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Re: [Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:add_zfs_plus_encryption_daily_legacy into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/definitions/basic_installation.xml b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> index ff43a99..c1cd4e7 100644
> --- a/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> +++ b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
> @@ -105,6 +105,37 @@
>          <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
>    </ut:test>
> +  <ut:test id="entire-disk-zfs-encryption">
> +    <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
> +        <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is selected and the 'Advanced features' button is active</dd>
> +        <dt>Click on the 'Advanced features...' button</dt>
> +        <dd>The 'Advanced Features' dialog is displayed</dd>
> +    <dt>Select 'Erase disk and use ZFS'</dt>
> +        <dd>'Erase disk and use ZFS' is selected</dd>
> +        <dd>Check the tickbox for 'Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security'</dd>
> +    <dt>Click on the 'OK' button</dt>
> +        <dd>The dialog closes and 'ZFS selected' is displayed next to the 'Advanced features...' button</dd>
> +    <dt>Click Continue</dt>
> +    <dt>The "Choose a security key" slide opens</dt>
> +        <dd>Enter your desired security key</dd>
> +    <dt>Tick the "Enable recovery key" checkbox</dt>
> +        <dd>Enter your desired recovery key</dd>
> +        <dd>Click the downwards arrow icon, and click "Open" in the popup window</dd>
> +    <dt>Open a terminal window and run the following commands:</dt>

You can still ctrl+alt+t

> +        <dd>cat /home/ubuntu/recovery.key</dd>
> +    <dt>Verify the recovery key matches your inputted recovery key</dt>
> +    <dt>Close the terminal window</dt>
> +    <dt>Click on the 'Install Now' button</dt>
> +        <dd>'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears</dd>
> +    <dt>Click Continue</dt>
> +    <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 18 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
> +        <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
> +    <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
> +        <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
> +    <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
> +        <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
> +  </ut:test>
> +
>    <ut:test id="auto-resize">
>      <dt>Select Install FAMILY XX.XX alongside SYSTEM YY </dt>
>          <dd>(SYSTEM YY is the name of the system already installed on disk (FAMILY 12.04, Windows 7, ...)</dd>

Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is subscribed to branch ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
