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[Merge] lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/WebSearch into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras


Eduardo Mucelli R. Oliveira has proposed merging lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/WebSearch into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras.

Requested reviews:
  Cairo-Dock Team (cairo-dock-team)

A heavy code refactoring, each search engine has its own module. Webshots has changed its HTML the whole fetching was recoded. Removing user-defined option for a pre-fetching limit. Finally a totally functional parallelized thumbnail download.
Your team Cairo-Dock Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/WebSearch into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras.
=== added directory 'RubyBattery/emblems'
=== added file 'RubyBattery/emblems/charging.png'
Binary files RubyBattery/emblems/charging.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and RubyBattery/emblems/charging.png	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000 differ
=== added file 'RubyBattery/emblems/discharging.png'
Binary files RubyBattery/emblems/discharging.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and RubyBattery/emblems/discharging.png	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000 differ
=== modified file 'WebSearch/Changelog.txt'
--- WebSearch/Changelog.txt	2010-05-10 11:35:51 +0000
+++ WebSearch/Changelog.txt	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+1.0.0: (May/12/2010): A heavy code refactoring, each search engine has its own module. Webshots has changed its HTML the whole fetching was recoded. Removing user-defined option for a pre-fetching limit. Finally a totally functional parallelized thumbnail download.
 0.7.3: (May/10/2010): Fixing the Google search since the engine changed the result stats HTML. Fixing the Bing result stats. Fixing the stats showing.
-0.7.0: (May/3/2010): WebSearch now fetch results from Wikipedia. Some code improvements. A new icon has been drawn, and a new preview also, both using Gimp.
+0.7.0: (May/3/2010): WebSearch now fetch results from Wikipedia. Some code improvements. A new icon has been drawn, and a new preview also, both using Gimp. 
 0.5.5: (May/1/2010): WebSearch now fetch results from Flickr and optionally it shows the image thumbnail as sub-icon. Thumbnail download is faster, it was parallelized with multi-threading. Fixed the removal of Google Images injected results within Google search. Adding Youtube, and Webshots result stats. Removed the log when downloading thumbnails. Any console output was removed.
 0.4.1 (April/25/2010): WebSearch now fetch results from Webshots and optionally it shows the image thumbnail as sub-icon. Now thumbnails are downloaded only by each sub-icons pagination increasing the response time. Changing a show_youtube_video_preview parameter for a general one show_thumbnail_preview able for any search engine which gives thumbnail possibility.
 0.3.0 (April/21/2010): WebSearch now fetch results from Youtube and optionally it shows the video thumbnail as sub-icon. New applet preview image that shows the results of a Youtube search.

=== modified file 'WebSearch/WebSearch'
--- WebSearch/WebSearch	2010-05-10 11:35:51 +0000
+++ WebSearch/WebSearch	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 %w{rubygems open-uri nokogiri dbus parseconfig launchy}.each { |x| require x }			# requirements
 class Array
+	def fifth;self[4];end																# defining the method "fifth" just for code readability
 	def third;self[2];end																# defining the method "third" just for code readability
-	def fifth;self[4];end
 class String
@@ -43,505 +43,274 @@
-bus = DBus::SessionBus.instance															# TODO: a module to encapsulate DBus-Dock connection
-applet_service = bus.service("org.cairodock.CairoDock")
-applet_name = File.basename(Dir.getwd)													# nome do applet, neste caso é demo_ruby
-applet_path = "/org/cairodock/CairoDock/#{applet_name}"									# caminho onde o objeto está guardado no bus
-applet_object = applet_service.object(applet_path)
-applet_object.default_iface = 'org.cairodock.CairoDock.applet'							# list of icons contained in our sub-dock, or in our desklet
-applet_sub_icons_object = applet_service.object("#{applet_path}/sub_icons")
-applet_sub_icons_object.default_iface = "org.cairodock.CairoDock.subapplet" 			# list of icons contained in our sub-dock, or in our desklet
-class Link
-	attr_accessor :url, :description, :id, :icon, :shortened_url
-	@@next_id = 0																		# sequential id "static"
-	def initialize (url = "", description = "", icon = File.expand_path("./icon"))
-		self.url = url
-		self.description = description
-		self.id = @@next_id += 1
-		self.icon = icon
-		self.shortened_url = shorten url
-	end
-	def shorten (string, count = 45)													# TODO: count as a parameter in .conf file
-		if string.length > count
-			shortened = string.slice(0 .. count-1)
-			shortened + "..." if shortened
-		else
-			string
-		end
-	end
-	def self.reset_next_id
-		class_variable_set(:@@next_id, 0)												# metaprogramming to reset the instance counter
-	end
-class ThumbnailedLink < Link															# a nice refactoring with the old YoutubeLink class
-	attr_accessor :image_id, :thumb_url, :thumb_path, :downloaded_thumb
-	@@next_image_id = 0
-	def initialize(url = "", description = "", thumb_url = "")
-		self.thumb_url = thumb_url
-		self.image_id = @@next_image_id += 1
-		self.thumb_path = define_thumbnail_path
-		self.downloaded_thumb = false
-		super(url, description)
-	end
-	def download_thumbnail
-		# download thumb quietly (q), name it (O) '#{image_id}.jpg' and take it to the directory named as engine
-		IO.popen("wget -q #{self.thumb_url} -O #{self.thumb_path}") 
-		self.downloaded_thumb = true
-		self.icon = File.expand_path(self.thumb_path)
-	end
-	# Thumbnail path composed by the search engine and image id
-	def define_thumbnail_path
-		directory = extract_directory_from_url
-		"./images/#{directory}/#{self.image_id}.jpg"
-	end	
-	# Extract from the thumb_url the what is the search engine using the the core of the url
-	def extract_directory_from_url
-		directories = %w(youtube webshots flickr)										# directories names like engines names
-		found = directories.detect {|d| self.thumb_url.include?(d)}						# search for engines names in thumb_url
-	end
-	def downloaded_thumb?
