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[Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-manual-tests:desktop-netboot into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Chris Peterson has proposed merging ~cpete/ubuntu-manual-tests:desktop-netboot into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.

Commit message:
Add netboot test cases for Desktop amd64

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Testcase Admins (ubuntu-testcase)

For more details, see:

During the Noble release cycle it became apparent that the Server netboot cases do not cover all of the possible netboot regressions that might appear. As such, this adds test cases similar to 1734 and 1759 but for Desktop.

Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cpete/ubuntu-manual-tests:desktop-netboot into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
diff --git a/testcases/image/1819_PXE UEFI Netboot (Desktop live) b/testcases/image/1819_PXE UEFI Netboot (Desktop live)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33385a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/image/1819_PXE UEFI Netboot (Desktop live)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+The purpose of this testcase is to run netboot installation on amd64 machines
+with <b>UEFI</b> firmware using live images. You need an installed Ubuntu machine
+in the same network, configured with a static IP, which will be functioning as
+a PXE server with DHCP. This testcase includes instructions for setting up the
+PXE server with DHCPv4 via dnsmasq. You can find additional information and alternative
+methods of setting up DHCP at <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/PXE-IPv6";>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/PXE-IPv6</a>.
+    Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in
+    English.
+    <li>HOST is the IP address of the machine acting as the PXE server.</li>
+    <li>NETBOOT-URL is the compressed netboot artifacts archive, as listed in the
+    download links for the test case.</li>
+    <li>ISO-URL is the url for the installation ISO, as listed in the
+    download links for the test case.</li>
+    <li>INTERFACE is the relevant network interface on the PXE server.</li>
+    <li>STARTADDR and ENDADDR are the start and end points for dhcp addresses to
+    be handed out on this test network.  Choose appropriate values to match
+    the static network configuration of the PXE server, and see the manpage for
+    dnsmasq for more details.</li>
+<p>Install dnsmasq on the PXE server:</p>
+    <li>sudo apt install -y dnsmasq</li>
+<p>Configure the PXE server with DHCP and TFTP by modifying <i>/etc/dnsmasq.conf</i> with:</p>
+# Base DHCP and TFTP settings
+# PXE boot settings
+<p>Restart dnsmasq:</p>
+    <li>sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq.service</li>
+<p>Download and place the netboot artifacts:</p>
+    <li>sudo wget -O /tmp/netboot-artifacts.tar.gz NETBOOT-URL </li>
+    <li>sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp/</li>
+    <li>sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/netboot-artifacts.tar.gz -C /srv/tftp/</li>
+<p>Replace the kernel and initrd from the netboot artifacts with extracted
+versions from the Desktop ISO:</p>
+    <li>sudo wget -O /tmp/desktop-installer.iso ISO-URL </li>
+    <li>sudo mkdir -p /mnt/desktop-iso/</li>
+    <li>sudo mount /tmp/desktop-installer.iso /mnt/desktop-iso/</li>
+    <li>sudo cp /mnt/desktop-iso/casper/vmlinuz /srv/tftp/amd64/linux</li>
+    <li>sudo cp /mnt/desktop-iso/casper/initrd /srv/tftp/amd64/initrd</li>
+    <li>sudo umount /mnt/desktop-iso</li>
+<p>Update the grub configuration in the netboot directory to point to ISO-URL:</p>
+    <li>sudo sed -i -e 's?iso-url=[^ ]*?iso-url=ISO_URL?' /srv/tftp/amd64/grub/grub.cfg</li>
+Power on the test machine and ensure that it boots from the network device.
+Complete the installation, using the provided defaults where possible.
+Reboot the machine and ensure that you can log into the system with the username
+and password you provided.
+<strong>If you finish the installation, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+    If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
diff --git a/testcases/image/1820_PXE BIOS Netboot (Desktop live) b/testcases/image/1820_PXE BIOS Netboot (Desktop live)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9ca44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/image/1820_PXE BIOS Netboot (Desktop live)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+The purpose of this testcase is to run netboot installation on amd64 machines
+with <b>BIOS</b> firmware using live images. You need an installed Ubuntu machine
+in the same network, configured with a static IP, which will be functioning as
+a PXE server with DHCP. This testcase includes instructions for setting up the
+PXE server with DHCPv4 via dnsmasq. You can find additional information and alternative
+methods of setting up DHCP at <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/PXE-IPv6";>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/PXE-IPv6</a>.
+    Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in
+    English.
+    <li>HOST is the IP address of the machine acting as the PXE server.</li>
+    <li>NETBOOT-URL is the compressed netboot artifacts archive, as listed in the
+    download links for the test case.</li>
+    <li>ISO-URL is the url for the installation ISO, as listed in the
+    download links for the test case.</li>
+    <li>INTERFACE is the relevant network interface on the PXE server.</li>
+    <li>STARTADDR and ENDADDR are the start and end points for dhcp addresses to
+    be handed out on this test network.  Choose appropriate values to match
+    the static network configuration of the PXE server, and see the manpage for
+    dnsmasq for more details.</li>
+<p>Install dnsmasq on the PXE server:</p>
+    <li>sudo apt install -y dnsmasq</li>
+<p>Configure the PXE server with DHCP and TFTP by modifying <i>/etc/dnsmasq.conf</i> with:</p>
+# Base DHCP and TFTP settings
+# PXE boot settings
+<p>Restart dnsmasq:</p>
+    <li>sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq.service</li>
+<p>Download and place the netboot artifacts:</p>
+    <li>sudo wget -O /tmp/netboot-artifacts.tar.gz NETBOOT-URL </li>
+    <li>sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp/</li>
+    <li>sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/netboot-artifacts.tar.gz -C /srv/tftp/</li>
+<p>Replace the kernel and initrd from the netboot artifacts with extracted
+versions from the Desktop ISO:</p>
+    <li>sudo wget -O /tmp/desktop-installer.iso ISO-URL </li>
+    <li>sudo mkdir -p /mnt/desktop-iso/</li>
+    <li>sudo mount /tmp/desktop-installer.iso /mnt/desktop-iso/</li>
+    <li>sudo cp /mnt/desktop-iso/casper/vmlinuz /srv/tftp/amd64/linux</li>
+    <li>sudo cp /mnt/desktop-iso/casper/initrd /srv/tftp/amd64/initrd</li>
+    <li>sudo umount /mnt/desktop-iso</li>
+<p>Update the pxelinux configuration in the netboot directory to point to ISO-URL:</p>
+    <li>sudo sed -i -e 's?iso-url=[^ ]*?iso-url=ISO_URL?' /srv/tftp/amd64/pxelinux.cfg/default</li>
+Power on the test machine and ensure that it boots from the network device.
+Complete the installation, using the provided defaults where possible.
+Reboot the machine and ensure that you can log into the system with the username
+and password you provided.
+<strong>If you finish the installation, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+    If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>

Follow ups