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[Merge] ~hyask/autopkgtest-cloud:skia/local_dev into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Skia has proposed merging ~hyask/autopkgtest-cloud:skia/local_dev into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~hyask/autopkgtest-cloud:skia/local_dev into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6a76737..0682011 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/webcontrol/publish-db b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/webcontrol/publish-db
index 76883bd..759cf13 100755
--- a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/webcontrol/publish-db
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/webcontrol/publish-db
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ def init_db(path, path_current, path_rw):
         logging.debug("Old current_versions copied over")
         current_version_copied = True
     except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
-        if "no such column: pocket" not in str(
+        if "no such table: current" in str(e):
+            logging.debug("current database is empty, nothing to copy")
+        elif "no such column: pocket" not in str(
         ) and "no such column: component" not in str(
diff --git a/docs/deploying.rst b/docs/deploying.rst
index 85d853f..ddad0f9 100644
--- a/docs/deploying.rst
+++ b/docs/deploying.rst
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ don't worry about messing it up. For that reason it's important to keep
 automated deployments working and eliminate the need for post-deploy manual
-testing wip changes
+Testing WIP changes
 The ``charm release`` command demonstrated above releases to the *stable*
@@ -226,5 +226,112 @@ merged into the main branch, you can release into *edge* with ``charm release
   $ mojo run
-under the staging user as usual to test your change. Staging tracks edge by
+Under the staging user as usual to test your change. Staging tracks edge by
+Deploying a local development environment
+An OpenStack environment
+*canonistack*, despite working enough to allow you to complete the deployment,
+probably won't really work and you'll have a lot of process choking on
+``openstack`` commands returning errors.
+`microstack <https://microstack.run/>`_ is currently a more viable option,
+albeit is doesn't provide ``swift`` storage yet. It is quick and easy to set
+up in a bridged VM if you don't want it running on your host or don't have an
+Ubuntu host available.
+Running this will allow you to fully understand everything and will help you get
+more comfortable with debugging infrastructure issues.
+For the following guide, we'll assume you have that environment RC file named
+Here are some quick tips if you go with your own *microstack*. Do that after you
+complete the official setup:
+  * You can use the `admin` user, but it is very much advised to use the `demo`
+    one instead, to avoid developing features with overprivileged user. Its
+    RC file should be created when you configure OpenStack under the name
+    ``demo-openrc``.
+  * Run ``sunbeam openrc`` to get the admin credentials.
+  * Make sure you have the correct route to OpenStack ``external-network`` on
+    your machine: ``sudo ip route add via $microstack_machine_ip``
+  * Run ``sunbeam dashboard-url`` to know where the admin web dashboard is.
+  * From admin dashboard:
+    * Activate DHCP on ``external-subnet`` (subnet of ``external-network``), so
+      that your instances easily get an IP.
+    * Make ``external-network`` public, so that it can be used by the `demo` user.
+    * Edit default security group to allow inbound SSH.
+    * Upload a first image usable by `autopkgtest-cloud` (name it something like
+      ``ubuntu-$release-daily-amd64-server-20231207-disk1.img``). You
+      can grab a ``$release-server-cloudimg-amd64.img`` file from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/
+    * Create a public flavor usable for `autopkgtest-cloud`. Default name is
+      ``cpu2-ram4-disk20``, configurable in ``mojo/service-bundle``, look for
+      ``worker-default-flavor``.
+**NOTE**: as of 2023-12, with `snap` `openstack` version `2023.1`, you may have
+issues when rebooting the machine it's running on. See `this Mattermost thread
+<https://chat.charmhub.io/charmhub/pl/xkcuak5wrin67mrxirxobc3cte>`_ for hints on
+how to debug that.
+swift storage
+*canonistack* can do if you have access to it, and it's the default *develop*
+configuration in ``mojo/service-bundle``, but any other environment should do.