-		self.downloaded_thumb
-	end
-	def self.reset_next_image_id
-		class_variable_set(:@@next_image_id, 0)											# metaprogramming to reset the instance counter
-	end
-class Applet
-	attr_accessor 	:engine, :links, :query, :stats, :engines, :file_name,
-					:number_of_fetched_links, :number_of_displayed_links, :page_of_displayed_links, # prefetch works only for google
-					:show_current_page, :show_description_instead_url, :show_thumbnail_preview,
-					:scroll_engine_index
-	Google = "http://www.google.com/search?q=";											# (10,20,30,50,100) results per page
-	Bing = "http://www.bing.com/search?q=";												# 10 results per page
-	Yahoo = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=";											# 10 results per page
-	Teoma = "http://www.teoma.com/web?q=";												# 10 results per page
-	Youtube = "http://www.youtube.com";
-	YoutubeQ = "#{Youtube}/results?search_query="										# 20 results per page
-	Webshots = "http://www.webshots.com/search?query=";									# 72 results per page
-	Flickr = "http://www.flickr.com";
-	FlickrQ = "#{Flickr}/search/?q="													# 28 results per page
-	Wikipedia = "http://en.wikipedia.org";
-	WikipediaQ = "#{Wikipedia}/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search="				# parameter "limit" results per page 
-	DialogActiveTime = 5																# time in seconds the dialog window will be active
-	def initialize applet, sub_icons, file_name
-		self.query = ""
-		self.file_name = file_name
-		self.engines = [Google, Bing, Yahoo, Teoma, YoutubeQ, Webshots, FlickrQ, WikipediaQ]
-		self.scroll_engine_index = 0													# current index when scrolling through search engines
-		@icon = applet
-		@sub_icons = sub_icons
-		reset_search_settings
-		set_configuration_parameters													# setting the self.configuration content
-	end
-	def set_configuration_parameters
-		conf = ParseConfig.new(File.expand_path("~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/plug-ins/#{self.file_name}/#{self.file_name}.conf"))
-		# for parameters within a list, the value is the position in the options list, not the value by itself
-		self.engine = self.engines.at(conf.params['Configuration']['engine'].to_i)
-		inform_current_search_engine													# inform in bottom of the icon what is the new engine
-		self.number_of_fetched_links = [10, 20, 30, 50, 100].at(conf.params['Configuration']['number of fetched links'].to_i)
-		self.number_of_displayed_links = conf.params['Configuration']['number of displayed links'].to_i # number of sub-icons to be shown
-		self.show_current_page = conf.params['Configuration']['show current page'].to_b
-		self.show_description_instead_url = conf.params['Configuration']['show description instead url'].to_b
-		self.show_thumbnail_preview = conf.params['Configuration']['show thumbnail preview'].to_b
-	end
+module WebSearch
+	def self.name
+		File.basename(Dir.getwd)														# nome do applet, neste caso é o mesmo do diretorio
+	end
+	def self.start
+		bus = DBus::SessionBus.instance													# TODO: a module to encapsulate DBus-Dock connection
+		applet_service = bus.service("org.cairodock.CairoDock")
+		applet_path = "/org/cairodock/CairoDock/#{WebSearch.name}"						# caminho onde o objeto está guardado no bus
+		applet_object = applet_service.object(applet_path)
+		applet_object.introspect
+		applet_object.default_iface = 'org.cairodock.CairoDock.applet'					# list of icons contained in our sub-dock, or in our desklet
+		applet_sub_icons_object = applet_service.object("#{applet_path}/sub_icons")
+		applet_sub_icons_object.introspect
+		applet_sub_icons_object.default_iface = "org.cairodock.CairoDock.subapplet" 	# list of icons contained in our sub-dock, or in our desklet
+		applet = Applet.new applet_object, applet_sub_icons_object
+		applet.start
+		loop = DBus::Main.new
+		loop << bus
+		loop.run
+	end
+	class Applet
+		require './lib/Engine.rb'
+		# require './lib/Exceptions.rb'
+		attr_accessor 	:engine, :query, :engines,
+						:number_of_fetched_links, :number_of_displayed_links, :page_of_displayed_links,
+						:show_current_page, :show_description_instead_url, :show_thumbnail_preview,
+						:scroll_engine_index
+		DialogActiveTime = 5															# time in seconds the dialog window will be active
+		def initialize applet, sub_icons
+			self.query = ""
+			self.engines = %w(Google Bing Yahoo! Teoma Wikipedia Youtube Webshots Flickr)
+			self.engine = Engine.new
+			self.scroll_engine_index = 0												# current index when scrolling through search engines
+			@icon = applet
+			@sub_icons = sub_icons
+			reset_search_settings
+			set_configuration_parameters												# setting the self.configuration content
+		end
+		def set_configuration_parameters
+			conf = ParseConfig.new(File.expand_path("~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/plug-ins/#{WebSearch.name}/#{WebSearch.name}.conf"))
+			# for parameters within a list, the value is the position in the options list, not the value by itself
+			self.number_of_fetched_links = [10, 20, 30, 50, 100].at(conf.params['Configuration']['number of fetched links'].to_i)
+			self.engine.name = self.engines.at(conf.params['Configuration']['engine'].to_i)
+			inform_current_search_engine												# inform in bottom of the icon what is the new engine		
+			self.number_of_displayed_links = conf.params['Configuration']['number of displayed links'].to_i # number of sub-icons to be shown
+			self.show_current_page = conf.params['Configuration']['show current page'].to_b
+			self.show_description_instead_url = conf.params['Configuration']['show description instead url'].to_b
+			self.show_thumbnail_preview = conf.params['Configuration']['show thumbnail preview'].to_b
+		end
-	def start
-		verify_user_action
-	end
-	def verify_user_action
-		@icon.on_signal("on_build_menu") do |param|										# right click signal
-			action_on_build_menu
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_menu_select") do |selected_menu|
-			action_on_menu_select selected_menu
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_answer") do |answer|
-			action_on_answer answer
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_scroll") do |scroll_up|										# when the user scroll the mouse up or down on the icon
-			action_on_scroll scroll_up													# scroll down param = false, scroll up param = true
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_middle_click") do |param|
-			ask_for_search_query
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_click") do |param|
-			action_on_click
-		end
-		@icon.on_signal("on_reload_module") do |config_has_changed|
-			action_on_reload_module config_has_changed
-		end
-		@sub_icons.on_signal("on_click_sub_icon") do |param, sub_icon_id|
-			action_on_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
-		end
-		@sub_icons.on_signal("on_middle_click_sub_icon") do |sub_icon_id|
-			action_on_middle_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
-		end
-	end
-	def action_on_build_menu
-		#if @icon.add_menu_items_available											# Cairo-Dock > 2.1.4-0beta0
-		# items = [{:type => 1, :label => 'Google', :menu => 0, :id => 1, :icon => './images/google.png', :tooltip => 'Google'}]
-			# @icon.AddMenuItems(items)
-		#else
-		@icon.PopulateMenu(["Google", "Bing", "Yahoo!", "Teoma", "Youtube", "Webshots", "Flickr", "Wikipedia"])
-		#end
-	end
-	def ask_for_search_query
-		@icon.AskText("Search for:", "#{self.query}")
-	end
-	def action_on_answer answer
-		unless answer.empty?
