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Greetings Big Data devs,

We have a community member that is working with the hadoop charm in new and
unexplored spaces - specifically on Arm32 hardware. Just as confirmation he
is using the Apache Hadoop charm located here:

We've verified that the resourcemanager and namenode processes are running:
ubuntu@onlinelabs-15ae7c187615497fa4d5dc9f62332bae:~$ jps
12936 Jps
23665 NameNode
19137 ResourceManager

yet everything from running the included map/reduce demo, and hdfs dfsadmin
-report are failing to connect with the stack trace attached below.

Deployment Topology: http://pastebin.com/i20qtEgf
Stack Trace for checking with map/reduce demo: http://pastebin.com/JxMHzbdH

If we have any ideas as to troubleshooting / FAQ's to get mwack unblocked -
this would be a brilliant start to getting our community documentation
around the charm(s) updated and moving to having validation our big data
stack works on Arm32 hardware.

Thanks for your time

All the best,

Charles Butler <charles.butler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - Juju Charmer
Come see the future of datacenter orchestration: http://jujucharms.com

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