+Once ``microstack`` support swift out of the box, you will be able to use that
+A ``juju`` cloud
+The OpenStack environment will not be used to run the ``autopkgtest-cloud`` code
+itself, as it is only for the cloud worker to use. The code will run locally on
+whatever ``juju`` cloud you set up with ``juju bootstrap``. A local LXD cloud
+is fine.
+Please note that on a local LXD cloud, you may run into some strange network issues.
+They may be `related to Docker + LXD <https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/network_bridge_firewalld/#prevent-connectivity-issues-with-lxd-and-docker>`_.
+Running autopkgtest-cloud
+The procedure is mostly the same as described in this whole page, except there
+are a few steps that can gain you some time:
+1. To set up the ``mojo`` environment, you have a ``mojorc`` file at the root of this repo that you can source and should work out of the box for a devel environment.
+2. Not every secrets are needed in local dev, so ``~/.local/share/mojo/LOCAL/autopkgtest-cloud/devel`` should only contain the following:
+  * ``devstack.rc`` for your OpenStack access
+  * ``influx-{hostname,password}.txt`` with dummy values, the files only need to exist
+  * ``novarcs.tar`` created as described in the *Supply secrets* section (``tar cvf novarcs.tar devstack.rc`` will do)
+  * ``swift_password`` with your OpenStack password found in your ``canonistack.rc`` (or any other ``swift`` password from another environment)
+3. Edit ``mojo/service-bundle`` for the following values, each time in the ``devel`` branch of the code:
+  * ``swift-username``
+  * ``swift-project-name``
+  * ``storage_path_internal``
+  * ``charm`` for `autopkgtest-cloud-worker`, `autopkgtest-lxd-worker`, and `autopkgtest-web` applications
+4. Build the local charms, as they are used in `devel` configuration by default:
+  * ``cd charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker && charmcraft clean && charmcraft pack``
+  * ``cd charms/focal/autopkgtest-web && charmcraft clean && charmcraft pack``
+5. ``mojo run`` should now be working enough to get you a local working web UI
diff --git a/mojo/service-bundle b/mojo/service-bundle
index ee90d2f..a44c740 100644
--- a/mojo/service-bundle
+++ b/mojo/service-bundle
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ description: "autopkgtest-cloud"
 series: {{ series }}
+{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
         charm: ubuntu-release-autopkgtest-cloud-worker
         channel: {{ channel }}
-{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
         num_units: 2
 {%- else %}
+        charm: XXX/path/to/autopkgtest-cloud-git-repo/XXX/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud-worker_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm
         num_units: 1
 {%- endif %}
         constraints: mem=16G cores=8 root-disk=40G
@@ -60,11 +61,14 @@ applications:
             swift-tenant: stg_proposed-migration_project
             swift-auth-version: 2
 {%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            swift-auth-url: XXX
-            swift-username: XXX
-            swift-region: XXX
+            influxdb-username: dev_proposed_migration
+            influxdb-context: devel
+            # Most Canonistack values can be found in your canonistack novarc file
+            swift-auth-url: https://keystone.bos01.canonistack.canonical.com:5000/v3
+            swift-username: XXX  # canonistack username
+            swift-region: canonistack-bos01
             swift-project-domain-name: default
-            swift-project-name: XXX
+            swift-project-name: XXX_project  # canonistack project
             swift-user-domain-name: default
             swift-auth-version: 3
 {%- endif %}
@@ -77,9 +81,7 @@ applications:
 {%- elif stage_name == "staging" %}
             net-name: net_stg-proposed-migration
 {%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            net-name: net_instances
-            mirror: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/
-            worker-args: ssh -s /CHECKOUTDIR//ssh-setup/nova -- --flavor $PACKAGESIZE --security-groups $SECGROUP --name adt-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-$PACKAGENAME-$TIMESTAMP-$HOSTNAME --image adt/ubuntu-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-server-.* --keyname testbed-/HOSTNAME/ --mirror=/MIRROR/
+            net-name: external-network