-			reset_search_settings unless self.query.empty?
-		    self.query = answer
-			fetch_next_resulting_page
-		end
-	end
-	def reset_search_settings
-	    self.links = []
-		self.stats = ""
-		self.page_of_displayed_links = 0												# current pagination of displayed links
-		Link.reset_next_id
-	    ThumbnailedLink.reset_next_image_id
-	    @sub_icons.RemoveSubIcon("any")
-	end
-	def action_on_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
-		Launchy.open self.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).url
-	end
-	def action_on_middle_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
-		text = ""
-		if self.show_description_instead_url											# sub-icons are entitled by description ...
-			text = self.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).url								# so URL will be shown in dialog
-		else																			# sub-icons are entitled by url ...
-			text = self.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).description						# so description will be shown in dialog
-		end					
-		@icon.ShowDialog(text, DialogActiveTime)
-	end
-	def action_on_click
-		if self.stats.empty?
-			ask_for_search_query
-		else
-			@icon.ShowDialog(self.stats, DialogActiveTime) 
-		end
-	end
-	# Changing the search engine by context menu
-	def action_on_menu_select param
-		switch_search_engine param
-	end
-	def action_on_reload_module config_has_changed
-		set_configuration_parameters if config_has_changed
-	end
-	# Scrolling behavior can be switch the search engine, or fetch another resulting page
-	def action_on_scroll scroll_up
-		if self.query.empty?															# before the first query it is possible scroll through engines
-			if scroll_up
-				switch_search_engine self.scroll_engine_index +=1						# drawback: user scrolls a lot for up/down and this variable
-			else																		# gets a value far from (0..self.engines.length-1) limits.
-				switch_search_engine self.scroll_engine_index -=1						# user need to scroll back a lot to get in these limits again
-			end
-		else																			# later the first query scroll through the resulting pages
-			if scroll_up
+		def start
+			verify_user_action
+		end
+		def verify_user_action
+			@icon.on_signal("on_build_menu") do |param|									# right click signal
+				action_on_build_menu
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_menu_select") do |selected_menu|
+				action_on_menu_select selected_menu
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_answer") do |answer|
+				action_on_answer answer
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_scroll") do |scroll_up|									# when the user scroll the mouse up or down on the icon
+				action_on_scroll scroll_up												# scroll down param = false, scroll up param = true
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_middle_click") do |param|
+				ask_for_search_query
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_click") do |param|
+				action_on_click
+			end
+			@icon.on_signal("on_reload_module") do |config_has_changed|
+				action_on_reload_module config_has_changed
+			end
+			@sub_icons.on_signal("on_click_sub_icon") do |param, sub_icon_id|
+				action_on_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
+			end
+			@sub_icons.on_signal("on_middle_click_sub_icon") do |sub_icon_id|
+				action_on_middle_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
+			end
+		end
+		def action_on_build_menu
+			#if @icon.add_menu_items_available											# Cairo-Dock > 2.1.4-0beta0
+			# items = [{:type => 1, :label => 'Google', :menu => 0, :id => 1, :icon => './images/google.png', :tooltip => 'Google'}]
+				# @icon.AddMenuItems(items)
+			#else
+			@icon.PopulateMenu(self.engines)
+			#end
+		end
+		def ask_for_search_query
+			@icon.AskText("Search for:", "#{self.query}")
+		end
+		def action_on_answer answer
+			unless answer.empty?
+				reset_search_settings unless self.query.empty?
+				self.query = answer
+				self.engine = self.engine.connect										# only when the fetch is imminent the engine connection occurs
+			end
+		end
+		def reset_search_settings
+			self.engine.links = []
+			self.engine.stats = ""
+			self.page_of_displayed_links = 0											# current pagination of displayed links
+			Link.reset_next_id
+			ThumbnailedLink.reset_next_image_id
+			@sub_icons.RemoveSubIcon("any")
+		end
+		def action_on_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
+			Launchy.open self.engine.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).url
+		end
+		def action_on_middle_click_sub_icon sub_icon_id
+			text = ""
+			if self.show_description_instead_url										# sub-icons are entitled by description ...
