing a method to determine the type following this rule:
 - If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be customer and receivable
 - If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be supplier and payable
 - If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount :
    If amount is positif the type and account will be customer and receivable,
    If amount is negativ, the type and account will be supplier and payable
Your team Banking Addons Team is subscribed to branch lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-70.
=== modified file 'account_statement_base_completion/__openerp__.py'
--- account_statement_base_completion/__openerp__.py	2013-01-10 15:09:55 +0000
+++ account_statement_base_completion/__openerp__.py	2013-04-05 07:56:22 +0000
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@
  You can use it with  our account_advanced_reconcile module to automatize the reconciliation process.
+ TODO: The rules that look for invoices to find out the partner should take back the payable / receivable
+       account from there directly instead of retrieving it from partner properties !
  'website': 'http://www.camptocamp.com',
  'init_xml': [],

=== modified file 'account_statement_ext/__openerp__.py'
--- account_statement_ext/__openerp__.py	2013-02-14 08:13:49 +0000
+++ account_statement_ext/__openerp__.py	2013-04-05 07:56:22 +0000
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
  4) Remove the period on the bank statement, and compute it for each line based on their date instead.
     It also adds this feature in the voucher in order to compute the period correctly.
  5) Cancelling a bank statement is much more easy and will cancel all related entries, unreconcile them,
     and finally delete them.

