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[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:resize-docs into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:resize-docs into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:resize-docs into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/docs/administration.rst b/docs/administration.rst
index 3bc80b9..f908478 100644
--- a/docs/administration.rst
+++ b/docs/administration.rst
@@ -371,3 +371,51 @@ when you have lots of obsoleted packages, would be like so:
   for pkg in $packages; do for arch in amd64 arm64 s390x ppc64el armhf i386; do ./filter-amqp -v debci-huge-noble-$arch "$pkg\b"; done; done
 This way you can remove all the packages in one command on every architecture.
+Resizing /tmp partitions
+.. code-block::
+  # on the worker machine with the volume you intend to resize
+  chmod -x autopkgtest-cloud/worker/worker
+  sudo systemctl stop autopkgtest.target # ensure that you WAIT for all running jobs to finish, i.e. for the stop command to exit
+First check that this specific version of openstack is available via:
+.. code-block::
+  openstack --os-volume-api-version 3.42 volume list
+The command should not fail.
+To resize a volume:
+.. code-block::
+  # check the storage name
+  juju storage # shows all existing storage volumes (aside from root partitions)
+  # get the 'openstack' name for the volume
+  openstack volume list # $num from tmp/$num should be appended at the end of the volume name
+  # from the above command, get the id, and set it to a variable: VOLUME_ID
+  openstack --os-volume-api-version 3.42 volume set ${VOLUME_ID?} --size ${NEW_SIZE}
+  # this will begin the process of resizing the volume
+  # whilst this is happening, consider running this:
+  while true; do openstack volume show $VOLUME_ID; sleep 5; clear; done
+  # If the volume in question has been retyped (DEFAULT <-> ceph nvme), run the following (not necessary for volumes that haven't been retyped):
+  nova reboot $server_name
+  # where $server_name is the name of the server associated with the volume
+  # to check this:
+  juju storage # make note of the juju unit name associated with the storage you've resized
+  # then
+  openstack server list
+  # and get the server name of the server running the unit mentioned in juju storage
+  # after rebooting, run the following ON THE SERVER you've rebooted
+  lsblk # check that the disk size has increased
+  sudo growpart /dev/vdb 1
+  sudo resize2fs /dev/vdb1
+  lsblk # check that the disk size and partition sizes match

Follow ups