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[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:create-instances-refactor into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:create-instances-refactor into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:

Create common functions for spawning openstack instances and refactor scripts that'd benefit from these common functions
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:create-instances-refactor into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-common.sh b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-common.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2046ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-common.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Common functions shared by scripts in this directory which create openstack instances
+    ran=$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 20)
+    printf "%s" "${ran}"
+    # $1 rc file
+    # $2 name prefix
+    key_id="${2}-key-$(get_random_string)"
+    if ! openstack keypair list | grep "${key_id}" &>/dev/null; then
+            if ! openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub "${key_id}" &> /dev/null; then
+                    printf "keypair creation failed for %s, skipping" "${1}"
+                    exit 1
+            fi
+    fi
+    while ! openstack keypair list | grep "${key_id}" &>/dev/null; do
+            ctr=$((ctr+1))
+            if [ $ctr -gt 9 ]; then
+                    printf "key not loading for %s, exiting" "${1}"
+                    exit 1
+            fi
+    done
+    printf "%s" "${key_id}"
+    # $1 rc file
+    arch=$(echo "${1}" | awk -F[-.] '{print $2}')
+    if [ -z "$arch" ]; then
+            arch="amd64"
+    elif [[ "${arch}" == "rc" ]]; then
+            arch="amd64"
+    fi
+    printf "%s" "${arch}"
+    # $1 release
+    # $2 arch
+    image=$(openstack image list | grep "adt/ubuntu-${1}-${2}" | cut -d' ' -f2)
+    printf "%s" "${image}"
+    net=""
+    if [[ "${OS_USERNAME}" =~ .*"stg".* ]]; then
+            if openstack network list | grep 'net_stg_proposed-migration' &> /dev/null; then
+                    net=$(openstack network list | grep 'net_stg_proposed-migration' | cut -d' ' -f2)
+            elif openstack network list | grep 'net_stg-proposed-migration' &> /dev/null; then
+                    net=$(openstack network list | grep 'net_stg-proposed-migration' | cut -d' ' -f2)
+            else
+                    echo "Network finding failure, skipping ${FILE}..."
+                    exit 1
+            fi
+    elif [[ "${OS_USERNAME}" =~ .*"prod".* ]]; then
+            net=$(openstack network list | grep 'net_prod-proposed-migration' | cut -d' ' -f2)
+    fi
+    printf "%s" "${net}"
+    # $1 server name
+    # $2 key
+    while ! openstack server show "${1}" | grep status | grep ACTIVE &>/dev/null; do
+            # echo "waiting for server to come up..."
+            if openstack server show "${1}" | grep status | grep ERROR; then
+                    openstack keypair delete "${key}"
+                    echo "Server building failed, see below..."
+                    openstack server show "${1}"
+                    exit 1
+            fi
+            sleep 5
+    done
+    # $1 server_name
+    ip_address=$(openstack server list | grep "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f5 | cut -d'=' -f2)
+    sleep 10
+    while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@"${ip_address}" : &>/dev/null; do
+            # echo "waiting for server to have connectivity..."
+            sleep 3
+    done
+    printf "%s" "${ip_address}"
+    # maybe this changes and we just pass the file or something
+    # need name prefix
+    # new args
+    # $1 release
+    # $2 name_prefix
+    # $3 rc file
+    # $4 flavor (default is autopkgtest)
+    # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+    if ! . "${3}"; then
+        printf "Sourcing file: %s failed, exiting...\n" "${3}"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    key=$(make_and_load_key "${3}" "${2}")
+    # printf "Key loaded: %s\n" "${key}"
+    server_name="${2}-$(get_random_string)"
+    # printf "Booting up instance %s for %s\n" "${server_name}" "${3}"
+    if openstack server list | grep "${server_name}" &> /dev/null; then
+        printf "Server %s already exists, exiting" "${server_name}"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    arch=$(get_arch "${3}")
+    # printf "Architecture: %s\n" "${arch}"
+    img=$(get_image "${1}" "${arch}")
+    # printf "Using image: %s\n" "${img}"
+    flavor="autopkgtest"
+    if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
+        flavor="${4}"
+    fi
+    netid=$(get_netid)
+    openstack server create --image "${img}" --flavor "${flavor}" --nic net-id="${netid}" -- "${server_name}" &> /dev/null
+    wait_for_server_to_build "${server_name}" "${key}"
+    # printf "Server built: %s\n" "${server_name}"
+    ip=$(wait_for_server_connectivity "${server_name}")
+    # printf "Server has connectivity: %s\n" "${server_name}"
+    printf "%s|%s|%s" "${server_name}" "${key}" "${ip}"
+    # $1 server details
+    name=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f1)
+    key=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f2)
+    ip=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f3)
+    printf "%s\n%s\n%s" "${name}" "${key}" "${ip}"
+    # $1 server details
+    printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f3
+    # $1 server details
+    # $2 file
+    # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+    source "${2}"
+    printf "Killing server: \n%s" "$(show_server_details "${1}")"
+    server_name=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f1)
+    key=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | cut -d'|' -f2)
+    openstack server delete "${server_name}"
+    openstack keypair delete "${key}"
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-test-mirrors b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-test-mirrors
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03fcbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/create-instances-test-mirrors
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Spawns openstack servers for each environment in cloudrc's dir, tests
+# different archives for each environment and tests the speed of each archive,
+# and reports the results.
