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Message #01275
Re: [Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:amend_docs_re_tagging into autopkgtest-cloud:master
Two comments, let's also let Brian read review this, but this basically LGTM.
Diff comments:
> diff --git a/docs/deploying.rst b/docs/deploying.rst
> index 95db4f2..ef70b71 100644
> --- a/docs/deploying.rst
> +++ b/docs/deploying.rst
> @@ -159,11 +159,27 @@ then run an *upgrade*. For example, for ``autopkgtest-web``:
> Then run ``mojo run`` on the system where you want to deploy the update - this
> will pull the updated charm from the charm store.
> -Please then *tag* the update you are pushing, so that others can see which git
> -commit corresponds to a charm revision. Use the format <charm>-<revision>. You
> -should push a tag even if you are working on a scratch branch (for staging). It
> -makes it possible for others to see what is being worked on, and make fixes to
> -it if necessary.
> +Tagging the charm revisions
> +---------------
> +
> +When releasing the charm to stable, please then *tag* the update you are pushing,
Slightly confusing wording (to me), as charms are maybe "published", not pushed. And hopefully the to-be-released git commit has been pushed already.
I'd prefer something like (fix my wording if necessary):
When releasing the charm to stable, make sure the latest commit has been pushed and that CI passed on it. After releasing the charm, please tag the commit you are releasing and push the tag, so that others [...]
> +so that others can see which git commit corresponds to a charm revision.
> +Use the format <charm>-<revision>. You should push a tag even if you are working
> +on a scratch branch (for staging). It makes it possible for others to see what
> +is being worked on, and make fixes to it if necessary.
> +
> +You can add a tag like so:
> +.. code-block::
> + git tag -a autopkgtest-$charm-$revision
> + git push --tags
> +
> +Where $charm is either equal to "web" or "cloud-worker".
> +
> +If you accidentally push a charm or need to change a charm tag, you can delete
> +like so:
> +.. code-block::
> + git push --delete origin $tag
This is paragraph is "generic git knowledge" with nothing specific to to charms, I'd leave it out. Also it's not something to encourage: it's _almost_ like force pushing.
> +
> Checking for cowboys
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:amend_docs_re_tagging into autopkgtest-cloud:master.