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Re: [Merge] ~bandali/ubuntu-manual-tests:add-browsers-testplan into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Review: Needs Fixing

Thanks, trying to build the html from the description it seems there are some issues that need fixing, first one as an example

$ tools/test_case_gen definitions/browsers.xml
In <ut:case id='1778_browsers'>: <ut:define name='browser-about-page'> not found

which comes from
    <ut:include ref="about-page" />
in the 1778 testcase definition

the about-page testcase is using
  var name="browser-about-page"

so you can't call it without setting the variable

THe content itself seems fine, there are probably tweaks and improvement which could be done but it probably makes sense to land what you have there as a startpoint and iterate later on as needed

Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is subscribed to branch ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
