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[Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:remove_mention_of_recovery_key into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Tim Andersson has proposed merging ubuntu-manual-tests:remove_mention_of_recovery_key into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Testcase Admins (ubuntu-testcase)

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is requested to review the proposed merge of ubuntu-manual-tests:remove_mention_of_recovery_key into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
diff --git a/definitions/basic_installation.xml b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
index 3eec27f..85d66d3 100644
--- a/definitions/basic_installation.xml
+++ b/definitions/basic_installation.xml
@@ -118,13 +118,6 @@
     <dt>Click Continue</dt>
     <dt>The "Choose a security key" slide opens</dt>
         <dd>Enter your desired security key</dd>
-    <dt>Tick the "Enable recovery key" checkbox</dt>
-        <dd>Enter your desired recovery key</dd>
-        <dd>Click the downwards arrow icon, and click "Open" in the popup window</dd>
-    <dt>Open a terminal window and run the following commands:</dt>
-        <dd>cat /home/ubuntu/recovery.key</dd>
-    <dt>Verify the recovery key matches your inputted recovery key</dt>
-    <dt>Close the terminal window</dt>
     <dt>Click on the 'Install Now' button</dt>
         <dd>'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears</dd>
     <dt>Click Continue</dt>
@@ -163,7 +156,7 @@
         <dd>zpool import rpool</dd>
     <dt>Check the output of the following command to see that rpool is imported:</dt>
         <dd>zpool status -v</dd>
-    <dt>After entering the following command, enter your recovery key in the prompt:</dt>
+    <dt>After entering the following command, enter your security key in the prompt:</dt>
         <dd>cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore keystore</dd>
     <dt>Mount the keystore:</dt>
         <dd>mkdir /mnt/keystore</dd>
diff --git a/testcases/image/1790_Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption) b/testcases/image/1790_Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)
index 82231ae..684467c 100644
--- a/testcases/image/1790_Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)
+++ b/testcases/image/1790_Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)
@@ -49,13 +49,6 @@
     <dt>Click Continue</dt>
     <dt>The "Choose a security key" slide opens</dt>
         <dd>Enter your desired security key</dd>
-    <dt>Tick the "Enable recovery key" checkbox</dt>
-        <dd>Enter your desired recovery key</dd>
-        <dd>Click the downwards arrow icon, and click "Open" in the popup window</dd>
-    <dt>Open a terminal window and run the following commands:</dt>
-        <dd>cat /home/ubuntu/recovery.key</dd>
-    <dt>Verify the recovery key matches your inputted recovery key</dt>
-    <dt>Close the terminal window</dt>
     <dt>Click on the 'Install Now' button</dt>
         <dd>'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears</dd>
     <dt>Click Continue</dt>
@@ -142,7 +135,7 @@
         <dd>zpool import rpool</dd>
     <dt>Check the output of the following command to see that rpool is imported:</dt>
         <dd>zpool status -v</dd>
-    <dt>After entering the following command, enter your recovery key in the prompt:</dt>
+    <dt>After entering the following command, enter your security key in the prompt:</dt>
         <dd>cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore keystore</dd>
     <dt>Mount the keystore:</dt>
         <dd>mkdir /mnt/keystore</dd>
@@ -176,4 +169,4 @@
       please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include
       the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your
\ No newline at end of file

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