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Message #03650
[Merge] autopkgtest-cloud:bos03-flavor into autopkgtest-cloud:master
Brian Murray has proposed merging autopkgtest-cloud:bos03-flavor into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
Requested reviews:
Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)
For more details, see:
IS wants to stop using non-descriptive flavor names like large or xlarge so m1.xlarge was never available in bos03 which we are using for lxd test runners.
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of autopkgtest-cloud:bos03-flavor into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/docs/lxd.rst b/docs/lxd.rst
index 54dd744..30c14a2 100644
--- a/docs/lxd.rst
+++ b/docs/lxd.rst
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To deploy a new node, after having sourced the cloud ``.rc`` file (``source ~/.s
$ IMAGE=$(openstack image list --format csv -c Name --quote none | grep auto-sync/ubuntu-focal-daily-arm64-server | tail -n1)
$ NET_ID=$(openstack network show net_prod-proposed-migration --format json | jq -r '."id"')
- $ openstack server create --image $IMAGE --flavor m1.xlarge --nic net-id=$NET_ID --key-name prod-proposed-migration-environment --security-group default --security-group lxd --user-data ~/autopkgtest-cloud/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/armhf-lxd.userdata -- lxd-armhfN
+ $ openstack server create --image $IMAGE --flavor autopkgtest-cpu8-ram16-disk160-arm64 --nic net-id=$NET_ID --key-name prod-proposed-migration-environment --security-group default --security-group lxd --user-data ~/autopkgtest-cloud/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/armhf-lxd.userdata -- lxd-armhfN
*Note*: on a new environment, you may need to:
* upload the `prod-proposed-migration-environment` SSH key with something like ``openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ prod-proposed-migration-environment``.