+set -e
+# shellcheck disable=1091
+source ./create-instances-common.sh
+for FILE in "${CLOUDRC_DIR}"*; do
+        if [[ ! "${FILE}" =~ .rc ]]; then
+                printf "%s has incorrect file type, skipping" "${FILE}"
+                continue
+        fi
+        (
+                printf "===================================================================\n"
+                printf "Booting up instance\n"
+                server_details=$(create_server_and_wait_for_connectivity "${RELEASE}" "${SERVERNAME}" "${FILE}")
+                printf "Instance booted:\n%s\n" "$(show_server_details "${server_details}")"
+                ip=$(get_server_ip "${server_details}")
+                best_archive=$(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@"${ip}" 'sudo python3' < test_mirrors | tail -1)
+                printf "Best archive for %s is %s" "${FILE}" "${best_archive}\n" >> "${results_file}"
+                kill_server "${server_details}" "${FILE}"
+                echo "==================================================================="
+        )
+cat "${results_file}"
+rm "${results_file}"
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/test_mirrors b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/test_mirrors
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fd12af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/test_mirrors
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Script to be run on a spawned openstack instance to test mirror speed for
+a particular datacentre.
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+import datetime
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import apt
+def get_nvidia_package():
+    '''
+    iterate backward through the cache to
+    find the latest nvidia driver
+    '''
+    cache = apt.Cache()
+    for key in cache.keys()[::-1]:
+        if "libnvidia-common" in key and "server" not in key:
+            return key
+    return None
+SOURCES = """deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE main restricted
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE main restricted
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates main restricted
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates main restricted
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE universe
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE universe
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates universe
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates universe
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE multiverse
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE multiverse
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates multiverse
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-updates multiverse
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-backports main restricted universe multiverse
+deb-src http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-backports main restricted universe multiverse
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-security main restricted
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-security universe
+deb http://$ARCHIVE/ubuntu $RELEASE-security multiverse
+    "gb.archive.ubuntu.com",
+    "us.archive.ubuntu.com",
+    "nova.clouds.ports.ubuntu.com",
+    "ftpmaster.internal"
+results = []
+quickest = 1000000000000000
+quickest_archive = ""
+release = "focal"
+os.system("apt update")
+package = get_nvidia_package()
+if package is None:
+    print("No valid source package found.")
+    sys.exit()
+for archive in ARCHIVES:
+    sources = SOURCES.replace("$ARCHIVE", archive)
+    sources = sources.replace("$RELEASE", release)
+    arch = os.popen('dpkg --print-architecture').read().replace("\n", "")
+    if arch != "x86_64":
+        sources = sources.replace("archive", "ports")
+        if "ftpmaster" not in archive:
+            sources = sources.replace("/ubuntu", "/ubuntu-ports")
+    with open("/etc/apt/sources.list", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        f.write(sources)
+    os.system("apt update")
+    # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
+    temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+    os.chdir(temp_dir.name)
+    start = datetime.datetime.now()
+    print(type(package))
+    x = os.system("apt source " + package)
+    if x != 0:
+        continue
+    length = (datetime.datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
+    if length < quickest:
+        quickest = length
+        quickest_archive = archive
+    os.chdir("/tmp/")
+    temp_dir.cleanup()
+    results.append((archive, length))
+print(quickest_archive + ": " + str(quickest))

Follow ups