+				text = self.engine.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).url						# so URL will be shown in dialog
+			else																		# sub-icons are entitled by url ...
+				text = self.engine.links.at(sub_icon_id.to_i-1).description				# so description will be shown in dialog
+			end					
+			@icon.ShowDialog(text, DialogActiveTime)
+		end
+		def action_on_click
+			if self.engine.stats.empty?
+				ask_for_search_query
-				fetch_previous_resulting_page
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	def switch_search_engine index
-		index = 0 if index < 0															# keep the lower limit
-		index = self.engines.length - 1 if index > self.engines.length - 1				# keep the upper limit
-		self.engine = self.engines.at index
-		reset_search_settings															# clean the previous search when choosing a new one
-		inform_current_search_engine													# inform in the bottom of the icon what is the new engine
-	end
-	def fetch_next_resulting_page
-		offset = self.page_of_displayed_links * self.number_of_displayed_links			# the position of the first link in the self.links array
-		if self.links.size <= offset													# user already scrolled by the fetched links, fetch more
+				@icon.ShowDialog(self.engine.stats, DialogActiveTime) 
+			end
+		end
+		# Changing the search engine by context menu
+		def action_on_menu_select param
+			switch_search_engine param
+		end
+		def action_on_reload_module config_has_changed
+			set_configuration_parameters if config_has_changed
+		end
+		# Scrolling behavior can be switch the search engine, or fetch another resulting page
+		def action_on_scroll scroll_up
+			if self.query.empty?														# before the first query it is possible scroll through engines
+				if scroll_up
+					switch_search_engine self.scroll_engine_index +=1					# drawback: user scrolls a lot for up/down and this variable
+				else																	# gets a value far from (0..self.engines.length-1) limits.
+					switch_search_engine self.scroll_engine_index -=1					# user need to scroll back a lot to get in these limits again
+				end
+			else																		# later the first query scroll through the resulting pages
+				if scroll_up
+					fetch_next_resulting_page
+				else
+					fetch_previous_resulting_page
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		def switch_search_engine index
+			index = 0 if index < 0														# keep the lower limit
+			index = self.engines.length - 1 if index > self.engines.length - 1			# keep the upper limit
+			self.engine.name = self.engines.at(index)
+			reset_search_settings														# clean the previous search when choosing a new one
+			inform_current_search_engine												# inform in the bottom of the icon what is the new engine
+		end
+		def fetch_next_resulting_page
+			offset = self.page_of_displayed_links * self.number_of_displayed_links		# the position of the first link in the self.engine.links array
+			if self.engine.links.size <= offset											# user already scrolled by the fetched links, fetch more
+				inform_start_of_waiting_process
+				self.engine.links = self.engine.retrieve_links(self.query, offset)		# receive the fetched links
+				inform_end_of_waiting_process
+		    end
+			self.page_of_displayed_links += 1											# sequential page identification, lets go to the next
+			sub_icon_list = construct_sub_icon_list(offset)
+			refresh_sub_icon_list (sub_icon_list)
+			inform_current_page
+		end
+		# Since the previous results are already stored in self.engine.links, it is necessary just to 
+		# select the its interval that starts with the first link of the previous page.
+		# An easier approach would be query google again with page-1 but it would result
+		# more queries to the page, consequently it has some drawbacks such as increasing the 
+		# probability of Google block the mechanized access, more bandwith, etc.
+		def fetch_previous_resulting_page
+			if self.page_of_displayed_links > 1											# there is no previous page from the first one
+				self.page_of_displayed_links -= 1										# one page back
+				inicio = (self.page_of_displayed_links-1) * self.number_of_displayed_links	# the first position of the link in the previous page
+				sub_icon_list = construct_sub_icon_list(inicio)
+				refresh_sub_icon_list (sub_icon_list)
+			end
+			inform_current_page
+		end
+		# Construct the menu using a set of fetched links
+		# Links can have thumbnails
+		def construct_sub_icon_list inicio
+			sub_icon_list =[]
-			case self.engine
-				when Google; retrieve_links_from_google(self.query, offset)
-				when Bing; 	 retrieve_links_from_bing(self.query, offset)
-				when Yahoo;  retrieve_links_from_yahoo(self.query, offset)
-				when Teoma;  retrieve_links_from_teoma(self.query, self.page_of_displayed_links + 1)	 	# first Teoma page is 1
-				when YoutubeQ;  retrieve_links_from_youtube(self.query, self.page_of_displayed_links + 1) 	# first Youtube page is 1
-				when Webshots;  retrieve_links_from_webshots(self.query, offset)
-				when FlickrQ;  retrieve_links_from_flickr(self.query, self.page_of_displayed_links + 1)		# first Flickr page is 1
-				when WikipediaQ;  retrieve_links_from_wikipedia(self.query, offset)
+			threads =[]
+			self.engine.links[inicio, self.number_of_displayed_links].each do |link|	# first let's download the thumbs if necessary
+				if link.instance_of?(ThumbnailedLink) and not link.downloaded_thumb?	# class that provides thumbs and a not yet downloaded thumb
+					if self.show_thumbnail_preview 										# user want to see thumbs, so let's get it
+						threads << Thread.new {link.download_thumbnail}
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			threads.each {|t| t.join}
+			self.engine.links[inicio, self.number_of_displayed_links].each do |link|	# later, get the rest of sub-icons data
+				if self.show_description_instead_url
+					sub_icon_list << link.description									# user prefer see description with the sub-icon
+				else
+					sub_icon_list << link.shortened_url									# user prefer see shortened url with the sub-icon
+				end
+				sub_icon_list << link.icon												# the icon
+				sub_icon_list << link.id.to_s											# the sequential id
-        end
-		self.page_of_displayed_links += 1												# sequential page identification, lets go to the next
-		sub_icon_list = construct_sub_icon_list(offset)
-		refresh_sub_icon_list (sub_icon_list)
-		inform_current_page
-	end
-	# Since the previous results are already stored in self.links, it is necessary just to 
-	# select the its interval that starts with the first link of the previous page.
