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Re: [RFI] OS X packaging/installers



On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Ian
Clatworthy<ian.clatworthy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Marcelo Alves wrote:
>>> * bundled documentation format: HTML vs PDF vs Help Viewer
>>     Help Viewer, use always the OS defaults.
> That's my thinking too. I'm not familiar enough with the OS X
> development toolset though to know how hard or otherwise that is.
I'm not familiar with Help Viewer format, I'll take a look to the
apple docs and see if I can include a 'target' to build this in the
dmg script.

>>> This installer needs to be available in many languages. If documentation
>>> has been localised for a given language, we bundle that instead of or in
>>> addition to the English docs.
>> Please, do not use an installer for Bazaar Desktop. Just make an app and
>> bundle bzr inside it. There's no reason to make an installer if we can
>> make the app much more appealing without it. They can try without
>> installing it and breaking their OS or opening a Terminal window
>> (remember, .
> I'm fine with the bundle idea. What do we do now - bundle or installer?
> If the latter, is there a good reason why?
The bundle idea is nice for users without admin permissions, also this
implies a few things (goor or bad, depends on the POV):
 1) we can have one and only one bundle for all platform (OS X 10.4
and 10.5, PPC and Intel)
 2) as the bundle is going (probably) to include python, the size
might be an issue (the current installer size is ~12MB)
 3) having bzr in a bundle means that bzr "the executable" isn't in
the PATH, so the user needs an extra step in order to use bzr from the
CLI, but I might be missing something here, and maybe user PATH can be
updated in some way. As we don't have the installer anymore, this
could be done in the first run of the bundle.
 4) we need to force a BZR_PLUGIN_PATH that points inside the bundle

that's from the top of my head, there might be other dis/advantages,
please list the one's you know about if I missed something.

> Everyone,
> Can we have a volunteer for someone to own packaging Bazaar 2.0 on OS X?
> I guess that's multiple volunteers:
> * a MacPorts owner
> * a bundle developer for 10.5
> * a bundle developer for 10.4
> I'm not sure how long developing/packaging these will take but we want
> to leave enough time for end-user testing, install notes, etc. I
> therefore think we need to get started on these Real Soon Now.
> Ian C.

I'll try to build the installers for the just released rc, but the
10.4 installer depends on when I'm at home as I need my PPC ibook
(wasn't able to build a universal 10.4 installer from 10.5 yet :( )


Guillermo Gonzalez
