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comment and suggestion


I hope that this is an appropriate place to make this comment...
I am a user of KDE4.3.3, Kubuntu 9.10, amd64, NVIDIA card. I recently installed cairo-dock and was pleasantly surprised by several things: - CD's system tray is stable and not buggy - unlike KDE4's tray, which uses nearly 100% of my CPU. (a BIG reason for switching to CD)
  - it is feature rich and for the most part works well with KDE4

One suggestion: * Please include a KDE4 theme in your "theme manager".* The biggest frustration with CD was that the existing themes had default icons/settings for Gnome and were almost useless. I am not very good with setting up and installing anything complicated. There was a KDE4 theme for CD on KDE-look.org, but I couldn't get it to work. To date, I still do not have CD set up with appropriate KDE shortcuts and icons because everything has to be done manually and is very time-consuming.

CD is an awesome product, keep up the good work.