-	# An easier approach would be query google again with page-1 but it would result
-	# more queries to the page, consequently it has some drawbacks such as increasing the 
-	# probability of Google block the mechanized access, more bandwith, etc.
-	def fetch_previous_resulting_page
-		if self.page_of_displayed_links > 1												# there is no previous page from the first one
-			self.page_of_displayed_links -= 1											# one page back
-			inicio = (self.page_of_displayed_links-1) * self.number_of_displayed_links	# the first position of the link in the previous page
-			sub_icon_list = construct_sub_icon_list(inicio)
-			refresh_sub_icon_list (sub_icon_list)
-		end
-		inform_current_page
-	end
-	# Construct the menu using a set of fetched links
-	# Links can have thumbnails
-	def construct_sub_icon_list inicio
-		sub_icon_list =[]
-		inform_start_of_waiting_process
-		threads =[]
-		self.links[inicio, self.number_of_displayed_links].each do |link|				# first let's download the thumbs if necessary
-			if link.instance_of?(ThumbnailedLink) and not link.downloaded_thumb?		# class that provides thumbs and a not yet downloaded thumb
-				if self.show_thumbnail_preview 											# user want to see thumbs, so let's get it
-#					threads << Thread.new(link) do |l|									# parallelizing thumb download with multi-threading
-#						l.download_thumbnail
-#					end
-					p link.download_thumbnail
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		threads.each { |t| t.join }
-		self.links[inicio, self.number_of_displayed_links].each do |link|				# later, get the rest of sub-icons data
-			if self.show_description_instead_url
-				sub_icon_list << link.description										# user prefer see description with the sub-icon
-			else
-				sub_icon_list << link.shortened_url										# user prefer see shortened url with the sub-icon
-			end
-			sub_icon_list << link.icon													# the icon
-			sub_icon_list << link.id.to_s												# the sequential id
-		end
-		inform_end_of_waiting_process
-		sub_icon_list
-	end
-	def refresh_sub_icon_list sub_icon_list
-		@sub_icons.RemoveSubIcon("any")													# remove all rendered sub-icons
-		@sub_icons.AddSubIcons(sub_icon_list)
-	end
-    # Fetch a user-defined number links from Google with just one query. The parameter offset is the index of the first link.
-    # It is better to fetch a higher amount of links in order to minimize the number of queries to be sent to google
-	def retrieve_links_from_google(query, offset = 0)
-		google = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{Google}#{query}&start=#{offset}&num=#{self.number_of_fetched_links}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_google_result_stats(google)
-		(google/"h3[@class='r']").search("a[@href]").each do |raw_link|
-			url = raw_link['href']
-			# Google "injects" its images results in the backlink-based results, desconsidering it
-			unless url.include? "?q=#{query}"
-				description = raw_link.inner_text
-				self.links << Link.new(url, description)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	# Retrieve informations from Google search stats
-	# The stats array positions "Resultados first - second de aproximadamente third para fourth (fifth segundos)"
-	def retrieve_google_result_stats google
-		stats = (google/"div[@id='resultStats']")
-		/^About ([\S]+) results \s\(([\S]+) seconds\)/.match(stats.inner_text)
-		total, time = $1, $2
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results in #{time} seconds"
-	end
-	# Fetch links from Bing. Since Bing does not provide an in-url way to fetch more links than the 10
-	# as Google does (&num=amount_to_fetch), this method will be called every time that 10 new results need to be shown
-	def retrieve_links_from_bing(query, offset = 1)
-		bing = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{Bing}#{query}&first=#{offset}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_bing_result_stats(bing)
-		(bing/"h3").search("a[@onmousedown]").each do |raw_link|
-			url = raw_link['href']
-			description = raw_link.inner_text
-			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
-		end
-	end
-	# Retrieve informations from Bing search stats	
-	# The stats array postions "first-second 'of' third 'results'"
-	def retrieve_bing_result_stats bing
-		stats = (bing/"span[@id='count']").inner_text
-		total = stats.split.fifth
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# Fetch links from Yahoo!. Since Yahoo! does not provide an in-url way to fetch more links than the 10
-	# as Google does (&num=amount_to_fetch), this method will be called every time that 10 new results need to be shown
-	def retrieve_links_from_yahoo(query, offset = 1)
-		yahoo = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{Yahoo}#{query}&b=#{offset}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_yahoo_result_stats(yahoo)
-		(yahoo/"div[@class~='res']").each do |res|					# divs are usually from 'res' class but some sub-results are 'res_indent' class
-			url = (res/"span[@class='url']").inner_text
-			description = (res/"h3/a").inner_text
-			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
-		end
-	end
-	# Retrieve informations from Yahoo! search stats	
-	def retrieve_yahoo_result_stats yahoo
-		total = (yahoo/"strong[@id='resultCount']").inner_text
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# Instead of the offset (the index of the first link), Teoma (ask.com) receives the offset with the *page* value
-	# The href paremeter has the URL and the tag's content has the description.
-	# Teoma results are placed in an <a> tag with id='r(digit)_t'.