=== modified file 'account_statement_ext/statement.py'
--- account_statement_ext/statement.py	2013-03-01 14:33:32 +0000
+++ account_statement_ext/statement.py	2013-04-05 07:56:22 +0000
@@ -76,6 +76,26 @@
             'Bank Statement Prefix', size=32),
         'bank_statement_ids': fields.one2many(
             'account.bank.statement', 'profile_id', 'Bank Statement Imported'),
+        # TODO
+        # 'how_get_type_account': fields.selection(
+        #         [   ('amount', 'Based on amount and partner type'),
+        #             ('force_customer', 'Force to customer'),
+        #             ('force_supplier', 'Force to supplier'),
+        #         ],
+        #     required=True,
+        #     string='Set type and account'),
+        #     help="Selection how do you want the bank statement to chose the type and account of "
+        #     "every line. "
+        #     "Based on amount and partner type: "
+        #     "If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be customer"
+        #     "If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be supplier"
+        #     "If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount : "
+        #     "    If amount is positif the type and account will be customer, "
+        #     "    If amount is negativ, the type and account will be supplier"
+        #     "Force to customer: type and account will always be customer"
+        #     "Force to supplier: type and account will always be supplier"
+        #     "Using the 'Force Receivable/Payable Account' option will be the absolute priority for the "
+        #     "accont choice."
         'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company'),
@@ -339,30 +359,73 @@
             self.message_post(cr, uid, [st.id], body=_('Statement %s confirmed, journal items were created.') % (st_number,), context=context)
         return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'confirm'}, context=context)
-    def get_account_for_counterpart(
-            self, cr, uid, amount, account_receivable, account_payable):
+    def get_account_for_counterpart(self, cr, uid, amount, account_receivable, account_payable):
+        """For backward compatibility."""
+        account_id, type = self.get_account_and_type_for_counterpart(cr, uid, amount, account_receivable, 
+            account_payable)
+        return account_id
+    def get_type_for_counterpart(self, cr, uid, amount, partner_id=False):
+        """Give the amount and receive the type to use for the line.
+        The rules are:
+         - If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type customer
+         - If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, typewill be supplier
+         - If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount :
+              If amount is positif the type customer,
+              If amount is negativ, the type supplier
+        :param float: amount of the line
+        :param int/long: partner_id the partner id
+        :return: type as string: the default type to use: 'customer' or 'supplier'.
+        """
+        obj_partner = self.pool.get('res.partner')
+        type = 'customer'
+        if amount >= 0:
+            type = 'customer'
+        else:
+            type = 'supplier'
+        if partner_id:
+            part = obj_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_id, context=context)
+            if part.supplier == True:
+                type = 'supplier'
+            elif part.customer == True:
+                type = 'customer'
+        return type
+    def get_account_and_type_for_counterpart(
+            self, cr, uid, amount, account_receivable, account_payable, partner_id=False):
         Give the amount, payable and receivable account (that can be found using
         get_default_pay_receiv_accounts method) and receive the one to use. This method
         should be use when there is no other way to know which one to take.
+        The rules are:
+         - If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be customer and receivable
+         - If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be supplier and payable
+         - If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount :
+              If amount is positif the type and account will be customer and receivable,
+              If amount is negativ, the type and account will be supplier and payable
+        Note that we return the payable or receivable account from agrs and not from the optional partner_id
+        given !
         :param float: amount of the line
         :param int/long: account_receivable the  receivable account
         :param int/long: account_payable the payable account
-        :return: int/long :the default account to be used by statement line as the counterpart
-                 of the journal account depending on the amount.
+        :param int/long: partner_id the partner id
+        :return: dict with [account_id as int/long,type as string]: the default account to be used by
+            statement line as the counterpart of the journal account depending on the amount and the type 
+            as 'customer' or 'supplier'.
         account_id = False
-        if amount >= 0:
+        type = self.get_type_for_counterpart(cr, uid, amount, partner_id=partner_id)
+        if type == 'supplier':
+            account_id = account_payable
+        else:
             account_id = account_receivable
-        else:
-            account_id = account_payable
         if not account_id:
             raise osv.except_osv(
                 _('Can not determine account'),
                 _('Please ensure that minimal properties are set')
-        return account_id
+        return [account_id, type]
     def get_default_pay_receiv_accounts(self, cr, uid, context=None):
@@ -476,14 +539,20 @@
         Return the account_id to be used in the line of a bank statement. It'll base the result as follow:
             - If a receivable_account_id is set in the profile, return this value and type = general
-            - Elif line_type is given, take the partner receivable/payable property (payable if type= supplier, receivable
+            # TODO
+            - Elif how_get_type_account is set to force_supplier or force_customer, will take respectively payable and type=supplier,
+              receivable and type=customer otherwise
+            # END TODO
+            - Elif line_type is given, take the partner receivable/payable property (payable if type=supplier, receivable
-            - Elif amount is given, take the partner receivable/payable property (receivable if amount >= 0.0,
-              payable otherwise). In that case, we also fullfill the type (receivable = customer, payable = supplier)
-              so it is easier for the accountant to know why the receivable/payable has been chosen
+            - Elif amount is given:
+                 - If the customer checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be customer and receivable
+                 - If the supplier checkbox is checked on the found partner, type and account will be supplier and payable
+                 - If both checkbox are checked or none of them, it'll be based on the amount :
+                      If amount is positif the type and account will be customer and receivable,
+                      If amount is negativ, the type and account will be supplier an payable
             - Then, if no partner are given we look and take the property from the company so we always give a value
               for account_id. Note that in that case, we return the receivable one.
         :param int/long profile_id of the related bank statement
         :param int/long partner_id of the line
         :param char line_type: a value from: 'general', 'supplier', 'customer'
@@ -523,12 +592,8 @@
             if line_type == 'supplier':
                 account_id = pay_account
         elif amount is not False:
-            if amount >= 0:
-                account_id = receiv_account
-                line_type = 'customer'
-            else:
-                account_id  = pay_account
-                line_type = 'supplier'
+            account_id, line_type = obj_stat.get_account_and_type_for_counterpart(cr, uid, amount, 
+                receiv_account, pay_account, partner_id=partner_id)
         res['account_id'] = account_id if account_id else receiv_account
         res['type'] = line_type
         return res
@@ -537,20 +602,14 @@
         Override of the basic method as we need to pass the profile_id in the on_change_type
+        Moreover, we now call the get_account_and_type_for_counterpart method now to get the
+        type to use.
         obj_partner = self.pool.get('res.partner')
+        obj_stat = self.pool.get('account.bank.statement')
         if not partner_id:
             return {}
-        part = obj_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_id, context=context)
-        if not part.supplier and not part.customer:
-            type = 'general'
-        elif part.supplier and part.customer:
-            type = 'general'
-        else:
-            if part.supplier == True:
-                type = 'supplier'
-            if part.customer == True:
-                type = 'customer'
+        type = obj_stat.get_type_for_counterpart(cr, uid, amount, partner_id=partner_id) # Chg
         res_type = self.onchange_type(cr, uid, ids, partner_id, type, profile_id, context=context)  # Chg
         if res_type['value'] and res_type['value'].get('account_id', False):
             return {'value': {'type': type,

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