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[Merge] lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock/2.3.0-3 into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock


Matthieu Baerts has proposed merging lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock/2.3.0-3 into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Sponsors Team (ubuntu-sponsors)
Related bugs:
  Bug #797273 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu): "Rhythmbox crashes cairo-dock everytime rhythmbox is started."
  Bug #799773 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu): "Please update Cairo-Dock to 2.3.0~3 version (bugs fixed only) "

For more details, see:

This is a bugs fixed version:

How to reproduce the bugs:
   * Cairo-Dock (without the OpenGL backend, version 2.3.0~1) crashes if we group windows with the same class in a subdock and then we click on the subdock to maximise windows.
   * Slowly leave the dock (version 2.3.0~1) with the cursor on the edge of it and the dock will stay zoomed and active.
   * Cairo-Dock (version 2.3.0~1 and 2.3.0~2.1) crashes when the musicPlayer applet is in desklet mode and applets are separated from launchers and the music-player is launched at the same time.

Thank you

PS: please don't forget to update our plug-ins too. (LP: #799774)
Your team Cairo-Dock Team is subscribed to branch lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock/2.3.0-3.
=== removed directory '.pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch'
=== removed directory '.pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch/src'
=== removed directory '.pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch/src/gldit'
=== removed file '.pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c'
--- .pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ .pc/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1243 +0,0 @@
-* This file is a part of the Cairo-Dock project
-* Copyright : (C) see the 'copyright' file.
-* E-mail    : see the 'copyright' file.
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
-* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <glib/gstdio.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-#include <cairo.h>
-#include <pango/pango.h>
-#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>
-#include <librsvg/rsvg-cairo.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_GLITZ
-#include <glitz-glx.h>
-#include <cairo-glitz.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkgl.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-#include <GL/gl.h> 
-#include <GL/glu.h> 
-#include <GL/glx.h> 
-#include <gdk/x11/gdkglx.h>
-#include "cairo-dock-draw.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-applications-manager.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-image-buffer.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-config.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-module-factory.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-callbacks.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-icon-factory.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-icon-facility.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-separator-factory.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-launcher-factory.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-backends-manager.h"  // myBackendsParam.fSubDockSizeRatio
-#include "cairo-dock-X-utilities.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-log.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-keyfile-utilities.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-dock-manager.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-dialog-manager.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-notifications.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-indicator-manager.h"  // myIndicators.bUseClassIndic
-#include "cairo-dock-class-manager.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-animations.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-emblem.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-X-manager.h"
-#include "cairo-dock-dock-facility.h"
-extern CairoDockDesktopGeometry g_desktopGeometry;
-void cairo_dock_reload_reflects_in_dock (CairoDock *pDock)
-	cairo_t *pCairoContext = cairo_dock_create_drawing_context_generic (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
-	Icon *icon;
-	GList *ic;
-	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		if (icon->pReflectionBuffer != NULL)
-		{
-			cairo_dock_add_reflection_to_icon (icon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
-		}
-	}
-	cairo_destroy (pCairoContext);
-void cairo_dock_update_dock_size (CairoDock *pDock)  // iMaxIconHeight et fFlatDockWidth doivent avoir ete mis a jour au prealable.
-	//g_print ("%s ()\n", __func__);
-	g_return_if_fail (pDock != NULL);
-	int iPrevMaxDockHeight = pDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	int iPrevMaxDockWidth = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-	if (pDock->container.fRatio != 0/* && pDock->container.fRatio != 1*/)  // on remet leur taille reelle aux icones, sinon le calcul de max_dock_size sera biaise.
-	{
-		GList *ic;
-		Icon *icon;
-		pDock->fFlatDockWidth = -myIconsParam.iIconGap;
-		pDock->iMaxIconHeight = 0;
-		for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-		{
-			icon = ic->data;
-			icon->fWidth /= pDock->container.fRatio;
-			icon->fHeight /= pDock->container.fRatio;
-			pDock->fFlatDockWidth += icon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
-				pDock->iMaxIconHeight = MAX (pDock->iMaxIconHeight, icon->fHeight);
-		}
-		if (pDock->iMaxIconHeight == 0)
-			pDock->iMaxIconHeight = 10;
-		pDock->container.fRatio = 1.;
-	}
-	pDock->pRenderer->compute_size (pDock);
-	double hmax = pDock->iMaxIconHeight;
-	int iMaxAuthorizedWidth = cairo_dock_get_max_authorized_dock_width (pDock);
-	int n = 0;
-	do
-	{
-		double fPrevRatio = pDock->container.fRatio;
-		//g_print ("  %s (%d / %d)\n", __func__, (int)pDock->iMaxDockWidth, iMaxAuthorizedWidth);
-		if (pDock->iMaxDockWidth > iMaxAuthorizedWidth)
-		{
-			pDock->container.fRatio *= 1. * iMaxAuthorizedWidth / pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			double fMaxRatio = (pDock->iRefCount == 0 ? 1 : myBackendsParam.fSubDockSizeRatio);
-			if (pDock->container.fRatio < fMaxRatio)
-			{
-				pDock->container.fRatio *= 1. * iMaxAuthorizedWidth / pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-				pDock->container.fRatio = MIN (pDock->container.fRatio, fMaxRatio);
-			}
-			else
-				pDock->container.fRatio = fMaxRatio;
-		}
-		if (pDock->iMaxDockHeight > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal])
-		{
-			pDock->container.fRatio = MIN (pDock->container.fRatio, fPrevRatio * g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] / pDock->iMaxDockHeight);
-		}
-		if (fPrevRatio != pDock->container.fRatio)
-		{
-			//g_print ("  -> changement du ratio : %.3f -> %.3f (%d, %d try)\n", fPrevRatio, pDock->container.fRatio, pDock->iRefCount, n);
-			Icon *icon;
-			GList *ic;
-			pDock->fFlatDockWidth = -myIconsParam.iIconGap;
-			for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-			{
-				icon = ic->data;
-				icon->fWidth *= pDock->container.fRatio / fPrevRatio;
-				icon->fHeight *= pDock->container.fRatio / fPrevRatio;
-				pDock->fFlatDockWidth += icon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
-			}
-			hmax *= pDock->container.fRatio / fPrevRatio;
-			pDock->pRenderer->compute_size (pDock);
-		}
-		//g_print ("*** ratio : %.3f -> %.3f\n", fPrevRatio, pDock->container.fRatio);
-		n ++;
-	} while ((pDock->iMaxDockWidth > iMaxAuthorizedWidth || pDock->iMaxDockHeight > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] || (pDock->container.fRatio < 1 && pDock->iMaxDockWidth < iMaxAuthorizedWidth-5)) && n < 8);
-	pDock->iMaxIconHeight = hmax;
-	//g_print (">>> iMaxIconHeight : %d, ratio : %.2f, fFlatDockWidth : %.2f\n", (int) pDock->iMaxIconHeight, pDock->container.fRatio, pDock->fFlatDockWidth);
-	pDock->pRenderer->calculate_icons (pDock);  // le calcul de max_dock_size a altere les fX et fY.
-	pDock->bWMIconsNeedUpdate = TRUE;
-	///cairo_dock_trigger_set_WM_icons_geometry (pDock);
-	cairo_dock_update_input_shape (pDock);
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (pDock->container.pWidget) && (iPrevMaxDockHeight != pDock->iMaxDockHeight || iPrevMaxDockWidth != pDock->iMaxDockWidth))
-	{
-		//g_print ("*******%s (%dx%d -> %dx%d)\n", __func__, iPrevMaxDockWidth, iPrevMaxDockHeight, pDock->iMaxDockWidth, pDock->iMaxDockHeight);
-		cairo_dock_move_resize_dock (pDock);
-	}
-	cairo_dock_trigger_load_dock_background (pDock);
-	if (pDock->iRefCount == 0 && pDock->iVisibility == CAIRO_DOCK_VISI_RESERVE && iPrevMaxDockHeight != pDock->iMaxDockHeight)
-		cairo_dock_reserve_space_for_dock (pDock, TRUE);
-Icon *cairo_dock_calculate_dock_icons (CairoDock *pDock)
-	Icon *pPointedIcon = pDock->pRenderer->calculate_icons (pDock);
-	cairo_dock_manage_mouse_position (pDock);
-	return (pDock->iMousePositionType == CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_INSIDE ? pPointedIcon : NULL);
-  ////////////////////////////////
-void cairo_dock_reserve_space_for_dock (CairoDock *pDock, gboolean bReserve)
-	Window Xid = GDK_WINDOW_XID (pDock->container.pWidget->window);
-	int left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0;
-	int left_start_y=0, left_end_y=0, right_start_y=0, right_end_y=0, top_start_x=0, top_end_x=0, bottom_start_x=0, bottom_end_x=0;
-	if (bReserve)
-	{
-		int iWindowPositionX = pDock->container.iWindowPositionX, iWindowPositionY = pDock->container.iWindowPositionY;
-		int w = pDock->iMinDockWidth;
-		int h = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
-		int x, y;  // position qu'aurait la fenetre du dock s'il avait la taille minimale.