-	def retrieve_links_from_teoma(query, page = 1)
-		teoma = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{Teoma}#{query}&page=#{page}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_teoma_result_stats teoma
-		(teoma/"a[@id$='_t']").each do |res|											# any a tag with an id that ends with _t
-			url = res['href']
-			description = res.inner_text
-			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
-		end
-	end
-	def retrieve_teoma_result_stats teoma
-		total = teoma.at("//span[@id='indexLast']").next.next.inner_text
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# Fetch links from english Wikipedia. It is necessary to set user agent, or the connection is Forbidden (403)
-	def retrieve_links_from_wikipedia(query, offset = 0)
-		wikipedia = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{WikipediaQ}#{query}&offset=#{offset}&limit=#{self.number_of_fetched_links}", 'User-Agent' => 'ruby'))
-		self.stats = retrieve_webshots_result_wikipedia wikipedia
-		(wikipedia/"ul[@class='mw-search-results']/li/a").each do |res|
-			url = res['href']
-			description = res['title']
-			self.links << Link.new("#{Wikipedia}#{url}", description)
-		end
-	end
-	def retrieve_webshots_result_wikipedia wikipedia
-		total = wikipedia.at("div[@class='results-info']/ul/li/b").next.next.inner_text
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# url, e.g, /watch?v=WwojCsQ3Fa8
-	# thumb_url, e.g, "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/WwojCsQ3Fa8/default.jpg";
-	def retrieve_links_from_youtube(query, page = 1)
-		youtube = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{YoutubeQ}#{query}&page=#{page}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_youtube_result_stats youtube
-		(youtube/"a[@id^='video-long-title-']").each do |res|							# 'a' tag has id which starts with "video-long-title-"
-			url = res['href']
-			description = res.inner_text
-			video_id = url.split('=').last												# /watch?v=WwojCsQ3Fa8 => WwojCsQ3Fa8 => video_id
-			thumb_url = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/#{video_id}/default.jpg";
-			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new("#{Youtube}#{url}", description, thumb_url)
-		end
-	end
-	def retrieve_youtube_result_stats youtube
-		total = youtube.at("div[@class='name']").inner_text.split.last
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# url, e.g, http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2500137270102572130
-	# thumb_url, e.g, http://thumb10.webshots.net/t/24/665/1/37/27/2500137270102572130SmNoHt_th.jpg";
-	def retrieve_links_from_webshots(query, offset = 0)
-		webshots = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{Webshots}#{query}&start=#{offset}"))
-		self.stats = retrieve_webshots_result_stats webshots
-		(webshots/"li[@onmouseover^='wsPopup']").each do |res|							# li tag has onmouseover which starts with "wsPopup"
-			url = thumb_url = description = ""
-			(res/"div[@class='photo']/a/img").each do |raw_thumb|
-				thumb_url = raw_thumb['src']
-			end
-			(res/"div[@class='title']/p/a").each do |raw_link|
-				url = raw_link['href']
-				description = raw_link.inner_text
-			end
-			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new(url, description, thumb_url)
-		end
-	end
-	def retrieve_webshots_result_stats webshots
-		total = webshots.at("div[@id='resultCount']/strong").inner_text
-		"Search for #{self.query} returned #{total} results"
-	end
-	# url, e.g., /photos/21078069@N03/2780732654/
-	# thumb_url, e.g., http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3255/2780732654_b7cbb2fb98_t.jpg";
-	def retrieve_links_from_flickr(query, page = 1)
-		flickr = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{FlickrQ}#{query}#page=#{page}"))
-		(flickr/"span[@class='photo_container pc_t']/a").each do |res|
-			url = res['href']
-			description = res['title']
-			thumb_url = res.at("img")['src']
-			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new("#{Flickr}#{url}", description, thumb_url)
-		end
-	end
-	def inform_start_of_waiting_process
-		@icon.SetQuickInfo("...")
-	end
-	def inform_end_of_waiting_process
-		@icon.SetQuickInfo("")
-	end
-	def inform_current_page
-		if self.show_current_page
-			@icon.SetQuickInfo("#{self.page_of_displayed_links}")
-		else
+			sub_icon_list
+		end
+		def refresh_sub_icon_list sub_icon_list
+			@sub_icons.RemoveSubIcon("any")												# remove all rendered sub-icons
+			@sub_icons.AddSubIcons(sub_icon_list)
+		end
+		def inform_start_of_waiting_process
+			@icon.SetQuickInfo("...")
+		end
+		def inform_end_of_waiting_process
-	end
+		def inform_current_page
+			if self.show_current_page
+				@icon.SetQuickInfo("#{self.page_of_displayed_links}")
+			else
+				@icon.SetQuickInfo("")
+			end
+		end
-	# Inform in the bottom of the icon what is new search engine
-	def inform_current_search_engine
-		current = case self.engine
-			when Google; "Google"
-			when Bing; "Bing"
-			when Yahoo; "Yahoo!"
-			when Teoma; "Teoma"
-			when YoutubeQ; "Youtube"
-			when Webshots; "Webshots"
-			when FlickrQ; "Flickr"
-			when WikipediaQ; "Wikipedia"
+		# Inform in the bottom of the icon what is new search engine
+		def inform_current_search_engine
+	 		@icon.SetQuickInfo(self.engine.name)
- 		@icon.SetQuickInfo(current)
+    def self.log(msg)
+		$stderr.puts "WEBSEARCH_DEBUG: #{msg}"
+    end
-applet = Applet.new applet_object, applet_sub_icons_object, applet_name
-loop = DBus::Main.new
-loop << bus

=== modified file 'WebSearch/WebSearch.conf'
--- WebSearch/WebSearch.conf	2010-05-10 11:35:51 +0000
+++ WebSearch/WebSearch.conf	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@
 #i[5;10] Maximum number of results shown :
 #{in sub-icons.}
 number of displayed links = 10
-#l[10;20;30;50;100] Number of prefetched results :
-#{higher is better. Applicable for Google, and Wikipedia.}
-number of fetched links = 4
 #b Show the current page as the icon label ?
 show current page = true
 #b Show the description of the result instead of its URL in the sub-icons ?

=== modified file 'WebSearch/auto-load.conf'
--- WebSearch/auto-load.conf	2010-05-10 11:35:51 +0000
+++ WebSearch/auto-load.conf	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
 category = 2
 # Version of the applet; change it everytime you change something in the config file. Don't forget to update the version both in this file and in the config file.
