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canonical-ubuntu-qa team
Mailing list archive
Message #01350
[Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:add_gnome_suite_test into ubuntu-manual-tests:main
Tim Andersson has proposed merging ubuntu-manual-tests:add_gnome_suite_test into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
Requested reviews:
Ubuntu Testcase Admins (ubuntu-testcase)
For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is requested to review the proposed merge of ubuntu-manual-tests:add_gnome_suite_test into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
diff --git a/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml b/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
index 1c3ea11..dc3d785 100644
--- a/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
+++ b/definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
@@ -498,4 +498,17 @@
<ut:include ref="reboot-ubuntu" />
+ <ut:case id="1783_Canary Install Test GNOME Suite">
+ <ut:include ref="grub" />
+ <ut:include ref="try-or-install" />
+ <ut:include ref="start" />
+ <ut:include ref="select-installation-type" />
+ <ut:include ref="entire-disk" />
+ <ut:include ref="setup" />
+ <ut:include ref="reboot-ubuntu" />
+ <dt>After rebooting, follow the two test cases here to test the GNOME suite of applications:</dt>
+ <dd></dd>
+ <dt>This test case is primarily useful when there have been updates to gjs, but is still worthy of testing on every release.</dt>
+ </ut:case>
diff --git a/testcases/image/1783_Canary Install Test GNOME Suite b/testcases/image/1783_Canary Install Test GNOME Suite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e3ccac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/image/1783_Canary Install Test GNOME Suite
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<!-- Please do not edit this file directly; it was generated with the
+ tools/test_case_gen script using the following configuration as input:
+ definitions/canary_desktop_cases.xml
+ <p><em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.</em></p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>If you see the GRUB boot menu you should see the following:</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <li>'Try or Install FAMILY'</li>
+ <li>'FAMILY (safe graphics)'</li>
+ <li>'OEM install (for manufacturers)'</li>
+ <li>'Test memory' (only on BIOS systems)</li>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Try or Install FAMILY' option and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and the mascot logo on the right.'</dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Try or Install' screen is displayed with 'try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the release notes hyperlink to confirm that a browser launches and you are taken to the release notes discourse page.</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the 'Install FAMILY' icon to select the option and click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on Continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Connect to internet' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The screen should reflect the current status and display those elements</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <li>Wired connection</li>
+ <li>Connect to a Wi-Fi network followed by a scrollable list of available APs, displaying an active one colored with a leading checkmark</li>
+ <li>Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network</li>
+ <li>I don't want to connect to internet for now</li>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Updates and other software' screen is displayed, listing normal and minimal installation.</dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is selected and the 'Advanced features' button is active</dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Write changes to disk' screen is displayed, including the details of incoming partitions changes.</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the partitioning details make sense</dt>
+ <dd>The available disk should be used for the installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click 'Start Installing'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone corresponds with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box</dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a major city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password <em>admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User</em></dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted.</dd>
+ <dd>Continue button becomes available</dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Choose your look' screen is displayed showing light and dark options</dd>
+ <dt>Click on 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The slideshow is entirely in your language</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the 'Restart into FAMILY XX.XX' button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY showing username selected</dd>
+ <dt>After rebooting, follow the two test cases here to test the GNOME suite of applications:</dt>
+ <dd></dd>
+ <dt>This test case is primarily useful when there have been updates to gjs, but is still worthy of testing on every release.</dt>
+ </dl>
+ <p>If <strong>all</strong> actions produce the expected results described,
+ please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.</p>
+ <p>If <strong>any</strong> action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
+ please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include
+ the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your
+ result.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
Follow ups