-		cairo_dock_get_window_position_at_balance (pDock, w, h, &x, &y);
-		if (pDock->container.bDirectionUp)
-		{
-			if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-			{
-				bottom = h + pDock->iGapY;
-				bottom_start_x = x;
-				bottom_end_x = x + w;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				right = h + pDock->iGapY;
-				right_start_y = x;
-				right_end_y = x + w;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-			{
-				top = h + pDock->iGapY;
-				top_start_x = x;
-				top_end_x = x + w;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				left = h + pDock->iGapY;
-				left_start_y = x;
-				left_end_y = x + w;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	cairo_dock_set_strut_partial (Xid, left, right, top, bottom, left_start_y, left_end_y, right_start_y, right_end_y, top_start_x, top_end_x, bottom_start_x, bottom_end_x);
-	/*if ((bReserve && ! pDock->container.bDirectionUp) || (g_iWmHint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DOCK))  // merci a Robrob pour le patch !
-		cairo_dock_set_xwindow_type_hint (Xid, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK");  // gtk_window_set_type_hint ne marche que sur une fenetre avant de la rendre visible !
-	else if (g_iWmHint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL)
-		cairo_dock_set_xwindow_type_hint (Xid, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL");  // idem.
-	else if (g_iWmHint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLBAR)
-		cairo_dock_set_xwindow_type_hint (Xid, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR");  // idem.*/
-void cairo_dock_prevent_dock_from_out_of_screen (CairoDock *pDock)
-	int x, y;  // position du point invariant du dock.
-	x = pDock->container.iWindowPositionX +  pDock->container.iWidth * pDock->fAlign;
-	y = (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? pDock->container.iWindowPositionY + pDock->container.iHeight : pDock->container.iWindowPositionY);
-	//cd_debug ("%s (%d;%d)", __func__, x, y);
-	pDock->iGapX = x - g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] * pDock->fAlign;
-	pDock->iGapY = (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - y : y);
-	//cd_debug (" -> (%d;%d)", pDock->iGapX, pDock->iGapY);
-	if (pDock->iGapX < - g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal]/2)
-		pDock->iGapX = - g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal]/2;
-	if (pDock->iGapX > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal]/2)
-		pDock->iGapX = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal]/2;
-	if (pDock->iGapY < 0)
-		pDock->iGapY = 0;
-	if (pDock->iGapY > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal])
-		pDock->iGapY = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal];
-void cairo_dock_get_window_position_at_balance (CairoDock *pDock, int iNewWidth, int iNewHeight, int *iNewPositionX, int *iNewPositionY)
-	int iWindowPositionX = (g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewWidth) * pDock->fAlign + pDock->iGapX;
-	if (pDock->iRefCount == 0 && pDock->fAlign != .5)
-		iWindowPositionX += (.5 - pDock->fAlign) * (pDock->iMaxDockWidth - iNewWidth);
-	int iWindowPositionY = (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewHeight - pDock->iGapY : pDock->iGapY);
-	//g_print ("pDock->iGapX : %d => iWindowPositionX <- %d\n", pDock->iGapX, iWindowPositionX);
-	//g_print ("iNewHeight : %d -> pDock->container.iWindowPositionY <- %d\n", iNewHeight, iWindowPositionY);
-	if (pDock->iRefCount == 0)
-	{
-		if (iWindowPositionX + iNewWidth < CD_VISIBILITY_MARGIN)
-			iWindowPositionX = CD_VISIBILITY_MARGIN - iNewWidth;
-		else if (iWindowPositionX > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - CD_VISIBILITY_MARGIN)
-			iWindowPositionX = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - CD_VISIBILITY_MARGIN;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (iWindowPositionX < - pDock->iLeftMargin)
-			iWindowPositionX = - pDock->iLeftMargin;
-		else if (iWindowPositionX > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewWidth + pDock->iMinRightMargin)
-			iWindowPositionX = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewWidth + pDock->iMinRightMargin;
-	}
-	if (iWindowPositionY < - pDock->iMaxIconHeight)
-		iWindowPositionY = - pDock->iMaxIconHeight;
-	else if (iWindowPositionY > g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewHeight + pDock->iMaxIconHeight)
-		iWindowPositionY = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenHeight[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - iNewHeight + pDock->iMaxIconHeight;
-	if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-	{
-		*iNewPositionX = iWindowPositionX + pDock->iScreenOffsetX;
-		*iNewPositionY = iWindowPositionY + pDock->iScreenOffsetY;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		*iNewPositionX = iWindowPositionX + pDock->iScreenOffsetY;
-		*iNewPositionY = iWindowPositionY + pDock->iScreenOffsetX;
-	}
-	//g_print ("POSITION : %d+%d ; %d+%d\n", iWindowPositionX, pDock->iScreenOffsetX, iWindowPositionY, pDock->iScreenOffsetY);
-static gboolean _move_resize_dock (CairoDock *pDock)
-	int iNewWidth = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-	int iNewHeight = pDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	int iNewPositionX, iNewPositionY;
-	cairo_dock_get_window_position_at_balance (pDock, iNewWidth, iNewHeight, &iNewPositionX, &iNewPositionY);  // on ne peut pas intercepter le cas ou les nouvelles dimensions sont egales aux dimensions courantes de la fenetre, car il se peut qu'il y'ait 2 redimensionnements d'affilee s'annulant mutuellement (remove + insert d'une icone). Il faut donc avoir les 2 configure, sinon la taille reste bloquee aux valeurs fournies par le 1er configure.
-	//g_print (" -> %dx%d, %d;%d\n", iNewWidth, iNewHeight, iNewPositionX, iNewPositionY);
-	if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-	{
-		gdk_window_move_resize (pDock->container.pWidget->window,
-			iNewPositionX,
-			iNewPositionY,
-			iNewWidth,
-			iNewHeight);  // lorsqu'on a 2 gdk_window_move_resize d'affilee, Compiz deconne et bloque le dock (il est toujours actif mais n'est plus redessine). Compiz envoit un configure de trop par rapport a Metacity.
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		gdk_window_move_resize (pDock->container.pWidget->window,
-			iNewPositionY,
-			iNewPositionX,
-			iNewHeight,
-			iNewWidth);
-	}
-	pDock->iSidMoveResize = 0;
-	return FALSE;
-void cairo_dock_move_resize_dock (CairoDock *pDock)
-	//g_print ("*********%s (current : %dx%d, %d;%d)\n", __func__, pDock->container.iWidth, pDock->container.iHeight, pDock->container.iWindowPositionX, pDock->container.iWindowPositionY);
-	if (pDock->iSidMoveResize == 0)
-	{
-		pDock->iSidMoveResize = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)_move_resize_dock, pDock);
-	}
-	return ;
-  ///////////////////
- /// INPUT SHAPE ///
-static GdkBitmap *_cairo_dock_create_input_shape (CairoDock *pDock, int w, int h)
-	int W = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-	int H = pDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	//g_print ("%s (%dx%d / %dx%d)\n", __func__, w, h, W, H);
-	GdkBitmap *pShapeBitmap = (GdkBitmap*) gdk_pixmap_new (NULL,
-		pDock->container.bIsHorizontal ? W : H,
-		pDock->container.bIsHorizontal ? H : W,
-		1);
-	cairo_t *pCairoContext = gdk_cairo_create (pShapeBitmap);
-	cairo_set_source_rgba (pCairoContext, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-	cairo_set_operator (pCairoContext, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
-	cairo_paint (pCairoContext);
-	if (w != 0 && h != 0)
-	{
-		if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-		{
-			cairo_rectangle (pCairoContext,
-				(W - w) / 2,  // centre en x.
