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Re: Application for Generating / Customizing Menu Entries


Hi Greg!
I use this in ToriOS.
I use update-menus to run my script to generate the JWM specific menus.
Menu files are problematic, as many many many (maybe most?) programs do
not create a menufile.
Most menu generation programs rely heavily on the desktop files in
These files also contain the name, icon, category, etc..  The advantage
with desktop files is the ability to have icons with no extention, or
path... so various themes can use various icons.
For example, Lubuntu uses Rafel's Box icon theme, this is much different
from the default Ubuntu Humanity/ubuntu-mono theme.
ToriOS uses Numix.
If I install Xiphos in ToriOS the icon is a big red circle with a
cross.  This is different from Ubuntu, which uses many 'default' icons. 
Those icons *should* be installed in either hicolor/scalable/apps
or hicolor/48x48/apps.  Many programs do not know/do this... either.

So, after saying all that... the menufile portion might be helpful.  Is
it installed by default in Lubuntu?
I don't currently have a running Lubuntu (all my old PCs are running
ToriOS right now).

On 05/27/2015 11:16 AM, KI7MT wrote:
> Hello All,
> While working on another project, I ran into a package they may assist
> in menu management for C4C, appropriately named "menu" :-) Note, the
> package says "Debian menu system" but that also applies to Ubuntu
> menu-aware Desktops.
> Package Info:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/menu
> * install-menu
> Description
> update-menus(1) computes the list of menu entries and passes it in turn
> to  the  menu methods in /etc/menu-methods/. The task of a menu methods
> is to generate menus  for  a  specific  window  manager.   install-menu
> provides  a  generic and customizable way to do that. The documentation
> of the install-menu definition language is available in the Debian Menu
> manual, a local copy being available in /usr/share/doc/menu/html.
> Link: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/install-menu.1.html
> * update-menus
> Description:
> Before the advent  of  update-menus,  when  the  system  administrators
> installed  a  package  onto  a  Debian  system, they would need to edit
> various window manager configuration files to make the new program show
> up  on, for example, fvwm's menus. The menus could easily become out of
> sync with what programs were actually available, with some  menu  items
> that didn't work, and other programs that lacked a menu entry.  update-
> menus and Debian's menu package aim to solve this problem.
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/update-menus.1.html
> * menufile
> Description:
> Menu files  add  entries  to  the  Debian  menu  system.  The  system
> administrator can place menu files in /etc/menu/ to override menu files
> that  packages add to /usr/share/menu/ .  The user can place menu files
> in ~/.menu/ to override all other menu files.
> Link http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man5/menufile.5.html
> best regards,
> Greg.


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