 {%- endif %}
 {%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
             mirror: http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/
@@ -87,6 +89,11 @@ applications:
             worker-big-flavor: autopkgtest-big
             worker-args: ssh -s /CHECKOUTDIR//ssh-setup/nova -- --flavor $PACKAGESIZE --security-groups $SECGROUP --name adt-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-$PACKAGENAME-$TIMESTAMP-$HOSTNAME --image adt/ubuntu-$RELEASE-$HOSTARCH-server --keyname testbed-/HOSTNAME/ --net-id=/NET_NAME/ -e TERM=linux -e 'http_proxy={{ http_proxy }}' -e 'https_proxy={{ https_proxy }}' -e 'no_proxy={{ no_proxy }}' --mirror=/MIRROR/
             worker-setup-command: /AUTOPKGTEST_CLOUD_DIR//worker-config-production/setup-canonical.sh
+{% elif stage_name == "devel" %}
+            mirror: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
+            worker-default-flavor: cpu2-ram4-disk20
+            worker-big-flavor: cpu4-ram8-disk50
+            worker-args: ssh -s /CHECKOUTDIR//ssh-setup/nova -- --flavor $PACKAGESIZE --security-groups $SECGROUP --name adt-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-$PACKAGENAME-$TIMESTAMP-$HOSTNAME --image adt/ubuntu-$RELEASE-$ARCHITECTURE-server-.* --keyname testbed-/HOSTNAME/ --mirror=/MIRROR/
 {% endif %}
 {%- if stage_name == "production" %}
             n-workers: |-
@@ -114,13 +121,18 @@ applications:
                   s390x: 1
 {%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
             n-workers: |-
-              bos01:
+              devstack:
+                  amd64: 1
                   arm64: 0
                   ppc64el: 0
 {%- endif %}
+{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
         charm: ubuntu-release-autopkgtest-cloud-worker
         channel: {{ channel }}
+{%- else %}
+        charm: XXX/path/to/autopkgtest-cloud-git-repo/XXX/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud-worker_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm
+{%- endif %}
         num_units: 1
         constraints: mem=16G cores=8 root-disk=40G
 {%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
@@ -173,8 +185,12 @@ applications:
             enable_modules: include cgi proxy proxy_http
             mpm_type: prefork
+{%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
         charm: ubuntu-release-autopkgtest-web
         channel: {{ channel }}
+{% else %}
+        charm: XXX/path/to/autopkgtest-cloud-git-repo/XXX/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/autopkgtest-web_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm
+{%- endif %}
             hostname: {{ hostname }}
 {%- if stage_name == "production" %}
@@ -184,8 +200,10 @@ applications:
             {%- set storage_host_internal = "objectstorage.prodstack5.canonical.com:443" %}
             {%- set storage_path_internal = "/swift/v1/AUTH_cc509e38c54f4edebda2fd17557309bb" %}
 {%- elif stage_name == "devel" %}
-            storage_host_internal: XXX
-            storage_path_internal: XXX
+            {# canonistack objectstorage URL, find this with `swift auth` #}
+            {%- set storage_host_internal = "swift-proxy.bos01.canonistack.canonical.com:8080" %}
+            {# canonistack swift path, find this with `swift auth` #}
+            {%- set storage_path_internal = "/v1/AUTH_0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" %}
 {%- endif %}
             storage-url-internal: https://{{ storage_host_internal }}{{ storage_path_internal }}
 {%- if stage_name == "production" or stage_name == "staging" %}
diff --git a/mojorc b/mojorc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc81516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojorc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This file will setup your environment for a local develop `mojo run`.
+# Please have a look at the "Deploying" documentation page to know how to use this file.
+base_dir="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"
+export MOJO_ROOT=~/.local/share/mojo
+export MOJO_SERIES=focal
+export MOJO_PROJECT=autopkgtest-cloud
+export MOJO_WORKSPACE=autopkgtest-cloud
+export MOJO_SPEC="$base_dir/mojo/"
+export MOJO_STAGE=devel
+mojo project-new $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES --container containerless
+mojo workspace-new --project $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES $MOJO_SPEC $MOJO_WORKSPACE