-				pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? H - h : 0,
-				w,
-				h);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			cairo_rectangle (pCairoContext,
-				pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? H - h : 0,
-				(W - w) / 2,  // centre en x.
-				h,
-				w);
-		}
-		cairo_set_source_rgba (pCairoContext, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
-		cairo_fill (pCairoContext);
-	}
-	cairo_destroy (pCairoContext);
-	return pShapeBitmap;
-void cairo_dock_update_input_shape (CairoDock *pDock)
-	//\_______________ On detruit les zones d'input actuelles.
-	if (pDock->pShapeBitmap != NULL)
-	{
-		g_object_unref ((gpointer) pDock->pShapeBitmap);
-		pDock->pShapeBitmap = NULL;
-	}
-	if (pDock->pHiddenShapeBitmap != NULL)
-	{
-		g_object_unref ((gpointer) pDock->pHiddenShapeBitmap);
-		pDock->pHiddenShapeBitmap = NULL;
-	}
-	//\_______________ on definit les tailles des zones.
-	int W = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-	int H = pDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	int w = pDock->iMinDockWidth;
-	int h = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
-	///int w_ = MIN (myDocksParam.iVisibleZoneWidth, pDock->iMaxDockWidth);
-	///int h_ = MIN (myDocksParam.iVisibleZoneHeight, pDock->iMaxDockHeight);
-	int w_ = 1;
-	int h_ = 1;
-	//\_______________ on verifie que les conditions sont toujours remplies.
-	if (w == 0 || h == 0 || pDock->iRefCount > 0 || W == 0 || H == 0)
-	{
-		if (pDock->iInputState != CAIRO_DOCK_INPUT_ACTIVE)
-		{
-			//g_print ("+++ input shape active on update input shape\n");
-			cairo_dock_set_input_shape_active (pDock);
-			pDock->iInputState = CAIRO_DOCK_INPUT_ACTIVE;
-		}
-		return ;
-	}
-	//\_______________ on cree les zones.
-	pDock->pShapeBitmap = _cairo_dock_create_input_shape (pDock, w, h);
-	pDock->pHiddenShapeBitmap = _cairo_dock_create_input_shape (pDock, w_, h_);
-  ///////////////////
- /// LINEAR DOCK ///
-GList *cairo_dock_calculate_icons_positions_at_rest_linear (GList *pIconList, double fFlatDockWidth, int iXOffset)
-	//g_print ("%s (%d, +%d)\n", __func__, fFlatDockWidth, iXOffset);
-	double x_cumulated = iXOffset;
-	double fXMin = 99999;
-	GList* ic, *pFirstDrawnElement = NULL;
-	Icon *icon;
-	for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		if (x_cumulated + icon->fWidth / 2 < 0)
-			icon->fXAtRest = x_cumulated + fFlatDockWidth;
-		else if (x_cumulated + icon->fWidth / 2 > fFlatDockWidth)
-			icon->fXAtRest = x_cumulated - fFlatDockWidth;
-		else
-			icon->fXAtRest = x_cumulated;
-		if (icon->fXAtRest < fXMin)
-		{
-			fXMin = icon->fXAtRest;
-			pFirstDrawnElement = ic;
-		}
-		//g_print ("%s : fXAtRest = %.2f\n", icon->cName, icon->fXAtRest);
-		x_cumulated += icon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
-	}
-	return pFirstDrawnElement;
-double cairo_dock_calculate_max_dock_width (CairoDock *pDock, GList *pFirstDrawnElementGiven, double fFlatDockWidth, double fWidthConstraintFactor, double fExtraWidth)
-	double fMaxDockWidth = 0.;
-	//g_print ("%s (%d)\n", __func__, (int)fFlatDockWidth);
-	GList *pIconList = pDock->icons;
-	if (pIconList == NULL)
-		return 2 * myDocksParam.iDockRadius + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;
-	//\_______________ On remet a zero les positions extremales des icones.
-	GList* ic;
-	Icon *icon;
-	for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		icon->fXMax = -1e4;
-		icon->fXMin = 1e4;
-	}
-	//\_______________ On simule le passage du curseur sur toute la largeur du dock, et on chope la largeur maximale qui s'en degage, ainsi que les positions d'equilibre de chaque icone.
-	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = (pFirstDrawnElementGiven != NULL ? pFirstDrawnElementGiven : pIconList);
-	//for (int iVirtualMouseX = 0; iVirtualMouseX < fFlatDockWidth; iVirtualMouseX ++)
-	GList *ic2;
-	for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		cairo_dock_calculate_wave_with_position_linear (pIconList, pFirstDrawnElement, icon->fXAtRest, pDock->fMagnitudeMax, fFlatDockWidth, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, pDock->container.bDirectionUp);
-		ic2 = pFirstDrawnElement;
-		do
-		{
-			icon = ic2->data;
-			if (icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale > icon->fXMax)
-				icon->fXMax = icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale;
-			if (icon->fX < icon->fXMin)
-				icon->fXMin = icon->fX;
-			ic2 = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic2, pDock->icons);
-		} while (ic2 != pFirstDrawnElement);
-	}
-	cairo_dock_calculate_wave_with_position_linear (pIconList, pFirstDrawnElement, fFlatDockWidth - 1, pDock->fMagnitudeMax, fFlatDockWidth, 0, 0, pDock->fAlign, 0, pDock->container.bDirectionUp);  // pDock->fFoldingFactor
-	ic = pFirstDrawnElement;
-	do
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		if (icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale > icon->fXMax)
-			icon->fXMax = icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale;
-		if (icon->fX < icon->fXMin)
-			icon->fXMin = icon->fX;
-		ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDock->icons);
-	} while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement);
-	fMaxDockWidth = (icon->fXMax - ((Icon *) pFirstDrawnElement->data)->fXMin) * fWidthConstraintFactor + fExtraWidth;
-	fMaxDockWidth = ceil (fMaxDockWidth) + 1;
-	for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		icon->fXMin += fMaxDockWidth / 2;
-		icon->fXMax += fMaxDockWidth / 2;
-		//g_print ("%s : [%d;%d]\n", icon->cName, (int) icon->fXMin, (int) icon->fXMax);
-		icon->fX = icon->fXAtRest;
-		icon->fScale = 1;
-	}
-	return fMaxDockWidth;
-Icon * cairo_dock_calculate_wave_with_position_linear (GList *pIconList, GList *pFirstDrawnElementGiven, int x_abs, gdouble fMagnitude, double fFlatDockWidth, int iWidth, int iHeight, double fAlign, double fFoldingFactor, gboolean bDirectionUp)
-	//g_print (">>>>>%s (%d/%.2f, %dx%d, %.2f, %.2f)\n", __func__, x_abs, fFlatDockWidth, iWidth, iHeight, fAlign, fFoldingFactor);
-	if (pIconList == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	if (x_abs < 0 && iWidth > 0)  // ces cas limite sont la pour empecher les icones de retrecir trop rapidement quand on sort par les cotes.
-		///x_abs = -1;
-		x_abs = 0;
-	else if (x_abs > fFlatDockWidth && iWidth > 0)
-		///x_abs = fFlatDockWidth+1;
-		x_abs = (int) fFlatDockWidth;
-	float x_cumulated = 0, fXMiddle, fDeltaExtremum;
-	GList* ic, *pointed_ic;
-	Icon *icon, *prev_icon;
-	double fScale = 0.;
-	double offset = 0.;
-	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = (pFirstDrawnElementGiven != NULL ? pFirstDrawnElementGiven : pIconList);
-	ic = pFirstDrawnElement;
-	pointed_ic = (x_abs < 0 ? ic : NULL);
-	do
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		x_cumulated = icon->fXAtRest;
-		fXMiddle = icon->fXAtRest + icon->fWidth / 2;
-		//\_______________ On calcule sa phase (pi/2 au niveau du curseur).
-		icon->fPhase = (fXMiddle - x_abs) / myIconsParam.iSinusoidWidth * G_PI + G_PI / 2;
-		if (icon->fPhase < 0)
-		{
-			icon->fPhase = 0;
-		}
-		else if (icon->fPhase > G_PI)
-		{
-			icon->fPhase = G_PI;
-		}
-		//\_______________ On en deduit l'amplitude de la sinusoide au niveau de cette icone, et donc son echelle.