-version = 0.7.3
+version = 1.0.0

=== added directory 'WebSearch/lib'
=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Bing.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Bing.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Bing.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+class Bing < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://www.bing.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/search?q="											# 10 results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# Fetch links from Bing. Since Bing does not provide an in-url way to fetch more links than the 10
+	# as Google does (&num=amount_to_fetch), this method will be called every time that 10 new results need to be shown
+	def retrieve_links(query, offset = 1)
+		bing = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&first=#{offset}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_bing_result_stats(bing, query)
+		(bing/"h3").search("a[@onmousedown]").each do |raw_link|
+			url = raw_link['href']
+			description = raw_link.inner_text
+			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	# Retrieve informations from Bing search stats	
+	# The stats array postions "first-second 'of' third 'results'"
+	def retrieve_bing_result_stats bing, query
+		stats = (bing/"span[@id='count']").inner_text
+		total = stats.split.fifth
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Engine.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Engine.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Engine.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+class Engine 																			# Factory + Inheritance
+	require './lib/Link.rb'
+	attr_accessor :name, :stats, :links, :base_url, :query_url, :engine
+	def initialize
+		self.links =[]
+	end
+	def connect
+		WebSearch.log "connecting to #{self.name}"
+		self.engine = case self.name
+			when "Google"; require './lib/Google.rb'; Google.new						# lazy loading applied to engines libraries
+			when "Bing"; require './lib/Bing.rb'; Bing.new
+			when "Yahoo!"; require './lib/Yahoo.rb'; Yahoo.new
+			when "Teoma"; require './lib/Teoma.rb'; Teoma.new
+			when "Wikipedia"; require './lib/Wikipedia.rb'; Wikipedia.new
+			when "Youtube"; require './lib/Youtube.rb'; Youtube.new
+			when "Webshots"; require './lib/Webshots.rb'; Webshots.new
+			when "Flickr"; require './lib/Flickr.rb'; Flickr.new
+		end
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Exceptions.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Exceptions.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Exceptions.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module Exceptions
+	class UnknownEngineException < StandardError
+		def initialize(engine)
+			@engine = engine
+		end
+		def message
+			"Unknown search engine #{@engine}"
+		end
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Flickr.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Flickr.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Flickr.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+class Flickr < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://www.flickr.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/search/?q="								# 28 results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# url, e.g., /photos/21078069@N03/2780732654/
+	# thumb_url, e.g., http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3255/2780732654_b7cbb2fb98_t.jpg";
+	def retrieve_links(query, page = 1)
+		flickr = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}#page=#{page}"))
+		(flickr/"span[@class='photo_container pc_t']/a").each do |res|
+			url = res['href']
+			description = res['title']
+			thumb_url = res.at("img")['src']
+			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new("#{self.base_url}#{url}", description, thumb_url)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Google.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Google.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Google.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+class Google < Engine
+	#attr_accessor :name, :stats, :links, :base_url, :query_url, :number_of_fetched_links
+	attr_accessor :number_of_fetched_links
+	def initialize
+		self.number_of_fetched_links = 100
+		self.base_url = "http://www.google.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/search?q="											# (10,20,30,50,100) results per page"
+		super
+	end
+	# Fetch a user-defined number links from Google with just one query. The parameter offset is the index of the first link.
+    # It is better to fetch a higher amount of links in order to minimize the number of queries to be sent to google
+	def retrieve_links (query, offset)
+		google = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&start=#{offset}&num=#{self.number_of_fetched_links}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_result_stats(google, query)
+		(google/"h3[@class='r']").search("a[@href]").each do |raw_link|
+			url = raw_link['href']
+			# Google "injects" its images results in the backlink-based results, desconsidering it
+			unless url.include? "?q=#{query}"
+				description = raw_link.inner_text
+				self.links << Link.new(url, description)
+			end
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	# Retrieve informations from Google search stats
+	# The stats array positions "Resultados first - second de aproximadamente third para fourth (fifth segundos)"
+	def retrieve_result_stats(google, query)
+		stats = (google/"div[@id='resultStats']")
+		/^About ([\S]+) results \s\(([\S]+) seconds\)/.match(stats.inner_text)
+		total, time = $1, $2
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results in #{time} seconds"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Link.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Link.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Link.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+class Link
+	attr_accessor :url, :description, :id, :icon, :shortened_url
+	@@next_id = 0																		# sequential id "static"
+	def initialize (url = "", description = "", icon = File.expand_path("./icon"))
+		self.url = url
+		self.description = description
+		self.id = @@next_id += 1
+		self.icon = icon
+		self.shortened_url = shorten url
+	end
+	def shorten (string, count = 45)													# TODO: count as a parameter in .conf file
+		if string.length > count
+			shortened = string.slice(0 .. count-1)
+			shortened + "..." if shortened
+		else
+			string
+		end
+	end
+	def self.reset_next_id
+		class_variable_set(:@@next_id, 0)												# metaprogramming to reset the instance counter
+	end
+class ThumbnailedLink < Link															# a nice refactoring with the old YoutubeLink class
+	attr_accessor :image_id, :thumb_url, :thumb_path, :downloaded_thumb
+	@@next_image_id = 0
+	def initialize(url = "", description = "", thumb_url = "")
+		super(url, description)
+		self.thumb_url = thumb_url
+		self.image_id = @@next_image_id += 1
+		self.thumb_path = define_thumbnail_path
+		self.downloaded_thumb = false
+	end
+	def download_thumbnail																# remember that is being threaded outside
+		# download thumb quietly (q), name it (O) '#{image_id}.jpg' and take it to the directory named as engine
+		IO.popen("wget -q #{self.thumb_url} -O #{self.thumb_path}") do |io|				# open the pipe
+			IO.select([io], nil, nil, 0.5)												# non-blocking download through the pipe
+		end
+		self.downloaded_thumb = true
+		self.icon = File.expand_path(self.thumb_path)
+	end
+	# Thumbnail path composed by the search engine and image id
+	# Extract from the thumb_url the what is the search engine using the the core of the url
+	def define_thumbnail_path
+		directories = %w(youtube webshots flickr)										# directories names like engines names
+		directory = directories.detect {|d| self.url.include?(d)}						# search for engines names in url
+		"./images/#{directory}/#{self.image_id}.jpg"
+	end	
+	def downloaded_thumb?
