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Re: Andre Gondim morreu


Acho o pagamento deve ser feito quando for confirmado que a planilha
fechou, pro valor ficar igual pra todo mundo.
A Úrsula deve dar um prazo de até quando vai ficar aberto e fechar a
planilha nesse dia. Depois, cada um paga.

Ayrton Araújo
"Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e trabalho em equipe."

Em 4 de novembro de 2011 11:07, Tiago Hillebrandt <
tiagohillebrandt@xxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:

>  O pessoal do Ubuntu-PE gostaria de colaborar, posso encaminhar o link da
> planilha para inclusão dos nomes? Ou será algo exclusivo da brazilianteam?
> O pagamento deve ser efetuado até quando? Creio que seja emergencial,
> porém só conseguirei o dinheiro para terça-feira, pode ser?
> Tiago Hillebrandt
> Em 04-11-2011 12:32, Andre Noel escreveu:
> Ah, libera a edição dele...
> --
> Andre Noel
> http://andrenoel.com.br/
> Twitter: @Andre_Noel <http://twitter.com/Andre_Noel>
> Bacharel em Ciência da Computação/UEM
> Desenvolvedor e usuário Linux desde 2002
> Membro da Comunidade Ubuntu
> 2011/11/4 Ayrton Araújo <ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> Não esqueçam de refazer os cálculos, quando adicionarem novos nomes.
>> Estou indo trabalhar agora, estou de volta em 7 horas.
>>  Qualquer coisa me liguem ou passem SMS:
>> (92)9104-9198 (Vivo/Viber)
>> (92)8172-8181 (Tim)
>> Ayrton Araújo
>> http://ubuntu-br.org
>> "Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e trabalho em
>> equipe."
>>  Em 4 de novembro de 2011 10:25, Andre Noel <andrenoel@xxxxxxxxxx>escreveu:
>>  Ótimo. Só pegar os dados agora com a Úrsula: conta, paypal, pagseguro...
>>> E quem mais quiser ajudar bote o nome lá.
>>> --
>>> Andre Noel
>>> http://andrenoel.com.br/
>>> Twitter: @Andre_Noel <http://twitter.com/Andre_Noel>
>>> Bacharel em Ciência da Computação/UEM
>>> Desenvolvedor e usuário Linux desde 2002
>>> Membro da Comunidade Ubuntu
>>>   2011/11/4 Licio Fonseca <licio@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> O Ayrton já fez a lista
>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuHuJ4CNH9WFdFU2T0J2Q0JTU2FsN2h0bmhsaXljZnc
>>>> 2011/11/4 Duda Nogueira <dudanogueira@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Vamos fazer uma lista, e dividir pra sabermos o valor?
>>>>> O que acham?
>>>>> De cabeça aqui, quem já se manifestou:
>>>>> Ursula Junque
>>>>> Duda Nogueira
>>>>> Licio Fernando
>>>>> Andre Noel
>>>>> Kemel Zaidan
>>>>> Duda Nogueira
>>>>> Gerente de Projetos em Tecnologia
>>>>> www.dudanogueira.com.br
>>>>> Celular: +55 31 9985-1271
>>>>>  2011/11/4 Ursula Junque <ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>  > Pronto... vai chegar lá até 13h, o valor é 380 reais. Quem quiser
>>>>> > contribuir, só falar que eu passo meus dados.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Pedi pra escrever "Dos amigos do Ubuntu Brasil", como o Licio
>>>>> sugeriu.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2011/11/4 Ayrton Araújo <ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >> Ok
>>>>> >> Ayrton Araújo
>>>>> >> http://ubuntu-br.org
>>>>> >> "Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e trabalho em
>>>>> equipe."
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Em 4 de novembro de 2011 09:36, Licio Fonseca <licio@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Ayrton,
>>>>> >>> Não precisa de contatos da familia, a gente já tem tudo que
>>>>> precisa, que é
>>>>> >>> o endereço. Só mandar agora.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> 2011/11/4 Ayrton Araújo <ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Verdade, é só mandar para o endereço do velório.
>>>>> >>>> Assim que eu tiver os contatos da família, os avisarei.
>>>>> >>>> Ayrton Araújo
>>>>> >>>> http://ubuntu-br.org
>>>>> >>>> "Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e trabalho em
>>>>> >>>> equipe."
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Em 4 de novembro de 2011 09:30, Ursula Junque <
>>>>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>> escreveu:
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> Eu só quero saber se tem alguma regra de que tipo de flor
>>>>> mandar, eh
>>>>> >>>>> pro endereço do velorio mesmo.
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> 2011/11/4 Duda Nogueira <dudanogueira@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >>>>> > Acho que se ligar numa floricultura eles terão esses dados e
>>>>> poderão
>>>>> >>>>> > confirmar se mandam até 14:00 com somente as informações que
>>>>> temos.
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> > Duda Nogueira
>>>>> >>>>> > Gerente de Projetos em Tecnologia
>>>>> >>>>> > www.dudanogueira.com.br
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> > Celular: +55 31 9985-1271 <%2B55%2031%209985-1271>
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> > 2011/11/4 Ayrton Araújo <ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >>>>> >> Pode ser mana,
>>>>> >>>>> >> te passo os contatos quando descobrirem.
>>>>> >>>>> >> Abraços.
>>>>> >>>>> >> Ayrton Araújo
>>>>> >>>>> >> http://ubuntu-br.org
>>>>> >>>>> >> "Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e
>>>>> trabalho em
>>>>> >>>>> >> equipe."
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >> Em 4 de novembro de 2011 09:23, Ursula Junque <
>>>>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>>> >> escreveu:
>>>>> >>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> Eu nunca mandei coroa de flores pra ninguem, nem sei como
>>>>> isso
>>>>> >>>>> >>> funciona... se alguem souber me fala que eu arrumo tudo, só
>>>>> preciso
>>>>> >>>>> >>> saber como funciona, que cor tem que ser, tamanho... depois
>>>>> a gente
>>>>> >>>>> >>> ve
>>>>> >>>>> >>> o dinheiro, o que acham?
>>>>> >>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> 2011/11/4 Andre Noel <andrenoel@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Tem algumas opções pela internet, mas acho que era bom
>>>>> ligar pra
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > garantir
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > que vai chegar a tempo mesmo.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> http://www.artfashionfloricultura.com.br/floricultura-porto-alegre/index.php?cPath=15&osCsid=962b2bc73f522659f6774355fbbb9ff4
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> http://www.toquedeamor.com.br/site/default.asp?TroncoID=073928
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Se vai encerrar às 14h precisa ser rápido.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Alguém vê isso, a gente cobre o custo...
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > --
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Andre Noel
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > http://andrenoel.com.br/
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Twitter: @Andre_Noel
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Bacharel em Ciência da Computação/UEM
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Desenvolvedor e usuário Linux desde 2002
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > Membro da Comunidade Ubuntu
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> > 2011/11/4 Ayrton Araújo <ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> Estou esperando notícias do Allisson sobre o contato com a
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> família.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> Ayrton Araújo
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> http://ubuntu-br.org
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> "Ubuntu e Software Livre são símbolos de colaboração e
>>>>> trabalho
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> em
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> equipe."
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> Em 4 de novembro de 2011 09:08, Andre Noel <