-		icon->fScale = 1 + fMagnitude * myIconsParam.fAmplitude * sin (icon->fPhase);
-		if (iWidth > 0 && icon->fInsertRemoveFactor != 0)
-		{
-			fScale = icon->fScale;
-			///offset += (icon->fWidth * icon->fScale) * (pointed_ic == NULL ? 1 : -1);
-			if (icon->fInsertRemoveFactor > 0)
-				icon->fScale *= icon->fInsertRemoveFactor;
-			else
-				icon->fScale *= (1 + icon->fInsertRemoveFactor);
-			///offset -= (icon->fWidth * icon->fScale) * (pointed_ic == NULL ? 1 : -1);
-		}
-		icon->fY = (bDirectionUp ? iHeight - myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth - myDocksParam.iFrameMargin - icon->fScale * icon->fHeight : myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin);
-		//g_print ("%s fY : %d; %.2f\n", icon->cName, iHeight, icon->fHeight);
-		//\_______________ Si on avait deja defini l'icone pointee, on peut placer l'icone courante par rapport a la precedente.
-		if (pointed_ic != NULL)
-		{
-			if (ic == pFirstDrawnElement)  // peut arriver si on est en dehors a gauche du dock.
-			{
-				icon->fX = x_cumulated - 1. * (fFlatDockWidth - iWidth) / 2;
-				//g_print ("  en dehors a gauche : icon->fX = %.2f (%.2f)\n", icon->fX, x_cumulated);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				prev_icon = (ic->prev != NULL ? ic->prev->data : cairo_dock_get_last_icon (pIconList));
-				icon->fX = prev_icon->fX + (prev_icon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap) * prev_icon->fScale;
-				if (icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale > icon->fXMax - myIconsParam.fAmplitude * fMagnitude * (icon->fWidth + 1.5*myIconsParam.iIconGap) / 8 && iWidth != 0)
-				{
-					//g_print ("  on contraint %s (fXMax=%.2f , fX=%.2f\n", prev_icon->cName, prev_icon->fXMax, prev_icon->fX);
-					fDeltaExtremum = icon->fX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale - (icon->fXMax - myIconsParam.fAmplitude * fMagnitude * (icon->fWidth + 1.5*myIconsParam.iIconGap) / 16);
-					if (myIconsParam.fAmplitude != 0)
-						icon->fX -= fDeltaExtremum * (1 - (icon->fScale - 1) / myIconsParam.fAmplitude) * fMagnitude;
-				}
-			}
-			icon->fX = fAlign * iWidth + (icon->fX - fAlign * iWidth) * (1. - fFoldingFactor);
-			//g_print ("  a droite : icon->fX = %.2f (%.2f)\n", icon->fX, x_cumulated);
-		}
-		//\_______________ On regarde si on pointe sur cette icone.
-		if (x_cumulated + icon->fWidth + .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap >= x_abs && x_cumulated - .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap <= x_abs && pointed_ic == NULL)  // on a trouve l'icone sur laquelle on pointe.
-		{
-			pointed_ic = ic;
-			///icon->bPointed = TRUE;
-			icon->bPointed = (x_abs != (int) fFlatDockWidth && x_abs != 0);
-			icon->fX = x_cumulated - (fFlatDockWidth - iWidth) / 2 + (1 - icon->fScale) * (x_abs - x_cumulated + .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap);
-			icon->fX = fAlign * iWidth + (icon->fX - fAlign * iWidth) * (1. - fFoldingFactor);
-			//g_print ("  icone pointee : fX = %.2f (%.2f, %d)\n", icon->fX, x_cumulated, icon->bPointed);
-		}
-		else
-			icon->bPointed = FALSE;
-		if (iWidth > 0 && icon->fInsertRemoveFactor != 0)
-		{
-			if (pointed_ic != ic)  // bPointed peut etre false a l'extremite droite.
-				offset += (icon->fWidth * (fScale - icon->fScale)) * (pointed_ic == NULL ? 1 : -1);
-			else
-				offset += (2*(fXMiddle - x_abs) * (fScale - icon->fScale)) * (pointed_ic == NULL ? 1 : -1);
-		}
-		ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pIconList);
-	} while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement);
-	//\_______________ On place les icones precedant l'icone pointee par rapport a celle-ci.
-	if (pointed_ic == NULL)  // on est a droite des icones.
-	{
-		pointed_ic = (pFirstDrawnElement->prev == NULL ? g_list_last (pIconList) : pFirstDrawnElement->prev);
-		icon = pointed_ic->data;
-		icon->fX = x_cumulated - (fFlatDockWidth - iWidth) / 2 + (1 - icon->fScale) * (icon->fWidth + .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap);
-		icon->fX = fAlign * iWidth + (icon->fX - fAlign * iWidth) * (1 - fFoldingFactor);
-		//g_print ("  en dehors a droite : icon->fX = %.2f (%.2f)\n", icon->fX, x_cumulated);
-	}
-	ic = pointed_ic;
-	while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		ic = ic->prev;
-		if (ic == NULL)
-			ic = g_list_last (pIconList);
-		prev_icon = ic->data;
-		prev_icon->fX = icon->fX - (prev_icon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap) * prev_icon->fScale;
-		//g_print ("fX <- %.2f; fXMin : %.2f\n", prev_icon->fX, prev_icon->fXMin);
-		if (prev_icon->fX < prev_icon->fXMin + myIconsParam.fAmplitude * fMagnitude * (prev_icon->fWidth + 1.5*myIconsParam.iIconGap) / 8 && iWidth != 0 && x_abs < iWidth && fMagnitude > 0)  /// && prev_icon->fPhase == 0   // on rajoute 'fMagnitude > 0' sinon il y'a un leger "saut" du aux contraintes a gauche de l'icone pointee.
-		{
-			//g_print ("  on contraint %s (fXMin=%.2f , fX=%.2f\n", prev_icon->cName, prev_icon->fXMin, prev_icon->fX);
-			fDeltaExtremum = prev_icon->fX - (prev_icon->fXMin + myIconsParam.fAmplitude * fMagnitude * (prev_icon->fWidth + 1.5*myIconsParam.iIconGap) / 16);
-			if (myIconsParam.fAmplitude != 0)
-				prev_icon->fX -= fDeltaExtremum * (1 - (prev_icon->fScale - 1) / myIconsParam.fAmplitude) * fMagnitude;
-		}
-		prev_icon->fX = fAlign * iWidth + (prev_icon->fX - fAlign * iWidth) * (1. - fFoldingFactor);
-		//g_print ("  prev_icon->fX : %.2f\n", prev_icon->fX);
-	}
-	if (offset != 0)
-	{
-		offset /= 2;
-		//g_print ("offset : %.2f (pointed:%s)\n", offset, pointed_ic?((Icon*)pointed_ic->data)->cName:"none");
-		for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-		{
-			icon = ic->data;
-			//if (ic == pIconList)
-			//	cd_debug ("fX : %.2f - %.2f\n", icon->fX, offset);
-			icon->fX -= offset;
-		}
-	}
-	icon = pointed_ic->data;
-	return (icon->bPointed ? icon : NULL);
-Icon *cairo_dock_apply_wave_effect_linear (CairoDock *pDock)
-	//\_______________ On calcule la position du curseur dans le referentiel du dock a plat.
-	int dx = pDock->container.iMouseX - (pDock->iOffsetForExtend * (pDock->fAlign - .5) * 2) - pDock->container.iWidth / 2;  // ecart par rapport au milieu du dock a plat.
-	int x_abs = dx + pDock->fFlatDockWidth / 2;  // ecart par rapport a la gauche du dock minimal  plat.
-	//g_print ("%s (flat:%d, w:%d, x:%d)\n", __func__, (int)pDock->fFlatDockWidth, pDock->container.iWidth, pDock->container.iMouseX);
-	//\_______________ On calcule l'ensemble des parametres des icones.
