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issue #84


This issue follows #80 and #54.

I managed to got bumblebee installed properly, and 3D applications works
both with and without optirun.

However I'm now experiencing strange behaviors with applications running in
fullscreen mode (firefox, vlc, darktable): the screen freeze and/or become
partially black when mouse moves or any pop-up (like skype) appears. (e.g.

Moreover, the system often crashes after awakening from sleeping or



System data:

Kubuntu 11.04 64 bit

lt@lt-x65-kub:~$ uname -a
Linux lt-x65-kub 2.6.38-11-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 19:02:55 UTC
2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

lt@lt-x65-kub:~$ for keyword in baseboard-manufacturer
baseboard-product-name baseboard-version system-manufacturer
system-product-name system-version; do printf "%-22s: " "$keyword";sudo
dmidecode -s "$keyword"; done
baseboard-manufacturer: CLEVO CO.
baseboard-product-name: W150HRM
baseboard-version     : N/A
system-manufacturer   : CLEVO CO.
system-product-name   : W150HRM
system-version        : N/A

Attachment: bumblebee-bugreport-20110909_090507.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data