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Message #04546
[Merge] ~andersson123/qa-jenkins-jobs:add-zapper-jobs into qa-jenkins-jobs:master
The proposal to merge ~andersson123/qa-jenkins-jobs:add-zapper-jobs into qa-jenkins-jobs:master has been updated.
Commit message changed to:
add initial jenkins job for end to end testing from venonat to hardware in taipei lab
This commit adds the job template for the hardware installer tests,
which are to be run on machines in the lab in Taipei.
However, for now, this is restricted to one test case, the end-to-end
test, and also restricted to one release.
This is so we can simply test the test case, and ensure that the
automation required for running the full suite of installer tests on
machines in the Taipei lab is ready to go.
Soon, this new jobs.yaml file will be updated with a plethora of test
cases, and we'll start running a full suite of installer tests on a
matrix of machines in the lab.
For more details, see:
Your team Canonical Platform QA Team is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andersson123/qa-jenkins-jobs:add-zapper-jobs into qa-jenkins-jobs:master.