-	double fMagnitude = cairo_dock_calculate_magnitude (pDock->iMagnitudeIndex) * pDock->fMagnitudeMax;
-	Icon *pPointedIcon = cairo_dock_calculate_wave_with_position_linear (pDock->icons, pDock->pFirstDrawnElement, x_abs, fMagnitude, pDock->fFlatDockWidth, pDock->container.iWidth, pDock->container.iHeight, pDock->fAlign, pDock->fFoldingFactor, pDock->container.bDirectionUp);  // iMaxDockWidth
-	return pPointedIcon;
-double cairo_dock_get_current_dock_width_linear (CairoDock *pDock)
-	if (pDock->icons == NULL)
-		//return 2 * myDocksParam.iDockRadius + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;
-		return 1 + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;
-	Icon *pLastIcon = cairo_dock_get_last_drawn_icon (pDock);
-	Icon *pFirstIcon = cairo_dock_get_first_drawn_icon (pDock);
-	double fWidth = pLastIcon->fX - pFirstIcon->fX + pLastIcon->fWidth * pLastIcon->fScale + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;  //  + 2 * myDocksParam.iDockRadius + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin
-	return fWidth;
-void cairo_dock_check_if_mouse_inside_linear (CairoDock *pDock)
-	CairoDockMousePositionType iMousePositionType;
-	int iWidth = pDock->container.iWidth;
-	int iHeight = (pDock->fMagnitudeMax != 0 ? pDock->container.iHeight : pDock->iMinDockHeight);
-	///int iExtraHeight = (pDock->bAtBottom ? 0 : myIconsParam.iLabelSize);
-	int iExtraHeight = 0;  /// il faudrait voir si on a un sous-dock ou un dialogue au dessus :-/
-	int iMouseX = pDock->container.iMouseX;
-	int iMouseY = (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? pDock->container.iHeight - pDock->container.iMouseY : pDock->container.iMouseY);
-	//g_print ("%s (%dx%d, %dx%d, %f)\n", __func__, iMouseX, iMouseY, iWidth, iHeight, pDock->fFoldingFactor);
-	//\_______________ On regarde si le curseur est dans le dock ou pas, et on joue sur la taille des icones en consequence.
-	int x_abs = pDock->container.iMouseX + (pDock->fFlatDockWidth - iWidth) / 2;  // abscisse par rapport a la gauche du dock minimal plat.
-	gboolean bMouseInsideDock = (x_abs >= 0 && x_abs <= pDock->fFlatDockWidth && iMouseX > 0 && iMouseX < iWidth);
-	//g_print ("bMouseInsideDock : %d (%d;%d/%.2f)\n", bMouseInsideDock, pDock->container.bInside, x_abs, pDock->fFlatDockWidth);
-	if (! bMouseInsideDock)  // hors du dock par les cotes.
-	{
-		if (/*cairo_dock_is_extended_dock (pDock) && */pDock->bAutoHide)  // c'est penible de sortir du dock trop facilement avec l'auto-hide.
-		{
-			if (iMouseY >= 0 && iMouseY < iHeight)
-				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_INSIDE;
-			else
-				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_OUTSIDE;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			double fSideMargin = fabs (pDock->fAlign - .5) * (iWidth - pDock->fFlatDockWidth);
-			if (x_abs < - fSideMargin || x_abs > pDock->fFlatDockWidth + fSideMargin)
-				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_OUTSIDE;
-			else
-				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_ON_THE_EDGE;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (iMouseY >= 0 && iMouseY < iHeight)  // et en plus on est dedans en y.  //  && pPointedIcon != NULL
-	{
-		//g_print ("on est dedans en x et en y (iMouseX=%d => x_abs=%d ; iMouseY=%d/%d)\n", iMouseX, x_abs, iMouseY, iHeight);
-		//pDock->container.bInside = TRUE;
-		iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_INSIDE;
-	}
-	else
-		iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_OUTSIDE;
-	pDock->iMousePositionType = iMousePositionType;
-void cairo_dock_manage_mouse_position (CairoDock *pDock)
-	switch (pDock->iMousePositionType)
-	{
-			//g_print ("INSIDE (%d;%d;%d;%d;%d)\n", cairo_dock_entrance_is_allowed (pDock), pDock->iMagnitudeIndex, pDock->bIsGrowingUp, pDock->bIsShrinkingDown, pDock->iInputState);
-			if (cairo_dock_entrance_is_allowed (pDock) && ((pDock->iMagnitudeIndex < CAIRO_DOCK_NB_MAX_ITERATIONS && ! pDock->bIsGrowingUp) || pDock->bIsShrinkingDown) && pDock->iInputState != CAIRO_DOCK_INPUT_HIDDEN && (pDock->iInputState != CAIRO_DOCK_INPUT_AT_REST || pDock->bIsDragging))  // on est dedans et la taille des icones est non maximale bien que le dock ne soit pas en train de grossir, cependant on respecte l'etat 'cache', et l'etat repos.
-			{
-				//g_print ("on est dedans en x et en y et la taille des icones est non maximale bien qu'aucune icone  ne soit animee (%d;%d)\n", pDock->iMagnitudeIndex, pDock->container.bInside);
-				if (pDock->iRefCount != 0 && !pDock->container.bInside)
-				{
-					break;
-				}
-				//pDock->container.bInside = TRUE;
-				///if ((pDock->bAtBottom && pDock->iRefCount == 0 && ! pDock->bAutoHide) || (pDock->container.iWidth != pDock->iMaxDockWidth || pDock->container.iHeight != pDock->iMaxDockHeight) || (!pDock->container.bInside))  // on le fait pas avec l'auto-hide, car un signal d'entree est deja emis a cause des mouvements/redimensionnements de la fenetre, et en rajouter un ici fout le boxon.  // !pDock->container.bInside ajoute pour le bug du chgt de bureau.
-				if ((pDock->iMagnitudeIndex == 0 && pDock->iRefCount == 0 && ! pDock->bAutoHide) || !pDock->container.bInside)
-				{
-					//g_print ("  on emule une re-rentree (pDock->iMagnitudeIndex:%d)\n", pDock->iMagnitudeIndex);
-					cairo_dock_emit_enter_signal (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
-				}
-				else // on se contente de faire grossir les icones.
-				{
-					//g_print ("  on se contente de faire grossir les icones\n");
-					cairo_dock_start_growing (pDock);
-					if (pDock->bAutoHide && pDock->iRefCount == 0)
-						cairo_dock_start_showing (pDock);
-				}
-			}
-		break ;
-			if (pDock->iMagnitudeIndex > 0 && ! pDock->bIsGrowingUp)
-				cairo_dock_start_shrinking (pDock);
-		break ;
-			//g_print ("en dehors du dock (bIsShrinkingDown:%d;bIsGrowingUp:%d;iMagnitudeIndex:%d)\n", pDock->bIsShrinkingDown, pDock->bIsGrowingUp, pDock->iMagnitudeIndex);
-			if (! pDock->bIsGrowingUp && ! pDock->bIsShrinkingDown && pDock->iSidLeaveDemand == 0 && pDock->iMagnitudeIndex > 0 && ! pDock->bIconIsFlyingAway)
-			{
-				if (pDock->iRefCount > 0)
-				{
-					Icon *pPointingIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_pointing_on_dock (pDock, NULL);
-					if (pPointingIcon && pPointingIcon->bPointed)  // sous-dock pointe, n le laisse en position haute.
