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[Merge] lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/doCkranslator into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras


Eduardo Mucelli Rezende Oliveira has proposed merging lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/doCkranslator into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras.

Requested reviews:
  Cairo-Dock Team (cairo-dock-team)

doCkranslator now has another fast-as-hell way to translate. Press Ctrl + F8 to open the input dialog, paste some text, and press Enter. The shortcut capability requires Python-Xlib, but even if the user has not it, the applet works without this capability.
Your team Cairo-Dock Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~eduardo-mucelli/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/doCkranslator into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras.
=== modified file 'doCkranslator/Changelog.txt'
--- doCkranslator/Changelog.txt	2010-07-17 04:18:11 +0000
+++ doCkranslator/Changelog.txt	2010-07-18 18:05:56 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+0.1.0:(July/18/2010): doCkranslator now has another fast-as-hell way to translate. Press Ctrl + F8 to open the input dialog, paste some text, and press Enter. The shortcut capability requires Python-Xlib, but even if the user has not it, the applet works without this capability.
 0.0.5:(July/16/2010): Source language now can be defined by context menu. doCkranslator now has a fast way to translate, select any text and middle-click on the icon, just it.
 0.0.4:(July/16/2010): doCkranslator now translates from lots of languages, and it can be defined by the configuration file. Input box now shows a label with source and destination languages.
 0.0.3:(July/16/2010): Refactoring the code a lil bit. The user can define the resulting language by configuration file, so it won't change every time the plug-in reloads.

=== modified file 'doCkranslator/README'
--- doCkranslator/README	2010-07-17 04:18:11 +0000
+++ doCkranslator/README	2010-07-18 18:05:56 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+To use the Ctrl + F8 shortcut, in order to open the dialog box, it is necessary to install the Python-Xlib.
 # Contact me
 Any doubt, suggestion or anything else, except asking for some money, I would be pleased to received a message from you. :¬)

=== modified file 'doCkranslator/auto-load.conf'
--- doCkranslator/auto-load.conf	2010-07-17 04:18:11 +0000
+++ doCkranslator/auto-load.conf	2010-07-18 18:05:56 +0000
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 author = Eduardo Mucelli Rezende Oliveira
 # A short description of the applet and how to use it.
-description = doCkranslator translates from lots of languages to lots of languages\nTo choose the source and destination languages:    (I) Right-click on the icon -> To/>From -> Choose the destination language\n    (II) Right-click on the icon -> doCkranslator -> Configuration\nAnyway, the easier way to choose the destination language is scroll up/down over the icon\nTo translate:\n    (I) Left-click on the icon; type your text and validate\n    (II) Select any text in any place, and middle click on the icon\nTranslated text will be shown as a dialog and be available in the clipboard, just press Ctrl+v to have it
+description = doCkranslator translates from lots of languages to lots of languages\nTo choose the source and destination languages:    (I) Right-click on the icon -> To/From -> Choose the destination language\n    (II) Right-click on the icon -> doCkranslator -> Configuration\nAnyway, the easier way to choose the destination language is scroll up/down over the icon\nTo translate:\n    (I) Press Ctrl + F8, type the text, and press Enter  (requires Python-Xlib)\n    (II) Left-click on the icon; type your text and press Enter\n    (III) Select any text in any place, and middle click on the icon\nTranslated text will be shown as a dialog and be available in the clipboard, just press Ctrl+v to have it
 # Category of the applet : 2 = accessory, 3 = Desktop, 4 = Controler
 category = 2
 # Version of the applet; change it everytime you change something in the config file. Don't forget to update the version both in this file and in the config file.
-version = 0.0.5
+version = 0.1.0

