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Message #00752
A commit style for the team
Hi Ubuntu QA,
In an MP that Tim recently submitted we had a short side discussion
sparked by Brian about adopting some kind of commit style for team
projects [0].
What I propose is a loose version of Conventional Commits for the
"subject" line of commit messages (the very first line):
The spec requires a commit subject in one of these forms:
type: description
type(scope): description
meaning that 'type' is mandatory (types are: fix, feat, build, chore,
ci, docs, style, refactor, perf, test), while 'scope' is optional.
Sample commits:
ci: add missing yamllint dependency
chore(service-bundle): update IPs of replaced armhf nodes
I propose a similar approach, but allowing to specify only the scope:
type: description
scope: description
ci: add missing yamllint dependency [same as before]
service-bundle: update IPs of replaced armhf nodes
I personally find this leaves us more flexibility to do what makes
more sense on each case. Moreover I think that, at least in our
projects, the scope is often more interesting than the 'type', but
specifying type(scope) every time is cumbersome.
Deviating from a standard (conventional commits) may seem like a bad
idea, however "strict" conventional commits are mostly useful when
auto-generating changelogs or release notes, which we mostly don't do,
so we'd be getting little benefit from strictly adhering to the
standard. I am very open to discussion on this point.
For the other aspects of commit messages let's just stick with the usual
good practices:
* Use imperative mood
* Wrap text to 72 chars
* Explain the "what" and "why"
* If a project has a different style, be consistent with that.
git-commit(1) suggests limiting the subject line to 50 chars. I often
find that too restrictive, especially when specifying the commit
type/scope as outlined above. I normally try to stay within 50 chars,
but I believe 72 is fine too even for the subject line.
Let me know what you think!