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Re: Windows Installers now a separate project (call for helpers)


Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
"jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
The problem, as I view it,is that we are a bit schizophrenic
between Makefile and setup.py.

I think we should put more features into setup.py and less in

Easier said than done, but I wanted it to say it anyway :)

I thought for a long time that more things could be done in the
Makefile, but I now realize that getting totally rid of the
Makefile is preferable.

And the recent discussions about the docs and the problems I
encountered on FreeBSD all points in the same direction: setup.py
is better suited to address our needs and we'll get better
features and better tests by building on that.

This reminds me http://blog.ianbicking.org/pythons-makefile.html

I've tried to implement this for QBzr with some success.