-						return;
-				}
-				//g_print ("on force a quitter (iRefCount:%d; bIsGrowingUp:%d; iMagnitudeIndex:%d)\n", pDock->iRefCount, pDock->bIsGrowingUp, pDock->iMagnitudeIndex);
-				pDock->iSidLeaveDemand = g_timeout_add (MAX (myDocksParam.iLeaveSubDockDelay, 330), (GSourceFunc) cairo_dock_emit_leave_signal, (gpointer) pDock);
-			}
-		break ;
-	}
-#define make_icon_avoid_mouse(icon) \
-	cairo_dock_mark_icon_as_avoiding_mouse (icon);\
-	icon->fAlpha = 0.75;\
-	if (myIconsParam.fAmplitude != 0)\
-		icon->fDrawX += icon->fWidth / 2 * (icon->fScale - 1) / myIconsParam.fAmplitude * (icon->fPhase < G_PI/2 ? -1 : 1);
-static gboolean _cairo_dock_check_can_drop_linear (CairoDock *pDock, CairoDockIconGroup iGroup, double fMargin)
-	gboolean bCanDrop = FALSE;
-	Icon *icon;
-	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = (pDock->pFirstDrawnElement != NULL ? pDock->pFirstDrawnElement : pDock->icons);
-	GList *ic = pFirstDrawnElement;
-	do
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		if (icon->bPointed)  // && icon->iAnimationState != CAIRO_DOCK_FOLLOW_MOUSE
-		{
-			if (pDock->container.iMouseX < icon->fDrawX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale * fMargin)  // on est a gauche.  // fDrawXAtRest
-			{
-				Icon *prev_icon = cairo_dock_get_previous_element (ic, pDock->icons) -> data;
-				if ((cairo_dock_get_icon_order (icon) == cairo_dock_get_group_order (iGroup) || cairo_dock_get_icon_order (prev_icon) == cairo_dock_get_group_order (iGroup)))  // && prev_icon->iAnimationType != CAIRO_DOCK_FOLLOW_MOUSE
-				{
-					make_icon_avoid_mouse (icon);
-					make_icon_avoid_mouse (prev_icon);
-					//g_print ("%s> <%s\n", prev_icon->cName, icon->cName);
-					bCanDrop = TRUE;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (pDock->container.iMouseX > icon->fDrawX + icon->fWidth * icon->fScale * (1 - fMargin))  // on est a droite.  // fDrawXAtRest
-			{
-				Icon *next_icon = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDock->icons) -> data;
-				if ((icon->iGroup == iGroup || next_icon->iGroup == iGroup))  // && next_icon->iAnimationType != CAIRO_DOCK_FOLLOW_MOUSE
-				{
-					make_icon_avoid_mouse (icon);
-					make_icon_avoid_mouse (next_icon);
-					//g_print ("%s> <%s\n", icon->cName, next_icon->cName);
-					bCanDrop = TRUE;
-				}
-				ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDock->icons);  // on la saute.
-				if (ic == pFirstDrawnElement)
-					break ;
-			}  // else on est dessus.
-		}
-		else
-			cairo_dock_stop_marking_icon_as_avoiding_mouse (icon);
-		ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDock->icons);
-	} while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement);
-	return bCanDrop;
-void cairo_dock_check_can_drop_linear (CairoDock *pDock)
-	if (pDock->icons == NULL)
-		return;
-	if (pDock->bIsDragging)
-		pDock->bCanDrop = _cairo_dock_check_can_drop_linear (pDock, pDock->iAvoidingMouseIconType, pDock->fAvoidingMouseMargin);
-	else
-		pDock->bCanDrop = FALSE;
-void cairo_dock_stop_marking_icons (CairoDock *pDock)
-	if (pDock->icons == NULL)
-		return;
-	//g_print ("%s (%d)\n", __func__, iType);
-	Icon *icon;
-	GList *ic;
-	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		cairo_dock_stop_marking_icon_as_avoiding_mouse (icon);
-	}
-void cairo_dock_set_subdock_position_linear (Icon *pPointedIcon, CairoDock *pDock)
-	CairoDock *pSubDock = pPointedIcon->pSubDock;
-	int iX = pPointedIcon->fXAtRest - (pDock->fFlatDockWidth - pDock->iMaxDockWidth) / 2 + pPointedIcon->fWidth / 2 + (pDock->iOffsetForExtend * (pDock->fAlign - .5) * 2);
-	if (pSubDock->container.bIsHorizontal == pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-	{
-		pSubDock->fAlign = 0.5;
-		pSubDock->iGapX = iX + pDock->container.iWindowPositionX - (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal ? pDock->iScreenOffsetX : pDock->iScreenOffsetY) - g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] / 2;  // ici les sous-dock ont un alignement egal a 0.5
-		pSubDock->iGapY = pDock->iGapY + pDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		pSubDock->fAlign = (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? 1 : 0);
-		pSubDock->iGapX = (pDock->iGapY + pDock->iMaxDockHeight) * (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? -1 : 1);
-		if (pDock->container.bDirectionUp)
-			pSubDock->iGapY = g_desktopGeometry.iScreenWidth[pDock->container.bIsHorizontal] - (iX + pDock->container.iWindowPositionX - (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal ? pDock->iScreenOffsetX : pDock->iScreenOffsetY)) - pSubDock->iMaxDockHeight / 2;  // les sous-dock ont un alignement egal a 1.
-		else
-			pSubDock->iGapY = iX + pDock->container.iWindowPositionX - pSubDock->iMaxDockHeight / 2;  // les sous-dock ont un alignement egal a 0.
-	}
-GList *cairo_dock_get_first_drawn_element_linear (GList *icons)
-	Icon *icon;
-	GList *ic;
-	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = NULL;
-	for (ic = icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
-	{
-		icon = ic->data;
-		if (icon->bPointed)
-			break ;
-	}
-	if (ic == NULL || ic->next == NULL)  // derniere icone ou aucune pointee.
-		pFirstDrawnElement = icons;
-	else
-		pFirstDrawnElement = ic->next;
-	return pFirstDrawnElement;
-void cairo_dock_show_subdock (Icon *pPointedIcon, CairoDock *pParentDock)
-	cd_debug ("on montre le dock fils");
-	CairoDock *pSubDock = pPointedIcon->pSubDock;
-	g_return_if_fail (pSubDock != NULL);
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (pSubDock->container.pWidget))  // il est deja visible.
-	{
-		if (pSubDock->bIsShrinkingDown)  // il est en cours de diminution, on renverse le processus.
-		{
-			cairo_dock_start_growing (pSubDock);
-		}
-		return ;
-	}
-	pSubDock->pRenderer->set_subdock_position (pPointedIcon, pParentDock);
-	if (pParentDock->fMagnitudeMax == 0)  // son input shape n'est pas la taille max mais iMinDockHeight.
-		pSubDock->iGapY -= (pParentDock->container.iHeight - pParentDock->iMinDockHeight);
-	if (pSubDock->icons != NULL)
-	{
-		pSubDock->fFoldingFactor = (myDocksParam.bAnimateSubDock ? .99 : 0.);
-		cairo_dock_notify_on_object (&myIconsMgr, NOTIFICATION_UNFOLD_SUBDOCK, pPointedIcon);
-		cairo_dock_notify_on_object (pPointedIcon, NOTIFICATION_UNFOLD_SUBDOCK, pPointedIcon);
-	}
-	else
-		pSubDock->fFoldingFactor = 0.;
-	int iNewWidth = pSubDock->iMaxDockWidth;
-	int iNewHeight = pSubDock->iMaxDockHeight;
-	int iNewPositionX, iNewPositionY;
-	cairo_dock_get_window_position_at_balance (pSubDock, iNewWidth, iNewHeight, &iNewPositionX, &iNewPositionY);
-	gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (pSubDock->container.pWidget));
-	if (pSubDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
-		gdk_window_move_resize (pSubDock->container.pWidget->window,
-			iNewPositionX,
-			iNewPositionY,
-			iNewWidth,
-			iNewHeight);
-	else
-		gdk_window_move_resize (pSubDock->container.pWidget->window,
-			iNewPositionY,
-			iNewPositionX,
-			iNewHeight,
-			iNewWidth);
-	if (pSubDock->fFoldingFactor == 0.)
-	{
-		cd_debug ("  on montre le sous-dock sans animation");
-		gtk_widget_queue_draw (pSubDock->container.pWidget);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		cd_debug ("  on montre le sous-dock avec animation");
-		cairo_dock_start_growing (pSubDock);  // on commence a faire grossir les icones.
-		pSubDock->pRenderer->calculate_icons (pSubDock);  // on recalcule les icones car sinon le 1er dessin se fait avec les parametres tels qu'ils etaient lorsque le dock s'est cache; or l'animation de pliage peut prendre plus de temps que celle de cachage.
-	}
-	//g_print ("  -> Gap %d;%d -> W(%d;%d) (%d)\n", pSubDock->iGapX, pSubDock->iGapY, pSubDock->container.iWindowPositionX, pSubDock->container.iWindowPositionY, pSubDock->container.bIsHorizontal);
-	///gtk_window_set_keep_above (GTK_WINDOW (pSubDock->container.pWidget), myDocksParam.bPopUp);
-	cairo_dock_replace_all_dialogs ();
-static gboolean _redraw_subdock_content_idle (Icon *pIcon)
-	cd_debug ("%s()", __func__);
-	cd_debug (" %s", pIcon->cName);
-	CairoDock *pDock = cairo_dock_search_dock_from_name (pIcon->cParentDockName);
-	if (pDock != NULL)
-	{
-		if (pIcon->pSubDock != NULL)
-		{
-			cairo_dock_draw_subdock_content_on_icon (pIcon, pDock);
-		}
-		else  // l'icone a pu perdre son sous-dock entre-temps (exemple : une classe d'appli contenant 2 icones, dont on enleve l'une des 2.
