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Build environment


So, as an exercise, I started a naked WinXP VM and proceeded to hack on
making a build environment.

The wiki page is a little out of date ; there are newer versions of some
things, it doesn't mention Python 2.6, etc.

My first session on this ends at the point where TBZR is demanding VS
2008 to build the shell extension. The questions that occur are

 * Could it be done with MinGW at all?
 * Failing that, can it be done with the VS2008 Express distribution?

Tired now. Brain needs rest. Ug.

Below are my rather scrabbly notes


Install all three python flavours
Make batch files in system32 with content (where NN is python version)

c:\PythonNN\python.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6


mingw (the unsupported gcc 4 version linked on wiki page)
Elect to bind distutils to mingw for all Python versions

gnu make

put both bin folders on PATH along with Python25

install MS Visual C++ 2008 runtime redist (the mscvrt library, not the
compiler) from MS downloads

recreate importable libraries for mingw
see : http://gamera.sourceforge.net/doc/html/install.html

Find msvcr90.dll in the windows folder using explorer search and copy
to pexports bin folder

.\pexports.exe msvcr90.dll | out-file -enc ascii msvcr90.def
dlltool --input-def msvcr90.def --dllname msvcr90.dll --output-lib
libmsvcr90.a -k
Place output in c:\mingw\lib

Pyrex  (from tarball)
  * make
  * NB - echo wraps the version string in quotes on Win32, so you'll
have to hand-edit Pyrex/Compiler/Version.py
  * Only required for the "master" python you are running the build
process from
  * use setup.py


Follow instructions for using zlib with mingw in zlib123-dll.zip (copy
files to folders in your mingw environment)

 * setup.py

make python-installer


== EXE type installer ==



== TortoiseBzr ==

 * minimal is sufficient

Set up overlays

TBZR must be built..

.. refuses without VS2008 compiler

Follow ups