+		self.downloaded_thumb
+	end
+	def self.reset_next_image_id
+		class_variable_set(:@@next_image_id, 0)											# metaprogramming to reset the instance counter
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Teoma.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Teoma.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Teoma.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+class Teoma < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://www.teoma.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/web?q="										# 10 results per page
+		super
+	end	
+	# Instead of the offset (the index of the first link), Teoma (ask.com) receives the offset with the *page* value
+	# The href paremeter has the URL and the tag's content has the description.
+	# Teoma results are placed in an <a> tag with id='r(digit)_t'.
+	def retrieve_links(query, page = 1)
+		teoma = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&page=#{page}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_teoma_result_stats(teoma, query)
+		(teoma/"a[@id$='_t']").each do |res|											# any a tag with an id that ends with _t
+			url = res['href']
+			description = res.inner_text
+			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	def retrieve_teoma_result_stats(teoma, query)
+		total = teoma.at("//span[@id='indexLast']").next.next.inner_text
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Webshots.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Webshots.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Webshots.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+class Webshots < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://www.webshots.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/search?querySource=community&query="								# 36 results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# url, e.g, http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2500137270102572130
+	# thumb_url, e.g, http://thumb10.webshots.net/t/24/665/1/37/27/2500137270102572130SmNoHt_th.jpg";
+	def retrieve_links(query, offset = 0)
+		webshots = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&start=#{offset}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_webshots_result_stats(webshots, query)
+		(webshots/"a[@class='searchListItemLink']").each do |res|
+			url = res['href']
+			description = res['title']
+			thumb_url = res.at("img[@class='searchListItemImg']")['src']
+			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new(url, description, thumb_url)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	def retrieve_webshots_result_stats(webshots, query)
+		total = webshots.at("span[@class='resultsNo']/strong").inner_text
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Wikipedia.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Wikipedia.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Wikipedia.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+class Wikipedia < Engine
+	attr_accessor :number_of_fetched_links
+	def initialize
+		self.number_of_fetched_links = 100
+		self.base_url = "http://en.wikipedia.org";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search="				# parameter "limit" results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# Fetch links from english Wikipedia. It is necessary to set user agent, or the connection is Forbidden (403)
+	def retrieve_links(query, offset = 0)
+		wikipedia = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&offset=#{offset}&limit=#{self.number_of_fetched_links}", 'User-Agent' => 'ruby'))
+		self.stats = retrieve_webshots_result_wikipedia(wikipedia, query)
+		(wikipedia/"ul[@class='mw-search-results']/li/a").each do |res|
+			url = res['href']
+			description = res['title']
+			self.links << Link.new("#{self.query_url}#{url}", description)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	def retrieve_webshots_result_wikipedia (wikipedia, query)
+		total = wikipedia.at("div[@class='results-info']/ul/li/b").next.next.inner_text
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Yahoo.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Yahoo.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Yahoo.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+class Yahoo < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://search.yahoo.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/search?p="											# 10 results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# Fetch links from Yahoo!. Since Yahoo! does not provide an in-url way to fetch more links than the 10
+	# as Google does (&num=amount_to_fetch), this method will be called every time that 10 new results need to be shown
+	def retrieve_links(query, offset = 1)
+		yahoo = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&b=#{offset}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_yahoo_result_stats(yahoo, query)
+		(yahoo/"div[@class~='res']").each do |res|					# divs are usually from 'res' class but some sub-results are 'res_indent' class
+			url = (res/"span[@class='url']").inner_text
+			description = (res/"h3/a").inner_text
+			self.links << Link.new(url, description)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	# Retrieve informations from Yahoo! search stats	
+	def retrieve_yahoo_result_stats (yahoo, query)
+		total = (yahoo/"strong[@id='resultCount']").inner_text
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

=== added file 'WebSearch/lib/Youtube.rb'
--- WebSearch/lib/Youtube.rb	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ WebSearch/lib/Youtube.rb	2010-05-13 01:49:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+class Youtube < Engine
+	def initialize
+		self.base_url = "http://www.youtube.com";
+		self.query_url = "#{self.base_url}/results?search_query="						# 20 results per page
+		super
+	end
+	# url, e.g, /watch?v=WwojCsQ3Fa8
+	# thumb_url, e.g, "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/WwojCsQ3Fa8/default.jpg";
+	def retrieve_links(query, page = 1)
+		youtube = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{self.query_url}#{query}&page=#{page}"))
+		self.stats = retrieve_youtube_result_stats(youtube, query)
+		(youtube/"a[@id^='video-long-title-']").each do |res|							# 'a' tag has id which starts with "video-long-title-"
+			url = res['href']
+			description = res.inner_text
+			video_id = url.split('=').last												# /watch?v=WwojCsQ3Fa8 => WwojCsQ3Fa8 => video_id
+			thumb_url = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/#{video_id}/default.jpg";
+			self.links << ThumbnailedLink.new("#{self.base_url}#{url}", description, thumb_url)
+		end
+		self.links
+	end
+	def retrieve_youtube_result_stats (youtube, query)
+		total = youtube.at("div[@class='name']").inner_text.split.last
+		"Search for #{query} returned #{total} results"
+	end

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