>>>>> andrenoel@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >> escreveu:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Saiu agora no irc:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> <allisson_> olá pessoal, tenho informações sobre o
>>>>> funeral do
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Andre_Gondim: " Comunicamos que a cerimônia funeral de
>>>>> André
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Gondim,
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> será
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> realizada no Crematório de Viamão, na Rua Senador
>>>>> Salgado Filho
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> 2980,
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> em
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> frente ao Parque Saint’ Hilaire. O cerimonial de
>>>>> encerramento
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> será
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> realizado
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> as 14 horas. "
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Quem pode ver a questão da coroa? Mandem em nome do
>>>>> Ubuntu-BR.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Daí vê quanto fica pra cada um que transfiro a minha
>>>>> parte.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Abraços.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> --
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Andre Noel
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> http://andrenoel.com.br/
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Twitter: @Andre_Noel
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Bacharel em Ciência da Computação/UEM
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Desenvolvedor e usuário Linux desde 2002
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> Membro da Comunidade Ubuntu
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>> 2011/11/4 Duda Nogueira <dudanogueira@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> o mesmo aqui :(
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> []s
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> Duda Nogueira
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> Gerente de Projetos em Tecnologia
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> www.dudanogueira.com.br
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> Celular: +55 31 9985-1271 <%2B55%2031%209985-1271>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> 2011/11/4 Tiago Hillebrandt <
>>>>> tiagohillebrandt@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > Realmente estou chocado! André era grande
>>>>> companheiro, além
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > de
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > excelente
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > gestor do time de tradução.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > Uma perda muito grande.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > Se precisarem de algo para rachar, também estou a
>>>>> disposição.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > Tiago Hillebrandt
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> > Em 04-11-2011 03:41, Zandre Bran escreveu:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> 2011/11/3 Ayrton Araújo<ayrton@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> [...] Fiquei sabendo que o André passou mal na
>>>>> segunda,
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> entrou em
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> estado
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> crítico e
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> não resistiu.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>     Cara, não acreedito!!! Não pode ser; o Gondim
>>>>> realmente
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> veio a
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> falecer?
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>> É difícil de processar isso =/
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>     Sim, está muito dificil aqui. Se precisarem de
>>>>> algo para
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> rachar
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> por favor me falem.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> -- []s
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> -- Zandre.
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> :: http://linuxacessivel.org
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> :: http://zandrebran.blog.br
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>>>> >>>>> >>> >>>> >
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>>>>> >>>>> >>> > _______________________________________________
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>>>>> >>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>>>> >>> Ursinha (Ursula Junque)
>>>>> >>>>> >>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> >>>>> >>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> >>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>>>> >>> Ubuntu - I am because we are
>>>>> >>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>>>> >>> Linux user #289453 - Ubuntu user #31144
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>>> >>>>> >> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
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>>>>> >>>>> >> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>> Ursinha (Ursula Junque)
>>>>> >>>>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> >>>>> ursinha@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> >>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>> Ubuntu - I am because we are
>>>>> >>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>> Linux user #289453 - Ubuntu user #31144
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> >>>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> >>>> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> >>>> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> >>>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>> Licio Fonseca
>>>>> >>> Ubuntu Member
>>>>> >>> http://launchpad.net/~licio
>>>>> >>> licio AT ubuntu.com - US:1-678-701-LICI
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>>> >> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> >> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>>>> >> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Ursinha (Ursula Junque)
>>>>> > ursinha@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> > ursinha@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Ubuntu - I am because we are
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Linux user #289453 - Ubuntu user #31144
>>>>> >
>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>> > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> > Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> > Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> > More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>> >
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>  --
>>>> Licio Fonseca
>>>> Ubuntu Member
>>>> http://launchpad.net/~licio
>>>>  licio AT ubuntu.com - US:1-678-701-LICI
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~brazilianteam
>>>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
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>>> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
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>> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
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> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> Post to     : brazilianteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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