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Re: [Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:FDE_install into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml b/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
> index fc632c9..dae5250 100644
> --- a/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
> +++ b/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
> @@ -212,7 +212,56 @@
>        <dd>The system loads into FAMILY showing username selected</dd>
>    </ut:test>
> -  <ut:case id="1760_Canary Install (entire disk)">
> +  <ut:test id="enable-full-disk-encryption-tpm">
> +    <dt>Click on "Advanced features"</dt>
> +      <dd>Click on the tickbox for "Enhanced secure-boot"</dd>
> +      <dd>Click on the tickbox for Hardware-backed full disk encryption</dd>
> +      <dd>Click "Ok"</dd>
> +    <dt>Click Continue</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="full-disk-encryption-no-tpm-not-available">
> +    <dt>Click on "Advanced features"</dt>
> +      <dd>There should be no tickbox for "Enhanced secure-boot"</dd>
> +      <dd>Click "Ok"</dd>
> +    <dt>Click Continue</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="no-tpm-check">
> +    <dt>Click on "Advanced features"</dt>
> +    <dt>Verify there is no option for Hardware backed full disk encryption with TPM.</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="no-tpm-reason-no-tpm">
> +    <dt>For this check, please use a system with no TPM enabled hardware</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="no-tpm-reason-low-disk">
> +    <dt>For this check, please use a system with TPM enabled hardware, with approx 20G of disk space. The install should fail later on.</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="no-tpm-reason-misc-template">
> +    <dt>For this check, please use a system with TPM enabled hardware, with $REASONITWILLFAIL.</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="tpm-on-boot">
> +    <dt>After rebooting, log in to the installed system and run `snap list`, and check that the `pc-kernel` package is installed.</dt>
> +    <dt>Open up a terminal window, and try to run this command: `sudo apt install linux-image-generic`.</dt>
> +      <dd>You should get a response which includes this message: `boot-managed-by-snapd : Conflicts: linux-image`</dd>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="hw-requirements">
> +    <dt>In order to do full disk encryption with TPM, you either need to make sure you're using a piece of hardware that has TPM functionality, or you can install with a VM.</dt>
> +    <dt>If you install with a vm, you can use the following command:</dt>
> +      <dd>virt-install --os-variant ubuntu22.04 --name ubuntu-canary-install --memory 4096 --disk canary.img --cdrom mantic-desktop-canary-amd64.iso --machine q35 --features smm.state=on --boot loader=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd,loader.readonly=yes,loader.type=pflash,nvram.template=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.ms.fd,loader_secure=yes --tpm backend.type=emulator,backend.version=2.0,model=tpm-tis</dd>

Right, that makes sense, I'll change this to say something like make sure your vm is set up properly

> +      <dd>Make sure the paths to the .img and .iso files are accurate.</dd>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:test id="should-fail">
> +    <dt>Somewhere along the installation process, either in the install screen or after reboot, the install should fail.</dt>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
> +  <ut:case id="1760_Canary Install (entire disk no tpm)">

Not sure what you mean, it looks like in my local repo this isn't the case for this test case?

>      <ut:include ref="grub" />
>      <ut:include ref="try-or-install" />
>      <ut:include ref="start" />

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