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Message #01985
[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:docs-firewalls-proxy-update into autopkgtest-cloud:master
Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:docs-firewalls-proxy-update into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
Requested reviews:
Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)
For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:docs-firewalls-proxy-update into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/docs/deploying.rst b/docs/deploying.rst
index 85d853f..a0ba209 100644
--- a/docs/deploying.rst
+++ b/docs/deploying.rst
@@ -228,3 +228,256 @@ merged into the main branch, you can release into *edge* with ``charm release
under the staging user as usual to test your change. Staging tracks edge by
+Setting up firewall configs
+This section assumes the reader is familiar with the relevant repos.
+The steps here mostly apply to the scenario where the bastion is being migrated.
+Some steps are more general.
+When adding things to files in this repo, please make sure any additions are at
+a point in the file which makes sense. If you're adding definitions relevant to
+proposed-migration, please, if applicable, group any additions with pre-existing
+config relating to proposed migration.
+Add the new subnet
+Navigate to ``services/ues/proposed-migration.yaml``.
+Add the subnet, with a comment, to the relevant definition.
+For instance, make sure lines like the following are present:
+.. code-block::
+ subnets:
+ XXXstack-fixed:
+ - subnets/scalingstack-INST-proposed-migration-fixed
+ psX:
+ - # INST-proposed-migration
+The subnet should be the subnet the juju machines are on.
+You can check this subnet by connecting to the relevant bastion,
+and running a ``juju status``. The machines should all be on
+the same subnet, and this is the subnet you will put in the
+file mentioned above.
+Allow access to juju2 controllers
+Navigate to ``rules/is/juju.yaml`` and ``defs/subnets.yaml``.
+``defs/subnets.yaml`` contains the relevant information for
+the subnets associated with the datacentres the run tests.
+This should be something we don't need to worry about, but it's
+something notable for debugging, and to our infrastructure in
+It's important that the datacentres have a connection to the jujud-api.
+Declaration of subnets
+Navigate to ``defs/subnets.yaml``.
+Search for ``proposed-migration``. There are definitions with this string
+for a number of things - datacentres for workers, and bastions, old and new.
+So it's imperative to check you're declaring the subnets in the appropriate manner
+with appropriate naming.
+The subnet must be declared in ``developer-managed-services-networks-ps45``.
+There is a section at the beginning of this section, where the subnet name is
+Laterally, still under ``developer-managed-services-networks-ps45``, the subnet
+is defined using the name declared in the section above.
+You can find out the subnet by navigating to the relevant bastion and running
+``juju status`` again. The subnet is the subnet all of the juju machines are on.
+There is also relevant sections regarding subnets in ``defs/prodstack.yaml`` which
+need amending but are self explanatory.
+Allow communication with influxdb
+Navigate to ``rules/is/ubuntu-kpi.yaml``.
+There is a section with the comment "Allow proposed-migration ranges to talk to influxdb"
+Make sure the subnet you declared in the steps above is in the ``from:`` section, and
+that subnet will now have communication with influxdb.
+Allow communication to scalingstack
+Navigate to ``rules/is/scalingstack.yaml``.
+This is subject to change, but there should be a section which looks like this:
+.. code-block::
+ + - comment: "production proposed-migration, RT#82024"
+ + from:
+ + - services/is/prodstack/devops-management-host
+ + - services/ues/proposed-migration/router-ps45
+ + - services/ues/proposed-migration/ps5
+ + to: [services/is/scalingstack/infra]
+ + ports: [keystone-auth, openstack-os, openstack-s3, neutron-api, glance]
+Apply the above rule to the relevant bastion.
+Allow communication to relevant "stack" API's
+.. code-block::
+ + - comment: "Allow proposed-migration to PS5 API"
+ + from: [services/ues/proposed-migration/ps5]
+ + to: [services/is/ps5/nova]
+ + ports: [openstack-os]
+ +
+ + - comment: "Allow proposed-migration to PS5 Glance"
+ + from: [services/ues/proposed-migration/ps5]
+ + to: [services/is/ps5/glance]
+ + ports: [glance]
+ +
+ + - comment: "Allow proposed-migration to PS5 Neutron"
+ + from: [services/ues/proposed-migration/ps5]
+ + to: [services/is/ps5/neutron]
+ + ports: [neutron-api]
+The section above should be present and should include the relevant bastion.
+Check the relevant definitions for the above ``from:`` tags.
+Add public IP's for haproxy and rabbitmq
+This might be something we require IS' help for.
+Navigate to ``defs/prodstack.yaml``.
+Under the section ``floating-ips:``, add a line like this:
+.. code-block::
+Where the ``X`` ip is the public ip, and the ``Y`` is the private ip.
+Do this for both the haproxy machine and the rabbitmq machine on the
+relevant bastion.
+The public ip's are incremental.
+Grant access to swift storage
+Navigate to ``rules/is/ps5.yaml``.
+For the new bastion, you must add a new section like so:
+.. code-block::
+ - comment: "Allow prod-proposed-migration-environment to talk to PS5 swift (radosgw Object storage) to grab logs"
+ from:
+ - services/ues/proposed-migration/ps5
+ - subnets/prod-proposed-migration-ps5
+ to: [services/is/ps5/radosgw]
+ ports: [https]
+Where the relevant ``services/`` and ``subnets/`` are correct.
+Grant access to salsa (?)
+Not sure if relevant (?)
+Navigate to ``rules/ues/proposed-migration.yaml``.
+A section should exist as follows:
+.. code-block::
+ - comment: "production proposed-migration, RT#82024"
+ from:
+ - services/ues/proposed-migration/relevant-service
+ to:
+ - external/debian/salsa
+ ports: [http, https, git]
+Allow connection to lxd images
+This is necessary for running tests on armhf, as we use lxc images for armhf.
+Navigate to ``rules/ues/proposed-migration.yaml``.
+A section should exist as follows:
+.. code-block::
+ - comment: "connection to lxc images"
+ from: [services/ues/proposed-migration/relevant-service]
+ to: [external/linuxcontainers/images]
+ ports: [https-alt]
+Allow communication with github API
+This is necessary for github webhook integration.
+Navigate to ``rules/ues/proposed-migration.yaml``.
+A section should exist as follows:
+.. code-block::
+ - comment: "allow blah to talk to github"
+ from:
+ - services/ues/proposed-migration/relevant-service
+ to:
+ - external/github/api
+ - external/github/git
+ - external/github/web
+ ports: [http, https, git]
+Setting up the proxy config
+This section also assumes the reader is familiar with the relevant repo.
+When adding things to files in this repo, please make sure any additions are at
+a point in the file which makes sense. If you're adding definitions relevant to
+proposed-migration, please, if applicable, group any additions with pre-existing
+config relating to proposed migration.
+Declare the subnet
+Navigate to ``squid.conf``.
+Add a line like so:
+.. code-block::
+ acl ues_proposed_migration_XX src XXX.XXX.XXX.0/24
+Allow communication with github
+To the same ``squid.conf`` file, add a line like so:
+.. code-block::
+ http_access allow ues_proposed_migration_XX github_api
+Allow communication with snapcraft
+Again, altering ``squid.conf``, add a line like so:
+.. code-block::
+ http_access allow ues_proposed_migration_XX parts_snapcraft_io