=== modified file 'doCkranslator/doCkranslator'
--- doCkranslator/doCkranslator	2010-07-17 04:18:11 +0000
+++ doCkranslator/doCkranslator	2010-07-18 18:05:56 +0000
@@ -22,19 +22,43 @@
 #        (II) Right-click on the icon -> doCkranslator -> Configuration
 #    Anyway, the easier way to choose the destination language is scroll up/down over the icon
 #    To translate:
-#        (I) Left-click on the icon; type your text and validate
-#        (II) Select any text in any place, and middle click on the icon
+#        (I) Press Ctrl + F8, type the text, and press Enter (requires Python-Xlib)
+#        (II) Left-click on the icon; type your text and press Enter
+#        (III) Select any text in any place, and middle click on the icon
 #    Translated text will be shown as a dialog and be available in the clipboard, just press Ctrl+v to have it
 import gobject, glib, dbus, os.path, urllib, gtk, ConfigParser
 from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+from dbus import glib
 from sgmllib import SGMLParser
 from urllib import FancyURLopener
+# Mesmo que o usuario nao tenha a Python-Xlib instalada, o applet ira funcionar,
+# pois esta biblioteca eh usada apenas para fazer a linkagem entre Ctrl+F8 e
+# a abertura da caixa de dialogo para a insercao do texto a ser traduzido
+# Obs.: As bibliotecas thread e timer tambem nao precisam ser carregadas
+#       uma vez que elas sao uteis apenas quando a Xlib esta presente
+try:                                                                                    # ve se o usuario tem a Python-Xlib instalada
+    from Xlib.display import Display                                                    # lidar com o pressionamento do atalho no X
+    from Xlib import X, XK
+    import thread                                                                       # abrir um fluxo alternativo com a classe KeyHandler
+    import time
+except ImportError:                                                                     # Nao tem a Python-Xlib instalada, msg nele
+    print "Ctrl + F8 shortcut won't work, install Python-Xlib library"
+    shortcut_available = False
+    print "Ctrl + F8 shortcut gonna work, Python-Xlib library is up and running"
+    shortcut_available = True
 class doCkranslator:
     def start(self):
+        gobject.threads_init()                                                          # caramba, esta abertura de threads da gbobject ...
+        dbus.glib.init_threads()                                                        # ... e glib fizeram a coisa funcionar para o KeyHandler
         bus = dbus.SessionBus()
         applet_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath("."))                            # name of the applet must the same as the folder
         applet_path = "/org/cairodock/CairoDock/%s" % applet_name                       # path where our object is stored on the bus
@@ -45,10 +69,53 @@
         applet = Applet(icon, configuration)
+        if shortcut_available:                                                          # Python-Xlib installed so lets make Ctrl+F8 shortcut available
+            thread.start_new_thread(KeyHandler(applet).start, ("handler", 1))           # (funcao callback, (nome da thread, tempo de dormencia))
         loop = gobject.MainLoop()
+class KeyHandler:
+    """Class que registra o evento de pressionamento do atalho Ctrl + F8 e abre a caixa de dialogo no applet"""   
+    """O registro do evento comeca ao fazer o grab_key da combinacao de teclas; se o X identificar o pressionamento
+       de alguma tecla com o Control (X.ControlMask), chama o handle_event que verifica se a tecla eh o F8; caso positivo,
+       chama o metodo ask_text para abrir a caixa de dialogo no applet """
+    def __init__(self, applet):
+        self.applet = applet
+        self.keypress_binding()
+        self.running = 1
+    def keypress_binding(self):
+        self.disp = Display()
+        self.root = self.disp.screen().root
+        self.root.change_attributes(event_mask = X.KeyPressMask)
+        self.f8_keycode = self.disp.keysym_to_keycode(XK.string_to_keysym('F8'))
+        self.root.grab_key(self.f8_keycode, X.ControlMask, 1, X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync)     # Pega do X quando pressionar Ctrl + F8
+        # self.root.grab_key(self.f8_keycode, X.AnyModifier, 1, X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync)   # Pega do X quando pressionar F8
+        self.disp.set_error_handler(self.disp_error_handler)
+    def disp_error_handler(self, error, request):
+        print "Error %s" % error
+        self.root.ungrab_key(self.f8_keycode, X.ControlMask)
+        self.root.ungrab_key(self.f8_keycode, X.AnyModifier)
+        self.running = 0
+    def handle_event(self, aEvent):
+        keycode = aEvent.detail
+        if aEvent.type == X.KeyPress:
+            if keycode == self.f8_keycode:
+                print "Ok, 'Ctrl + F8' pressed"
+                self.applet.ask_text()                                                  # Abrir o caixa de dialogo para o texto a ser traduzido
+    def start(self, name, sleeptime):
+        print "KeyHandler start"
+        while self.running:                                                             # Faz o polling ateh que o evento seja recebido
+            event = self.root.display.next_event()                                      # busca o evento que tiver
+            self.handle_event(event)                                                    # lanca o metodo de tratamento do evento
+            time.sleep(sleeptime)                                                       # thread espera um tempo
 class AgentOpener(FancyURLopener):
     """Masked user-agent otherwise the access would be forbidden"""
     version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/'
@@ -111,6 +178,7 @@
         self.dialog_active_time = 5                                                     # time in seconds that the dialog window will be active
     def start(self):
+        print "Applet start"

=== modified file 'doCkranslator/doCkranslator.conf'
--- doCkranslator/doCkranslator.conf	2010-07-17 04:18:11 +0000
+++ doCkranslator/doCkranslator.conf	2010-07-18 18:05:56 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

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