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Message #04630
[Merge] lp:~easy-ufal/ubuntu-manual-tests/improve-1473 into lp:ubuntu-manual-tests
Engineering and Systems Software Research Group - UFAL has proposed merging lp:~easy-ufal/ubuntu-manual-tests/improve-1473 into lp:ubuntu-manual-tests.
Requested reviews:
Ubuntu Testcase Admins (ubuntu-testcase)
For more details, see:
The goal of this merge request is to improve test cases by identifying and removing test smells. The term test smell is often used in automated tests but current research has demonstrated that they also exist in natural language test cases. Potential problems they can cause are non-deterministic behavior, incomplete verification, poor maintainability, and loss of productivity.
In this merge request, we address the Misplaced Precondition smell, which is a condition erroneously placed as part of the test actions instead of being treated as an independent precondition.
Instead of focusing on verifying a specific system behavior, the test ends up becoming a confusing mix of preconditions and actions, obscuring the real intent of the test and making it harder to determine its effectiveness. The presence of such smell could lead some testers to fail a test that should not be executed in the first place, which results in non-deterministic behavior.
To remove the Misplaced Precondition smell, the conditions, wrongly placed as action, were extracted and moved to a dedicated field, before the `<dt></dt>` tag and enclosed in the `<em></em>` tag.
Manoel Aranda, et Al. "A Catalog of Transformations to Remove Test Smells in Natural Language Tests." 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2024).
Elvys Soares, et Al. "Manual Tests Do Smell! Cataloging and Identifying Natural Language Test Smells." 17th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2023).
Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~easy-ufal/ubuntu-manual-tests/improve-1473 into lp:ubuntu-manual-tests.
=== modified file 'testcases/hardware/1473_Recording Internal Microphone'
--- testcases/hardware/1473_Recording Internal Microphone 2013-06-13 21:13:50 +0000
+++ testcases/hardware/1473_Recording Internal Microphone 2024-07-05 19:01:34 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
Tests FAMILY's ability to use an internal microphone.
+ To perform this test ensure that:
+ <ul>
+ <li>No external microphones are connected to the computer.</li>
+ <li>The Input volume of the microphone, on the Input tab, is set to an appropriate level and is not muted.</li>
+ </ul>
- <dt>Check that no external microphones are connected to the computer.</dt>
<dt>Right click on the Volume Control icon on the right side of the top panel</dt>
<dt>Open Sound Preferences or Sound Setting.</dt>
- <dt>Go to the Input tab and ensure that the Input volume of the microphone is set to an appropriate level and is not muted.</dt>
<dt>Press the Super (Windows) Key or click on the Ubuntu logo on the unity panel, and search Sound Recorder.</dt>
<dt>Click the Record button (the red circle).</dt>
<dt>Talk briefly into the microphone.</dt>