-		{
-			cairo_dock_reload_icon_image (pIcon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
-		}
-		cairo_dock_redraw_icon (pIcon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
-	}
-	pIcon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent = 0;
-	return FALSE;
-void cairo_dock_trigger_redraw_subdock_content (CairoDock *pDock)
-	Icon *pPointingIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_pointing_on_dock (pDock, NULL);
-	if (pPointingIcon != NULL && (pPointingIcon->iSubdockViewType != 0 || (pPointingIcon->cClass != NULL && ! myIndicatorsParam.bUseClassIndic && (CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_CLASS_CONTAINER (pPointingIcon) || CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_LAUNCHER (pPointingIcon)))))
-	{
-		if (pPointingIcon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent != 0)  // s'il y'a deja un redessin de prevu, on le passe a la fin de facon a ce qu'il ne se fasse  pas avant le redessin de l'icone responsable de ce trigger.
-			g_source_remove (pPointingIcon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent);
-		pPointingIcon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) _redraw_subdock_content_idle, pPointingIcon);
-	}
-void cairo_dock_trigger_redraw_subdock_content_on_icon (Icon *icon)
-	if (icon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent == 0)
-		icon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) _redraw_subdock_content_idle, icon);
-void cairo_dock_redraw_subdock_content (CairoDock *pDock)
-	CairoDock *pParentDock = NULL;
-	Icon *pPointingIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_pointing_on_dock (pDock, &pParentDock);
-	if (pPointingIcon != NULL && pPointingIcon->iSubdockViewType != 0 && pPointingIcon->iSidRedrawSubdockContent == 0 && pParentDock != NULL)
-	{
-		cairo_dock_draw_subdock_content_on_icon (pPointingIcon, pParentDock);
-		cairo_dock_redraw_icon (pPointingIcon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (pParentDock));
-	}
-static gboolean _update_WM_icons (CairoDock *pDock)
-	cairo_dock_set_icons_geometry_for_window_manager (pDock);
-	pDock->iSidUpdateWMIcons = 0;
-	return FALSE;
-void cairo_dock_trigger_set_WM_icons_geometry (CairoDock *pDock)
-	if (pDock->iSidUpdateWMIcons == 0)
-	{
-		pDock->iSidUpdateWMIcons = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) _update_WM_icons, pDock);
-	}
-  ///////////////////////
-static cairo_surface_t *_cairo_dock_make_stripes_background (int iWidth, int iHeight, double *fStripesColorBright, double *fStripesColorDark, int iNbStripes, double fStripesWidth, double fStripesAngle)
-	cairo_pattern_t *pStripesPattern;
-	double fWidth = iWidth;
-	if (fabs (fStripesAngle) != 90)
-		pStripesPattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0f,
-			0.0f,
-			iWidth,
-			iWidth * tan (fStripesAngle * G_PI/180.));
-	else
-		pStripesPattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0f,
-			0.0f,
-			0.,
-			(fStripesAngle == 90) ? iHeight : - iHeight);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cairo_pattern_status (pStripesPattern) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS, NULL);
-	cairo_pattern_set_extend (pStripesPattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
-	if (iNbStripes > 0)
-	{
-		gdouble fStep;
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < iNbStripes+1; i ++)
-		{
-			fStep = (double)i / iNbStripes;
-			cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pStripesPattern,
-				fStep - fStripesWidth / 2.,
-				fStripesColorBright[0],
-				fStripesColorBright[1],
-				fStripesColorBright[2],
-				fStripesColorBright[3]);
-			cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pStripesPattern,
-				fStep,
-				fStripesColorDark[0],
-				fStripesColorDark[1],
-				fStripesColorDark[2],
-				fStripesColorDark[3]);
-			cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pStripesPattern,
-				fStep + fStripesWidth / 2.,
-				fStripesColorBright[0],
-				fStripesColorBright[1],
-				fStripesColorBright[2],
-				fStripesColorBright[3]);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pStripesPattern,
-			0.,
-			fStripesColorDark[0],
-			fStripesColorDark[1],
-			fStripesColorDark[2],
-			fStripesColorDark[3]);
-		cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pStripesPattern,
-			1.,
-			fStripesColorBright[0],
-			fStripesColorBright[1],
-			fStripesColorBright[2],
-			fStripesColorBright[3]);
-	}
-	cairo_surface_t *pNewSurface = cairo_dock_create_blank_surface (
-			iWidth,
-			iHeight);
-	cairo_t *pImageContext = cairo_create (pNewSurface);
-	cairo_set_source (pImageContext, pStripesPattern);
-	cairo_paint (pImageContext);
-	cairo_pattern_destroy (pStripesPattern);
-	cairo_destroy (pImageContext);
-	return pNewSurface;
-static void _cairo_dock_load_default_background (CairoDockImageBuffer *pImage, int iWidth, int iHeight)
-	//g_print ("%s (%s, %d)\n", __func__, myDocksParam.cBackgroundImageFile, myDocksParam.bBackgroundImageRepeat);
-	if (myDocksParam.cBackgroundImageFile != NULL)
-	{
-		if (myDocksParam.bBackgroundImageRepeat)
-		{
-			cairo_surface_t *pBgSurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_pattern (myDocksParam.cBackgroundImageFile,
-				iWidth,
-				iHeight,
-				myDocksParam.fBackgroundImageAlpha);
-			cairo_dock_load_image_buffer_from_surface (pImage,
-				pBgSurface,
-				iWidth,
-				iHeight);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			cairo_dock_load_image_buffer_full (pImage,
-				myDocksParam.cBackgroundImageFile,
-				iWidth,
-				iHeight,
-				myDocksParam.fBackgroundImageAlpha);
-		}
-	}
-	if (pImage->pSurface == NULL)
-	{
-		cairo_surface_t *pBgSurface = _cairo_dock_make_stripes_background (
-			iWidth,
-			iHeight,
-			myDocksParam.fStripesColorBright,
-			myDocksParam.fStripesColorDark,
-			myDocksParam.iNbStripes,
-			myDocksParam.fStripesWidth,
-			myDocksParam.fStripesAngle);
-		cairo_dock_load_image_buffer_from_surface (pImage,
-			pBgSurface,
-			iWidth,
-			iHeight);
-	}
-void cairo_dock_load_dock_background (CairoDock *pDock)
-	cairo_dock_unload_image_buffer (&pDock->backgroundBuffer);
-	int iWidth = pDock->iDecorationsWidth;
-	int iHeight = pDock->iDecorationsHeight;
-	if (pDock->bGlobalBg || pDock->iRefCount > 0)
-	{
-		_cairo_dock_load_default_background (&pDock->backgroundBuffer, iWidth, iHeight);
-	}
-	else if (pDock->cBgImagePath != NULL)
-	{
-		cairo_dock_load_image_buffer (&pDock->backgroundBuffer, pDock->cBgImagePath, iWidth, iHeight, CAIRO_DOCK_FILL_SPACE);
-	}
-	if (pDock->backgroundBuffer.pSurface == NULL)
-	{
-		cairo_surface_t *pSurface = _cairo_dock_make_stripes_background (iWidth, iHeight, pDock->fBgColorBright, pDock->fBgColorDark, 0, 0., 90);
-		cairo_dock_load_image_buffer_from_surface (&pDock->backgroundBuffer, pSurface, iWidth, iHeight);
-	}
-static gboolean _load_background_idle (CairoDock *pDock)
-	cairo_dock_load_dock_background (pDock);
-	pDock->iSidLoadBg = 0;
-	return FALSE;
-void cairo_dock_trigger_load_dock_background (CairoDock *pDock)
-	if (pDock->iDecorationsWidth == pDock->backgroundBuffer.iWidth && pDock->iDecorationsHeight == pDock->backgroundBuffer.iHeight)  // mise a jour inutile.
