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[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:modify_service_bundle into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:modify_service_bundle into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:modify_service_bundle into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/mojo/service-bundle b/mojo/service-bundle
index 1b57f76..6d2e820 100644
--- a/mojo/service-bundle
+++ b/mojo/service-bundle
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ applications:
                   arm64: 26
                   ppc64el: 20
-                  s390x: 22
+                  s390x: 20
                   arm64: 26
                   ppc64el: 20
@@ -117,100 +117,6 @@ applications:
                   arm64: 0
                   ppc64el: 0
 {%- endif %}
-    autopkgtest-cloud-worker-lrg:
-        charm: ubuntu-release-autopkgtest-cloud-worker
-        channel: {{ channel }}
-{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
-        num_units: 0
-{%- else %}
-        num_units: 0
-{%- endif %}
-        constraints: mem=32G cores=8 root-disk=100G
-        options: &common-options-2
-            swift-password: include-file://{{local_dir}}/swift_password
-            releases: {{ releases }}
-            influxdb-hostname: include-file://{{ local_dir }}/influx-hostname.txt
-            influxdb-password: include-file://{{ local_dir }}/influx-password.txt
-            influxdb-database: metrics
-{%- if stage_name == "production" %}
-            influxdb-username: prod_proposed_migration
-            influxdb-context: production
-            swift-username: prod_proposed-migration
-            swift-region: bootstack-ps45
-            swift-auth-url:
-            swift-tenant: prod_proposed-migration_project
-            swift-auth-version: 2
-{%- elif stage_name == "staging" %}
-            influxdb-username: stg_proposed_migration
-            influxdb-context: staging
-            swift-username: stg_proposed-migration
-            swift-region: bootstack-ps45
-            swift-auth-url:
-            swift-tenant: stg_proposed-migration_project
-            swift-auth-version: 2
-{%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            swift-auth-url: XXX
-            swift-username: XXX
-            swift-region: XXX
-            swift-project-domain-name: default
-            swift-project-name: XXX
-            swift-user-domain-name: default
-            swift-auth-version: 3
-{%- endif %}
-        options:
-            <<: *common-options-2
-            nova-rcs: include-base64://{{local_dir}}/novarcs.tar
-            worker-setup-command2: /CHECKOUTDIR//setup-commands/setup-testbed
-{%- if stage_name == "production" %}
-            net-name: net_prod-proposed-migration
-{%- elif stage_name == "staging" %}
-            net-name: net_stg-proposed-migration
-{%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            net-name: net_instances
-            mirror: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/
-            worker-args: ssh -s /CHECKOUTDIR//ssh-setup/nova -- --flavor $PACKAGESIZE --security-groups $SECGROUP --name adt-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-$PACKAGENAME-$TIMESTAMP-$HOSTNAME --image adt/ubuntu-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-server-.* --keyname testbed-/HOSTNAME/ --mirror=/MIRROR/
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
-            mirror: http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/
-            worker-default-flavor: autopkgtest
-            worker-big-flavor: autopkgtest-big
-            worker-args: ssh -s /CHECKOUTDIR//ssh-setup/nova -- --flavor $PACKAGESIZE --security-groups $SECGROUP --name adt-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-$PACKAGENAME-$TIMESTAMP-$HOSTNAME --image adt/ubuntu-$RELEASE-$HOSTARCH-server --keyname testbed-/HOSTNAME/ --net-id=/NET_NAME/ -e TERM=linux -e 'http_proxy={{ http_proxy }}' -e 'https_proxy={{ https_proxy }}' -e 'no_proxy={{ no_proxy }}' --mirror=/MIRROR/
-            worker-setup-command: /AUTOPKGTEST_CLOUD_DIR//worker-config-production/setup-canonical.sh
-{% endif %}
-{%- if stage_name == "production" %}
-            n-workers: |-
-              lgw01:
-                  amd64: 0
-              lcy02:
-                  amd64: 0
-              bos01:
-                  arm64: 0
-                  ppc64el: 0
-                  s390x: 0
-              bos02:
-                  arm64: 0
-                  ppc64el: 0
-                  s390x: 0
-{%- elif stage_name == "staging" %}
-            n-workers: |-
-              lgw01:
-                  amd64: 2
-              lcy02:
-                  amd64: 0
-              bos01:
-                  arm64: 1
-                  ppc64el: 1
-                  s390x: 1
-              bos02:
-                  arm64: 1
-                  ppc64el: 1
-                  s390x: 1
-{%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            n-workers: |-
-              bos01:
-                  arm64: 5
-                  ppc64el: 5
-{%- endif %}
         charm: ubuntu-release-autopkgtest-cloud-worker
         channel: {{ channel }}

Follow ups