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Message #03523
[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:reduce-retries into autopkgtest-cloud:master
Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:reduce-retries into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
Requested reviews:
Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)
For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:reduce-retries into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/worker/worker b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/worker/worker
index f1bbac5..9c4fc8d 100755
--- a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/worker/worker
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/worker/worker
@@ -1166,36 +1166,38 @@ def request(msg):
trigs = [
t.split("/", 1)[0] for t in params.get("triggers", [])
- fail_trigs = [
- j
- for i in [
- getglob(FAIL_PKG_STRINGS, trig, [])
- for trig in trigs
- ]
- for j in i
- ]
+ # fail_trigs = [
+ # j
+ # for i in [
+ # getglob(FAIL_PKG_STRINGS, trig, [])
+ # for trig in trigs
+ # ]
+ # for j in i
+ # ]
# Or if all-proposed, just give up and accept everything
- fail_all_proposed = [
- j for i in FAIL_PKG_STRINGS.values() for j in i
- ]
+ # fail_all_proposed = [
+ # j for i in FAIL_PKG_STRINGS.values() for j in i
+ # ]
+ # allowed_fail_strings = set(
+ # + getglob(FAIL_PKG_STRINGS, pkgname, [])
+ # + fail_trigs
+ # + (
+ # fail_all_proposed
+ # if "all-proposed" in params
+ # else []
+ # )
+ # ) - set(getglob(OK_PKG_STRINGS, pkgname, []))
+ # fails = [
+ # s for s in allowed_fail_strings if s in contents
+ # ] + [
+ # s for s in FAIL_STRINGS_REGEX if, contents)
+ # ]
+ fails = True
- allowed_fail_strings = set(
- + getglob(FAIL_PKG_STRINGS, pkgname, [])
- + fail_trigs
- + (
- fail_all_proposed
- if "all-proposed" in params
- else []
- )
- ) - set(getglob(OK_PKG_STRINGS, pkgname, []))
- fails = [
- s for s in allowed_fail_strings if s in contents
- ] + [
- s for s in FAIL_STRINGS_REGEX if, contents)
- ]
if fails:
num_failures += 1
@@ -1203,6 +1205,8 @@ def request(msg):
" and ".join(fails),
+ # This is already cowboy'd in prod.
+ retry = 3
"Testbed failure. %sLog follows:", retrying