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Re: [Merge] lp:~mycompostpile/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/YoutubeDl into lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras


Review: Needs Fixing

Thank you for this new version!

I just have a problem with 'getClipboardText':

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/connection.py", line 230, in maybe_handle_message
    self._handler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CDApplet.py", line 168, in _on_build_menu
  File "./YoutubeDl", line 329, in on_build_menu
    if getClipboardText():
  File "/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras/YoutubeDl/getClipboardText.py", line 13, in getClipboardText
    if text.find("youtube.com/watch") == -1:

(or with the line 16 instead of 13)
I guess text is null at this moment but I think it's not a good idea to only show this entry menu when we have a correct weblink for two reasons:
 * this feature is hidden most of the time
 * it takes time before building the menu and the size of the menu can be wrong.
Note that it can be interesting to support short youtube links (youtu.be/VIDEO_ID) and maybe to support more than one link ;)
Your team Cairo-Dock Team is subscribed to branch lp:cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras.
