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Message #02774
[Merge] autopkgtest-cloud:no-haproxy-lxd into autopkgtest-cloud:master
Brian Murray has proposed merging autopkgtest-cloud:no-haproxy-lxd into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
Requested reviews:
Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)
For more details, see:
Looking at make-lxd-secgroup I saw a reference to haproxy-lxd-armhf which is an application which is no longer in use in the proposed-migration environment, so let's drop that and prevent the following error from appearing when calling the script directly or doing a mojo run.
prod-proposed-migration-environment@ubuntu-qa-bastion-ps5:~/autopkgtest-cloud$ mojo/make-lxd-secgroup
Nothing matched specified filter.
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot iterate over null (null)
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of autopkgtest-cloud:no-haproxy-lxd into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/mojo/make-lxd-secgroup b/mojo/make-lxd-secgroup
index 021ab84..fe75f56 100755
--- a/mojo/make-lxd-secgroup
+++ b/mojo/make-lxd-secgroup
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@ fi
. ~/.scalingstack/bos02-arm64.rc
LXD_IPS=$(juju status --format=json autopkgtest-lxd-worker | jq --monochrome-output --raw-output '.applications["autopkgtest-lxd-worker"].units | map(.["public-address"])[]')
-HAPROXY_IPS=$(juju status --format=json haproxy-lxd-armhf | jq --monochrome-output --raw-output '.applications["haproxy-lxd-armhf"].units | map(.["public-address"])[]')
if ! openstack security group rule list lxd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
openstack security group create --description "Let the LXD workers communicate with the LXD VMs" lxd
-for ip in ${LXD_IPS} ${HAPROXY_IPS}; do
+for ip in ${LXD_IPS}; do
openstack security group rule create lxd --protocol tcp --dst-port 8443:8443 --remote-ip "${ip}/32" 2>/dev/null || true # perhaps it already existed
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