-		return;
-	if (pDock->iSidLoadBg == 0)
-		pDock->iSidLoadBg = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)_load_background_idle, pDock);

=== modified file '.pc/applied-patches'
--- .pc/applied-patches	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ .pc/applied-patches	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'
--- CMakeLists.txt	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ CMakeLists.txt	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ########### project ###############
 project ("cairo-dock")
-set (VERSION "2.3.0~2")
+set (VERSION "2.3.0~3")
 add_definitions (-std=c99 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wuninitialized -Werror-implicit-function-declaration) #-Wunreachable-code -Wno-unused-parameter -Wall 

=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- debian/changelog	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ debian/changelog	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+cairo-dock (2.3.0~3-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. (LP: #799773)
+  * Upstream ChangeLog:
+   - Fixed a crash that occurs when the MP applet is in desklet
+      mode and applets separated from launchers
+      and the music-player is launched. (LP: #797273)
+  * debian/patches:
+   - Removed 02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch
+    (now in the upstream release)
+ -- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <matttbe@xxxxxxxxx>  Mon, 20 Jun 2011 16:55:12 +0200
 cairo-dock (2.3.0~2-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
   * New upstream release. (LP: #786104)

=== modified file 'debian/patches/01-default_theme_with_default_apps'
--- debian/patches/01-default_theme_with_default_apps	2011-03-17 14:08:48 +0000
+++ debian/patches/01-default_theme_with_default_apps	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01eog.desktop
 --- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01eog.desktop	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01eog.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01evolution.desktop
 --- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01evolution.desktop	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01evolution.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01f-spot.desktop
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01f-spot.desktop	2011-04-19 22:58:37.817058474 +0200
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01f-spot.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 +++ /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01inkscape.desktop
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01inkscape.desktop	2011-04-19 22:58:37.787058430 +0200
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01inkscape.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 +++ /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
 @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
@@ -264,54 +264,10 @@
-Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt	2011-04-19 22:58:37.707058307 +0200
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
- 	01gimp.desktop
- 	01firefox.desktop
- 	01gnome-terminal.desktop
--	01f-spot.desktop
--	01inkscape.desktop
-+	01shotwell.desktop
-+	01eog.desktop
- 	01separator.desktop
--	01thunderbird.desktop
-+	01evolution.desktop
- 	02separator.desktop
- 	03separator.desktop
- 	DESTINATION ${pkgdatadir}/themes/_default_/launchers)
-Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf	2011-04-19 22:58:37.907058606 +0200
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- #S+ Image filename:
- #{Leave empty to use the default one.}
- #j+[0;128] Desired icon size for this applet
- #{Set to 0 to use the default applet size}
-Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf	2011-04-19 22:58:37.867058541 +0200
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- #F[Audio Player;gtk-cdrom]
- frame_player=
- #L[Amarok 2;Audacious;Banshee;Clementine;Exaile;Exaile 0.3;GMusicBrowser;Guayadeque;Listen;Qmmp;QuodLibet;Rhythmbox;Songbird;XMMS 2;XMMS] Player to control:
- #b Steal the player's icon from the taskbar?
- #{This will prevent the player icon appearing in the taskbar. The applet's icon will then behave as a launcher, an application and an applet.}
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01shotwell.desktop
 --- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01shotwell.desktop	2011-04-19 22:59:04.000000000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01shotwell.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
@@ -367,7 +323,7 @@
 Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/01thunderbird.desktop
---- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01thunderbird.desktop	2011-04-19 22:58:37.757058386 +0200
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/01thunderbird.desktop	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
 +++ /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
 @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
@@ -428,3 +384,47 @@
 -Comment[pl]=Czytanie i wysyłanie e-maili
 -Comment[pt_BR]=Ler e escrever suas mensagens
 -Comment[sv]=Läs och skriv e-post
+Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/launchers/CMakeLists.txt	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
+@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
+ 	01gimp.desktop
+ 	01firefox.desktop
+ 	01gnome-terminal.desktop
+-	01f-spot.desktop
+-	01inkscape.desktop
++	01shotwell.desktop
++	01eog.desktop
+ 	01separator.desktop
+-	01thunderbird.desktop
++	01evolution.desktop
+ 	02separator.desktop
+ 	03separator.desktop
+ 	DESTINATION ${pkgdatadir}/themes/_default_/launchers)
+Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/GMenu/GMenu.conf	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ #S+ Image filename:
+ #{Leave empty to use the default one.}
+ #j+[0;128] Desired icon size for this applet
+ #{Set to 0 to use the default applet size}
+Index: cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf
+--- cairo-dock.orig/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
++++ cairo-dock/data/default-theme/plug-ins/musicPlayer/musicPlayer.conf	2011-06-19 18:02:00.744393000 +0200
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+ #F[Audio Player;gtk-cdrom]
+ frame_player=
+ #L[Amarok 2;Audacious;Banshee;Clementine;Exaile;Exaile 0.3;GMusicBrowser;Guayadeque;Listen;Qmmp;QuodLibet;Rhythmbox;Songbird;XMMS 2;XMMS] Player to control:
+ #b Steal the player's icon from the taskbar?
+ #{This will prevent the player icon appearing in the taskbar. The applet's icon will then behave as a launcher, an application and an applet.}

=== removed file 'debian/patches/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch'
--- debian/patches/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ debian/patches/02-mouse-leaves-on-the-edge_upstream-version-2.3.0~2.1.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From: Matthieu Baerts <matttbe@xxxxxxxxx>
-Subject: Fixed an annoying bug when we slowly leave the dock with the cursor on the edge of it
-Origin: upstream, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cairo-dock-team/cairo-dock-core/2.3.x/revision/757
-Bug: http://www.glx-dock.org/tt_task.php?p=1&t=174
-Forwarded: yes
-Index: cairo-dock/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c
---- cairo-dock.orig/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c	2011-05-21 10:52:15.504630255 +0200
-+++ cairo-dock/src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-facility.c	2011-05-21 10:52:38.494663981 +0200
-@@ -760,11 +760,10 @@
- 		}
- 		else
- 		{
--			double fSideMargin = fabs (pDock->fAlign - .5) * (iWidth - pDock->fFlatDockWidth);
--			if (x_abs < - fSideMargin || x_abs > pDock->fFlatDockWidth + fSideMargin)
--				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_OUTSIDE;
--			else
-+			if (iMouseY >= 0 && iMouseY < iHeight)
- 				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_ON_THE_EDGE;
-+			else
-+				iMousePositionType = CAIRO_DOCK_MOUSE_OUTSIDE;
- 		}
- 	}
- 	else if (iMouseY >= 0 && iMouseY < iHeight)  // et en plus on est dedans en y.  //  && pPointedIcon != NULL

=== modified file 'debian/patches/series'
--- debian/patches/series	2011-05-21 21:03:26 +0000
+++ debian/patches/series	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

=== modified file 'src/gldit/cairo-dock-class-manager.c'
--- src/gldit/cairo-dock-class-manager.c	2011-03-17 14:08:48 +0000
+++ src/gldit/cairo-dock-class-manager.c	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -1004,7 +1004,9 @@
 			if (CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_APPLET (pInhibitorIcon) && myIconsParam.iSeparateIcons)
 			pDock = cairo_dock_search_dock_from_name (pInhibitorIcon->cParentDockName);
-			if (!pDock || !pDock->bIsMainDock)
+			if (!pDock)  // not inside a dock, for instance a desklet; no interest for us here.
+				continue;
+			if (pDock->iRefCount != 0)  // inside a sub-dock, take the pointing icon inside the main dock.
 				pInhibitorIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_pointing_on_dock (pDock, NULL);
 			pSameClassIcon = pInhibitorIcon;
 			if (CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_LAUNCHER (pSameClassIcon))  // on prend les lanceurs de preference.

=== modified file 'src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-manager.c'
--- src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-manager.c	2011-05-20 23:13:48 +0000
+++ src/gldit/cairo-dock-dock-manager.c	2011-06-20 15:05:34 +0000
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
 Icon *cairo_dock_search_icon_pointing_on_dock (CairoDock *pDock, CairoDock **pParentDock)  // pParentDock peut etre NULL.
-	if (pDock->bIsMainDock)  // par definition. On n'utilise pas iRefCount, car si on est en train de detruire un dock, sa reference est deja decrementee. C'est dommage mais c'est comme ca.
+	if (pDock == NULL || pDock->bIsMainDock)  // par definition. On n'utilise pas iRefCount, car si on est en train de detruire un dock, sa reference est deja decrementee. C'est dommage mais c'est comme ca.
 		return NULL;
 	Icon *pPointingIcon = NULL;
 	gpointer data[3] = {pDock, &pPointingIcon, pParentDock};

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