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Re: [Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:fix/bug#2015464 into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/definitions/basic_installation.xml b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> index 6e1951a..40310f6 100644
> --- a/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> +++ b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
>      <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the Continue button</dt>
>          <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
>      <dt>Input your initial user details and password <em>admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User</em></dt>
> -        <dd>'Require my password...' is selected but 'log in automatically' option is shown</dd>
> +        <dd>'Require my password...' is selected but 'log in automatically' or 'require password to log in' option is shown</dd>

I thought the point was that 'Require password to log in' isn't on the new installer - the only thing there is 'Require password to log in', which as I understand is equivalent? So the instructions should reflect what's on the old and new installers right?

>          <dd>Name, username and password are accepted.</dd>
>          <dd>Continue button becomes available</dd>
>      <dt>Press Continue</dt>

Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is subscribed to branch ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
