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[Merge] autopkgtest-cloud:update-sources into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Brian Murray has proposed merging autopkgtest-cloud:update-sources into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:

The process for updating the autodep8 and autopkgtest code on the units was undocumented and subsequently we've been doing this the hard way for ... let's just say awhile.
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of autopkgtest-cloud:update-sources into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/docs/administration.rst b/docs/administration.rst
index d5da3bc..38c79c1 100644
--- a/docs/administration.rst
+++ b/docs/administration.rst
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Then you can run ``run-autopkgtest --help`` to see the usage. e. g.::
   # specific architecture
   run-autopkgtest -s xenial -a armhf --trigger glib2.0/2.46.1-2 libpng udisks2
-  # all configured britney architectures (current default: i386, amd64, ppc64el, armhf)
+  # all configured britney architectures (current default: i386, amd64, arm64, ppc64el, armhf)
   run-autopkgtest -s xenial --trigger glibc/2.21-0ubuntu4 libpng udisks2
 Note that you must always submit a correct "trigger", i. e. the
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ duplicated.)
 Autopkgtest controller access
-Most workers (for i386, amd64, ppc64el, s390x) are running in a ProdStack
+Most workers (for i386, amd64, arm64, ppc64el, s390x) are running in a ProdStack
 instance of juju service ``autopkgtest-cloud-worker``::
   ssh -t wendigo.canonical.com sudo -H -u prod-ues-proposed-migration juju ssh autopkgtest-cloud-worker/0
-Rolling out new worker code/changing configuration
+Rolling out new worker or web code and changing configuration
 See :ref:`Update the code`.
@@ -88,10 +88,19 @@ should then reload themselves if necessary.
 If this doesn't happen for any reason, there is a charm action, so you can::
-  juju run-action <unit> reload-units
+  juju run-action <unit> [<unit> ...] reload-units
 where ``<unit>`` is the cloud/lxd worker shown in ``juju status``.
+Updating autopkgtest and autodep8
+The autopkgtest-cloud-worker and autopkgtest-lxd-worker applications have
+checkouts of the Ubuntu Release team's autopkgtest and autodep8 branchs.
+These branches can be automatically updated (which will remove any local
+changes) on a unit via the following::
+  juju run-action <unit> [<unit> ...] update-sources
 Deploying new LXD nodes

Follow ups